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Intuitive feelings and images regarding near future.

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posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 06:35 AM
Hello dear readers,

In June I was accepted to study music composition at a renown university in Germany. Lessons start the following week and I can't wait for that since music has always been my passion and to become a composer my dream and in my mind my way to be of service and contribute to this planet. Even though I feel so fortunate to have been accepted, there is an intense feeling inside me that borders on certainty that I won't complete my studies which normally should last 5 years. That's not because I'll choose not to complete them, but rather because of events that will occur on the planet and will render it impossible since we will all strive to satisfy more basic needs. This intuitive feeling is accompanied with images of myself being alone on a deserted landscape where I have the "memories" of a catastrophe, looking at the sunset and suprisingly feeling calm and hopeful, not afraid of what is to come.

I am wondering whether this could be any real? Images like the one I described above I have been seeing since I was very young. I would see again myself on a deserted landscape with the sun again setting, but I would see myself not standing and watching the sunset, but rather walking across a straight road with a mountain being on the horizon. Now I see myself on the top of a mountain staring at the sun as it sets. Those images even when I was young and would see them had a tremendous feeling of future importance which even now I cannot explain. And the most strange thing is that I would always see myself being grown up in my mid to late twenties or so even when I was young and would have those images in my mind. By the way, on 09/18 I turned 23...

Could this have a psychological explanation or is it indeed something intuitive of events that are to occur?

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 06:45 AM
Actually I had quite a similar experience a few months back. I saw myself a few years from now, with similar memories of a past catastrophy, but happier than I'd been my entire life. It was accompanied by a very strange feeling, an emotion I'd never felt before, yet it stirred up a lot of memories from my very early years, pre-school. The only way I've been able to put it into words is that it was a feeling of absolute certainty that no harm could come to me.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 08:37 AM
you are not alone alexander. i went back to college a while back, but something in the back of my mind lets me know that i will not make the 5 years that it will take to become a lawyer. this week alone i had 3 dreams all of them very bad. all were about bombs being dropped around buildings that are around my area. and in all of the dreams one or more of the people i care about died. would explain more, but i dont have the time right now. all i know is this, my heart and intuition are on over drive right now! lol and its not because of the television as its been unplugged for a while now

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 08:47 AM
I think that perhaps the television being unplugged might be part of it, it allows your brain to go places you want it to, rather than the prescheduled places the television sends it.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by tatersalad

i havnt had any dreams like this but i have been feeling a sense of something very bad about to happen, not a feeling that im going to be harmed but a feeling like something big is going to happen that will change the way i live and everyone else....almost like a feeling of impending doom for my fellow peoples....almost made me sick the other day

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 08:54 AM
Thank you both for your replies. It does seem indeed that I am not alone in feeling so.

I was just contemplating on the meaning the images I see might have and it just dawned to me that many of the elements of the images might be symbolic. For example the mountain might symbolise the catastrophe and the difficult times that are to come while the road the time span till these events will occur. The sunset might be symbolic signifying the end of something and the beginning of something new and perhaps what I am staring at when I see myself on the top of the mountain might not be a sunset, but a sunrise, the new beginning after the catastrophe has occured...!

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by chrisd250

Indeed Chris. Something that will change the way we all are used to live...

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 09:17 AM
ive had these feelings just starting a 3 year degree and for some reason i feel like something big is going to happen which means either i wont finish the degree or theres going to be a drastic change in my life.
it could just be something everybody feels when thinking about the future or it could mean i feel somewhat intimidated of the thought of the hard work which will be involved or it could be intuition of something major occuring.either way ive never felt like this before. I guess it could just be too much time on ATS! but tis strange..

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 09:29 AM
Hi OP,

I too have been having many dreams and visions of flying over water - lots and lots of water.

I've been aware of the earth changes predictions for about 5 years now, so I've had time to mentally prepare myself for that possibility. But I also have three children, one is planning to go to college next year.

I can't find it in myself to tell my children about the predictions because what would it serve to have them live in fear? What if nothing happened after all?

When they heard about the 2012 movie coming, one said she absolutely does not want to see it because it was too scary.

So... my predicament is: should they be allowed to mentally prepare for the possibility as I have done, OR should I let them live there lives as normal as possible in unaware bliss?

I have chose the later because, as I have said, maybe nothing will happen. Though, my intuition is telling me otherwise.

You're an adult now, OP. But even so, it may be best to continue on with your education as if nothing were going to happen. Because, in reallity, even if something does happen, it may not look like anything we imagined.

Good luck.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by Violet Sky

Yes, I will definitely continue with my studies, Violet Sky. I think it is imperative for me to do so. I have also started studying philosophy on my own and I also want to start reading psychology. I feel someone or something is guiding me to develop myself intellectually and spiritually so that I will be better prepared when something big occurs and be able to be of help to myself and others. Thank you for your concern and your advice. I wish all the best to you and your children.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Violet Sky

"my predicament is: should they be allowed to mentally prepare for the possibility as I have done, OR should I let them live there lives as normal as possible in unaware bliss?

I have chose the later because, as I have said, maybe nothing will happen. Though, my intuition is telling me otherwise."

wise words.....

I have also struggled with that one....

To the OP, wish I had seen this thread sooner. I am in a similar predicament,
I am starting my MA in social work tomorrow. I have been working towards being a qualified social worker for years now. Even before and after my degree I thought what was the point, as I felt I was never going to reach the end for some reason anyway, which kind of put me off from doing the next step my MA.

Well, I am now starting my MA which is only two years, but I still have that feeling I had while doing my degree...doh

Does that feeling mean anything? I don't know.... I think you have to still work towards your dreams/goals, regardless of the feelings.

"I feel someone or something is guiding me to develop myself intellectually and spiritually so that I will be better prepared when something big occurs"... exactly the conclusion I came to about my situation.... Good luck

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 06:02 PM
This could be a clip of a memory from a past life which has taken on some importance in this life. Its possible its a vision of the future, but its also possible that the vision is merely understood in the future rather than being of the future itself, or that through events in the future the vision will open more completely and you'll get a better picture/sense of what it really is.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by slinkey10

To the OP, wish I had seen this thread sooner. I am in a similar predicament, I am starting my MA in social work tomorrow. I have been working towards being a qualified social worker for years now. Even before and after my degree I thought what was the point, as I felt I was never going to reach the end for some reason anyway, which kind of put me off from doing the next step my MA.

Well, I am now starting my MA which is only two years, but I still have that feeling I had while doing my degree...doh

Does that feeling mean anything? I don't know.... I think you have to still work towards your dreams/goals, regardless of the feelings.

Even if something happens, life won't end, therefore anything we do and learn to improve our lives and ourselves now should be valuable in difficult times.

reply to post by Seventhdoor

This could be a clip of a memory from a past life which has taken on some importance in this life. Its possible its a vision of the future, but its also possible that the vision is merely understood in the future rather than being of the future itself, or that through events in the future the vision will open more completely and you'll get a better picture/sense of what it really is.

My intuition tells me it's from the future. The same intuitive feelings I had also when I was young and would see this images. I always thought: "Why am I seeing this and why do I feel it helds so much importance?". Also everytime I happen to be or drive through quite and remote places resembling the images I have the same mystical feeling...

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 10:42 AM
A few months ago on two different occasions a few weeks apart I saw flashes of events that gave me a dreadful fear within myself.

I saw huge Earthquakes (two) in first flash the epicenter was just off the coast of Brazil (which isn't known for earthquakes are far as I can see) it was huge and connected to another huge quake but just smaller then the first going out past the Atlantic Ridge.

A few weeks later I saw the flash of the biggest quake in recorded history covering the entire hump of Africa out toward the Ridge. Tsunami's all the way up the East Coast of the USA many lives lost and land changes afterwards.

"Same time" Volcano's erupting in the West causing Tsumani's changing many lands and much lose of life by floods and radio active Volcanic eruptions.

As bad as it is it is not extinction for the peoples because our families from elsewhere are here and going to do all they can do to help save lives in there way without total interference.

This is why I observe all I can dealing with earthquakes and volcanoes. People need to observe UFO's activity near these areas they tend to monitor everything.

There isn't anything you can do, I believe you know within yourself you are being prepared to help when the time comes and it's coming, I have been sent here to help bring in the New Beginning and I believe you know you are learning for your new role in Peace, Health, Happiness.

I will bring in Health when the time comes.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 07:47 PM
I was talking to my twenty year old nephew the other day, and he repeated almost exactly what you guys are saying here, and said all his friends feel the same way.

Would it help at all, to tell you that when my friends and I were your age we used to say "we'll never live to be thirty". ?? We said it all the time, and we believed it. I remember telling my uncle, an attorney, how I felt, and he immediately told me he'd felt the same way when he was in law school. None of us knew the reason, but we all believed it, and of course we were mistaken. Well, most of us.

I know things are different now. There is some kind of pending doom afoot that many of us feel/sense. It will eventually play out, of course, but maybe not in your lifetime. Put it on the back burner, live your lives, finish school, and have tons and tons of fun along the way. Resist the urge to give in to an attitude of futility and existentialism.

What else can you do?

[edit on 9/26/0909 by ladyinwaiting]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by tatersalad

Holy crap. Your post is exactly what I've been saying to my family. I started school to become a lawyer. I'm at least 4 years away from completing that goal. My mission, on this earth since I was a child was making sure there was justice. Everything I've done was sticking up for people that needed help and nobody would help them because of social stigmas they would get for helping them.

Anyhow, I've been telling my family that for some reason I don't think I need to go to law school to be an attorney. I told them my gut feeling is that I will be an attorney without going to law school. They think I'm nuts lol...then I run across this thread.

I don't think it's doom and gloom though that is coming. You see if our society falls apart institutions will not be trusted. It doesn't mean that there won't be some form of government of collective people looking out for each others needs. I have this feeling that I'm just buying time in college, because it won't be needed to prove you have the ability to do something here very shortly. All will know who is passionate about justice once the system collapses and those that were in it for money will go their own way.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

Ladyinwaiting, I think a healthy attitude is to live in the present which I am trying to do. Many of the decisions that I take however, feel like bearing future importance and along with the images it does create a strange impression in my mind. Furthermore, in my everyday life I don't really think about it because there are other, much more "tangible" things to worry about. Again, however, this feeling that I am being prepared for something is often in the back of my mind...

reply to post by ExPostFacto

I don't feel it's doom and gloom either - at least not ultimately. To me it feels like the beginning of cleansing and restructuring of society and life in general.

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