posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 04:21 PM
This is amazing info! DEF flag this thread!
so, how does one re program the Epidermus? was it? the organ in the brain? The guy said it needs to
be re trained* i belive i have panic attacks and anxiety, mostly i attrubute to my job, being in retail management. lots of yelling thrreatening to
be fired, no teamwork, harrasemnt..yers of it have caught up to me....i find it VERy difficult, to go to public places, and stand in line, knowing
others are watching me, being around people, withuot sweating and trying not too make eye contact. A fewt imes at work, in office this past year, ive
had bad panic attacks..shaking hands, heart pounding aginst my chest, feeeling blood rush too fast up to my brain, dizziness and loss of breath. so
naturally i took interest in this post!
The only way ive found over hte past few years to deal with it, is too simlpy not think about it, keep majorly focused on work, nad convicne
myself, no one is going to hurt me realistiicly, ts all inyour head*. it usualy works, but the boss's anger at work, seems to re trigger it all.
so, how does one re program and maintain this?