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Winnipeg, Manitoba - Testing Grounds?

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posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 11:11 AM
So Winnipeg, Manitoba keeps making headlines in regards to swine flu over the past few months. Last week there was controversy about body bags being sent to the First Nations here.

Yesterday the media is reporting that Winnipeg is going to be a regional testing ground using seasonal flu vaccines to gauge response.

Three-day flu clinics planned for Winnipeg

Accelerated program for seasonal flu will test swine flu response

Winnipeg health officials are changing the way they vaccinate people against seasonal flu.

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) said Tuesday it will hold large flu clinics over a period of three days in October instead of spreading out its flu-shot program over several weeks.

The WRHA wants to immunize 24,000 people over the three days, the agency said in a statement.

The agency said it's using the clinics for seasonal flu as a test run to gauge the region's ability to respond to the expected resurgence of swine flu.

But then today there is this article on CBC stating Seasonal flu shots are on hold.

Seasonal flu shots 'on hold' for now: officials

[edit on 23-9-2009 by ZombieSlayer]

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 11:17 AM
Here's another article posted today from Winnipeg's local newspaper.

Three-day flu vaccine blitz a WRHA test run for H1N1

WINNIPEG — CALL it a mass immunization dress rehearsal.

Next month, the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority will launch a three-day, seasonal flu shot blitz to test its ability to handle the second wave of H1N1 flu.

From Oct. 14 to 16, the WRHA will offer immunizations at 36 clinics in a dozen locations across Winnipeg. The clinics will operate from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

The goal is to immunize 24,000 people, Dr. Sande Harlos, WRHA medical officer of health, said Tuesday.

Normally, seasonal flu vaccinations are offered at 200 community clinics over a five- or six-week period. Those clinics typically draw 20,000 people, Harlos said.

"This year we're ready for a little bit more," she said. "We're trying to continue business as usual with seasonal influenza so we don't have people unprotected for other influenza viruses."

Harlos said the restructured immunization campaign is not only the usual annual pre-emptive strike against seasonal flu, it will be a "learning experience" for the WRHA to gauge how well it can deal with an H1N1 pandemic and ramp up services if necessary.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 12:01 PM
Lots of pig farms in Manitoba.

One of the primary testing facilities is in Winnipeg.

Not a lot of people, but a fairly good cross section of the essential common types of people in the body politic. Urban, slightly socialist, conservative socially, largely religious, a small immigrant population, lots of natives, only two main but smallish urban centers.

Seems like a good place to test to me.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 04:56 PM
It would appear that the seasonal vaccine may put you at a higher risk of getting H1N1 fllu. The province of Ontario is considering putting the seasonal vaccine on hold.

They are thinking that if you received the seasonal flu vaccine last year than you could be at a higher risk of catching H1N1 this year. I have never taken a flu vaccine, I rely on my immune system which seems to be doing quite well on it's own however my elderly parents and handicapped brother get the shot every year as they are "high risk". Maybe the damn seasonal flu shots were just to make sure that the H1N1 got to the right people.

Ok, I may be a little paranoid...too much ATS maybe, seeing conspiracies everywhere but I am anxious to see what this study turns up.

Global News

[edit on 24-9-2009 by adnil]

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