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21-09-09 Mexico Recommending Redoxon With Good Results, But Only Carried In Upscale Pharmacies In US

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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:07 PM

I'm sitting down here in Central America. My neighbor, his wife, children, uncles, and well just about everyone have, or had the Swine Flu. kinda like that ole' politically incorrect saying about Latinos always doing things together; kinda like ganging up on You in a fight
Well, I guess they all do the Swine Flu together as well.

Any ways I went to the doctor today for hopes of a preventative medicine. I learned several things while there. I was really shocked to learn that there have been over 4,000 reported cases of mutated Swine Flu in Mexico so far; I had no knowledge, or concern.

He recommended to me a drug; which is more a vitamin than anything called Redoxon. It is covered fairly well on Wikipedia; believe it

Redoxon is the brand name of the first artificially synthesised Vitamin C to be sold to the public. Initially Redoxon was a property of Roche Pharmaceuticals, in both chewable tablet form and effervescent tablet form. Roche (and now Bayer) markets Redoxon in effervescent tablets in Pharmacies throughout the world. However for unknown reasons this product is difficult to find in the USA outside of high-end pharmacies, which is surprising considering the enormousness of the (potential) US market for antioxidants. Roche Pharmaceuticals has sold out the Redoxon Brand to Bayer AG world wide. Inquiries to Roche and (more recently) Bayer, as to why this product is not available in the USA, go unanswered. It should be noted that under Bayer's control, Redoxon acquired aspartame on its list of ingredients. Redoxon consists of 1000 mgs of Vitamin C

I have never seen it in the States AT ALL, but it's all over these countries here. I have used it before as a precautionary on my own accord, but had no clue it was officially being pushed by the Mexican Minister of Health for the Swine Flu. My doctor said it is working with excellent results for mutated strain; which is causing upper respiratory infections/problems. He said so far the mutated Swine Flu is behaving no worse than the seasonal flu..................... I might add that it is Flu season here, and in many parts of Central America; as it is the rainy season through many parts.

I've got a couple pictures for You. One is the picture of the prescription, or in Spanish it is called a recete. It isn't necessary here, but they give them any ways when You go to the doctor. The Redoxon is out on the regular shelves at Walmart, or any of the grocery stores.

Also, I didn't feel like going to Wal mart, or any big store; so I just got the generic equivalent at Farmacia Similaries. They carry all the regular medicines, but in the generic form. The cost for the generic form was one US Dollar. The boxes in the picture are for one dosage. Meaning the recete calls for taking 1 gram tablet in water everyday for 10 days. The doctor recommended should You currently have the flu, or have been exposed to start the treatment.

Also, this contains aspartame which I'm not thrilled with, but the recommendation is not putting You on it for life. I looked up bayer, and a bunch of others; aspartame is commonly put into their daily vitamins...........

Even though I don't like that; again with over 4,000 confirmed cases of mutated Swine Flu, the doctor said that this is keeping it at bay, or at normal flu levels.

It should make all wonder, should the Swine Flu become an absolute killer Pandemic in the States. Why has it not, or isn't creating havoc where it started, or already has mutated? Also, why is this Redoxon hard to come by in the States?



Edit: I know it's vitamin C, but the delivery form is apparently the very effective part. The Effervescent form of delivery is the key in this stuff working well on the flu here. I've encouraged Friends, and Family in the States to get it, and they've reported back difficulty in finding Effervescent tablets.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:20 PM
However for unknown reasons this product is difficult to find in the USA outside of high-end pharmacies, which is surprising considering the enormousness of the (potential) US market for antioxidants. Inquiries to Roche and (more recently) Bayer, as to why this product is not available in the USA, go unanswered

Why would they not sell it all over the states and then not answer when questioned about it???

[edit on 21-9-2009 by Sundancer]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:26 PM
I don't understand why an artificially synthesized version of Vitamin C with the added exitotoxin Aspartame is better for you than taking the same dosage of natural Vitamin C. What is the alleged benefit of Redoxon? I'd steer clear of anything with Aspartame in it.

I take 500-1000 mg of Vitamin C per day, and also Olive Leaf Extract which is a much more powerful antioxidant than Vitamin C.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:58 PM
The difference is probably the delivery method. They're using it here and it is working.

We heard about this where we are also, but I never looked up any info on the stuff especially since it was working so well. I thought about posting it to ATS but didn't for obvious reasons
Some times people don't listen till it's to late.

Great post

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Orion65

I understand what Your saying, and I don't have ANY answers for You.

What I do know is that real "natural" vitamin C is found in many fruits, and this area is loaded with all sorts of wonderful sources of "Natural" Vitamin C.

Heck, Mexico even subsidizes produce several times a year where anyone can leave the grocery store with several bags of veggies, fruits, nuts, and even meat for under 50 pesos.. They do this about every 2 months.

Soooo, considering all of the above, and the fact redoxon isn't readily available in the US, but is very readily available here for cheap, I think the stuff is fairly good.

Each to their own, but considering the availability of natural vitamin C here, and the govt. recommending something like redoxon, but it isn't very available in the States???????????? What do You think, the US Govt, along with the drug companies are for once looking out for the American People

Edit: I could care less what anyone thinks of this thread, or my opinion. I've got my arse in gear, and will survive anything coming. I will help as many as I can, but make no mistake about it; I'll shoot the rest

I simply posted this because it is what is working, and being recommended down south....the supposed source of the Swine Flu; so should anyone disagree, or want silly arguments...........BITE ME

[edit on 21-9-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

If it is indeed something that works, that's great -- I haven't heard anything about it here in the States. I'm all for researching vitamins or remedies to help prevent or lessen the severity of the flu. From what I've read Vitamin D3 in doses of 6000 to 8000 IU is another good preventative measure.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by Orion65

What they're telling us here, is that if you've been exposed to, or think you have the flu, to start taking the Redoxon so that it won't turn into an upper respiratory problem. So far it's been working well.

What I find odd is that Bayer won't sell the product in the states except in wealthier areas and won't answer questions as to why not when there is such a demand for these types of products.

It's almost like a Katrina thing, hurricane in a wealthy area the government will help. Hurricane in a poor area, let them die.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by Orion65

I believe Your correct that vitamin D helps tremendously. Actually I don't know too much about viruses. All I am doing is relaying what they are effectively using here.

When I went online to look for it in the States, and to recommend it to Friends, and Family, the availability of it just wasn't very good.

People I recommended it to cannot find it, and after reading online that it's not readily available....... It just makes me question why is all.

I am always up for, and a strong supporter for natural remedies

Again, I am only relaying to ATS a first hand account of what is effectively working in ground zero.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 12:25 AM
My perscription for myself that I am currently taking (NB: I am ancient. You younger folk (anyone under 60) need not follow such massive doses I suppose, and you really need to work out what is going to work for yourself):

Vitamin D3 (5000-20,000 I.U.) twice a day
Olive Leaf Extract
Sub-lingual B12 (and I have benefitted from B12 shots)
Oregano Oil in various forms
Vitamin C in an ester (not just on the label) 1000mg 6 x daily (yep, you read that correctly)

And I also have MMS and colloidal silver on hand. And because I am older than dirt I take a form of gold that keeps arthritis at bay and has other health benefits.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Sundancer
reply to post by Orion65

What they're telling us here, is that if you've been exposed to, or think you have the flu, to start taking the Redoxon so that it won't turn into an upper respiratory problem. So far it's been working well.

What I find odd is that Bayer won't sell the product in the states except in wealthier areas and won't answer questions as to why not when there is such a demand for these types of products.

It's almost like a Katrina thing, hurricane in a wealthy area the government will help. Hurricane in a poor area, let them die.

I hope anyone using Redoxon will keep us updated as to how well it works. Foods and vitamins that encourage and improve a healthy immune system are tremendously helpful in any flu situation.

I found this information on it from an online Canadian pharmacy:

My question is - how does Redoxin differ in effectiveness from effervescent Vitamin C that is not artificially synthesized? I'm trying to figure out if the artificial part has some significance.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 12:41 AM

Redoxon consists of 1000 mgs of Vitamin C (op's wiki source)

Also: Redoxon

It looks like it's pretty similar to emergen-c

Perhaps someone with better knowledge than me can explain the difference if any.

[edit on 22 Sep 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Pellevoisin
My perscription for myself that I am currently taking (NB: I am ancient. You younger folk (anyone under 60) need not follow such massive doses I suppose, and you really need to work out what is going to work for yourself):

Vitamin D3 (5000-20,000 I.U.) twice a day
Olive Leaf Extract
Sub-lingual B12 (and I have benefitted from B12 shots)
Oregano Oil in various forms
Vitamin C in an ester (not just on the label) 1000mg 6 x daily (yep, you read that correctly)

And I also have MMS and colloidal silver on hand. And because I am older than dirt I take a form of gold that keeps arthritis at bay and has other health benefits.

You're taking many of the same things I take, with the exception of colloidal silver and MMS, I haven't tried those yet. Olive Leaf is probably the hands down best microbe buster and antioxidant I've found. I also take zinc, salmon oil and kelp capsules and and a one-a-day type vitamin. Garlic pills are supposed to be good. I've been hearing a lot about chlorella.

My concern with the Bayer company is: "Another example of the less sterling integrity of Big Pharma is the case of Bayer, who sold millions of dollars worth of an injectable blood-clotting medicine to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries in the mid-1980s, even though they knew it was tainted with the AIDS virus." Source (one of many, but this also has a lot of good Swine Flu info):

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Looks like it may be the same thing, only that's what you have readily available there and we have Redoxon here. The people that have used it are saying it's cutting the flu down to two or three days because it's not going to their lungs.

I think that's important to know and since your media isn't telling you about it....

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Hey, thanks for finding that. I just want People to make it through this "flu" without issue. I guess the docs. in sundancer's area are saying the same thing.

I know that's a lot of C in a short amount of time; like a power punch.

The emergen looks to be the same stuff. Just watching that add makes me want to throw some in my Rum

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 02:45 AM
Here's some information regarding what you can do to help your body get back on track (after you have been given the vaccination) if the vaccination does indeed become mandatory:

I hope this will not be the case.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by Orion65

Great info! Thanks for being kind enough to share it with the rest of us.
Maybe we can all get through this with a little help from our friends

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by Sundancer
reply to post by Orion65

Great info! Thanks for being kind enough to share it with the rest of us.
Maybe we can all get through this with a little help from our friends

I hope so as well. I've worked in the medical field for over 20 years in an management/administrative capacity and have seen and heard it all, from Big Pharma's claims to my own research into natural medicine. Dr. Mercola has a lot of good info on his site, my hope is that a naturopath physician will come up with a supplement that will significantly help people if the swine flu is made mandatory. An all in one pill or liquid would be great.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 12:41 AM
As a matter of principle I do not purchase anything fabricated by Bayer.

That it contains aspartame is simply horrendous. If your normal body temperature is around 98 degrees Farenheit, then aspartame transforms into formaldehyde and is able to pass through the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain to visit terrible damage. Many people who drink enormous quantities of soft drinks with aspartame are beginning to discover that their brains are atrophying.

Please, please stay away from aspartame. Even one dose of it harms the body.

In my list above, I failed to mention fish oil from either wild salmon or in a Norwegian product of North Atlantic cod oil cold pressed and stripped of any harmful metals or chemicals .... for example, mercury. One must be very careful about the source of the fish oil one takes and the standards of preparation.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 12:51 AM
I have always been of the mindset that eating a healthy diet is far far better than popping any pills when it comes to getting your vitamins and minerals.I guess it's easier but i don't think they are healthier.The poster who said they take garlic pills for example...replace the pills with a few whole cloves just swallowed with water(easier than it sounds).The difference is huge.Same with things like borage which is a great great plant.I used to be a pill popper thinking it was making me healthier...after switching though i realized it wasn't.I don't know if this applies to old folks though because im relatively young.

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