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VIDEO - Evidence of explosions at WTC complex

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posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:30 PM
This video is a small compilation of loud explosions caught on tape at the World Trade Center Complex on 911.

Debunkers like to claim that the sounds of explosions were jet fighters breaking the sound barrier or things falling. Sigh.

[edit on 22-9-2009 by CaptainAmerica2012]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:41 PM
I recently made a (very poor 1st attempt) thread regarding WTC6 and WTC5, there is so much evidence here it hurts, a photo of WTC6 before any collapses with a huge hole in it, reports of explosions just after WTC2 the South Tower was hit, some very hot things with smoke trails clearly seen exiting the North face of WTC2, and the photographs after, and this has to be the best appliance of Bush Science/NIST Theorycrafting I have seen to date, wait for it.. Okay here it comes....

`The gaping crater that is seen in WTC6 that has destroyed 8 storeys above ground and two storeys below, was caused by the debris from the twins collapsing`.

So let me get this straight.......

1). We have enough debris to decimate 10 storeys of a building.

2). We also have the debris from these 10 storeys.

3). We have an otherwise empty crater.

4). WTF happened to the collapse debris that caused this and the 10 storeys debris?, lmfao.

It really does beggar belief, don`t it ?

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:44 PM
I'm sold. Sounds like explosions to me! Why do so many people deny this?

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 09:55 PM
The lack of replies is a good indicator of some pretty damning evidence.

The rule of thumb is if you cant argue or debunk....


posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Seventh

Number 4, is the best question ,that i have ever read, in any 9/11 discussion,

The answers, to explain that question, should truly be entertaining .

Thank you for asking that question.

I truly cant think of one thing, at all , that could ever truly answer , that question, without some kind of extra energy source ,involved in the answer .

edit to add.

Great! video, OP/ Cap.A

[edit on 22-9-2009 by lycopersicum]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Seventh

I truly love where your head is , when you are looking at 9/11 stuff .

You seem to have great integrity .

Please ! keep up the, great great , perspective you bring to us .

Have you looked at , Kurt Sonnenfelds,pictures ?

He is an F.E.M.A. photographer .

Would love to see/hear your analysis,of his photos/slide show.


posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 01:51 AM
We keep bringing the evidence, and they keep coming up with excuses.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Chovy
I'm sold. Sounds like explosions to me! Why do so many people deny this?

Nobody is denying that things "like explosions" may have been heard, they are, however, able to consider the common logic that things other than explosives may make sounds "like explosions".

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Chovy
I'm sold. Sounds like explosions to me! Why do so many people deny this?

(sigh) and these damned fool conspiracy web sites claim another victim...noone, but noone, but noone, is denying there were explosions. Witnesses heard explosions. First responders heard explosions. News reporters heard explosions. We ven heard explosions during the broadcasts. So, yes, there were explosions.

The debate is over whether these explosions were actually explosives, or the thousands of flammable items that would naturally go BOOM when on fire- electrical transformers, pressurized pipes, fire extinguishers, etc. They had an episode on Mythbusters on exploding fire extinguishers, not too long ago. Fire extinguishers are pressurized to some 800 PSI and yes, they go BOOM when put in a fire. They found they explode with the same force as a stick of dynamite.

Besides, the fact that the explosions occurred *before* the collapse means the explosions played no part in the demolition, particularly if you're claimign they were controlled demolitions. CDs are set off in a coordinated sequence so the towers would have fallen at that very moment they were heard, not a half hour later. The randomness of the explosions says right away they were flammable objects exploding as the fires reached them in turn.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
The debate is over whether these explosions were actually explosives, or the thousands of flammable items that would naturally go BOOM when on fire- electrical transformers, pressurized pipes, fire extinguishers, etc. They had an episode on Mythbusters on exploding fire extinguishers, not too long ago. Fire extinguishers are pressurized to some 800 PSI and yes, they go BOOM when put in a fire. They found they explode with the same force as a stick of dynamite.

I wonder why NIST never considered these exploding fire extinguishers in their analysis of the collapses? If one fire extinguisher has the same force as a stick of dynamite, then wouldn't it do some damage to the steel after it explodes?

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