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Coca cola says It's HEALTHY to Drink Coke (PHONE convo)

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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:14 AM

a friend of mine recorded this back in 2008 .

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:16 AM
xaxxaxxxaxa yea right! why dont u put a tooth in a glass of cola,and after a day ull see how healthy cola is,your tooth will be melted.
its pretty nasty on the teeth,and couse its carbonated well...its heavy on the stomach...its not bad as alcohold..but still...

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:27 AM
Its also used, so i read, some state troopers use coca cola to clean blood up from a scene.apparently, the carbonateed fructose helps to dissolve drying and dried blood. Its also part of the obesity tax, which i find discriminating to someone obese. It is addictive too and does make you thirstier..thats is the key, sodium and large quantities, along with the corn syrup, known to be linked to cancer...will make sure you keep coming back for more..just like nicotine. The ONLY safe carbonated beverage i am aware of, is ginger ale...its good for upset stomachs.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:40 AM
the use corn syrup? i didnt know? i never knew the formula of coce
so what is this ginger ale cool thingy?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 06:17 AM
my American friend (when i approached her freezer with aspartame lection) said coke is healthy as they give coca cola in hospitals i n US

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 07:13 AM
Coca cola IS good for you, same as Chips ( or fries for you Americans), Monosodium Glutemate is not only great tasting but healthy as well. Excessive amounts of salt is great for your body as you sweat during the day and replace the salts lost. EVERYTHING your parents and science says is bad for you is actually good for your health.

Fairies and Unicorns exist, and there IS a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow and TPTB really ARE looking out for your health.

If it's so good for you why do they hide the ingredients on the side of coke cans with only the barest minimum to get it through inspections?

What they should do is for like cigarette packets, 'Drinking Coca-Cola MAY harm your health and will cause obesity and heart disease and will rot teeth' labels like that on the side of a can would leave the responsiblility of health issues in the future in the hands of the imbiber.

I know sometimes cereal packets have 'science' gimmicks on them sometimes, cans of pop should have ' put a tooth in your pop' science experiment and watch the results of the people buying the drinks.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 07:47 AM


posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by DataWraith

What they should do is for like cigarette packets, 'Drinking Coca-Cola MAY harm your health and will cause obesity and heart disease and will rot teeth' labels like that on the side of a can...

Or... mebbe some health conscious people should make up some labels, and do a little covert labeling of cokes in the stores.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:08 AM
Actually I know for a fact it is bad for your teeth because I have the lack of teeth to prove it.

It is, however, not bad for watering your plants with maybe once a fortnight. The sugars in the Coke aid in the feeding of microbial organisms that work to convert nutrients in the soil into usable nutrients for the plant. The sugars can also act as a chelating agent to convert less palatable nutrients into nutrients a plant can easily uptake. Molasses is actually the best to use as its form of sugar is less processed, but the sugars provided in Coke do work.

Also, the Caron Dioxide contained within the Coke will give the plant a nice CO2 boost with their new sugar diet - a double whammy so to speak.

Just thought you might be interested in that tidbit of info.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:49 AM
I am never drinking a soda ever again! Hehe, its a good thing fruit drinks are free here in Iraq, i lost some weight from staying away from foods that contain MSG's and aspartame. Arabic people sure do know how to eat natural and healthy things

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Stop-loss!

True, look at China. I remember someone saying they stay away from 'fizzy' pop , coke and pepsi and the like , fruit juices as well as they are processed with high amounts of sugar in , and to be honest? how many 'fat' or 'obese' Chinese do you see as opposed to the US and UK?

edited to add:

On a hypocritical note, I just finished a can of cherry coke myself, and after not drinking the crap for the last 2 weeks, I'm going to say I've now got a pounding headache because of it. STAY AWAY FROM THEM PEOPLE>

[edit on 21/9/09 by DataWraith]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:50 AM
Colas and most other sodas are extremely high in ACID (phosphoric acid). Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment. One 12 oz glass of cola will require 32 12 oz glasses of water to neutralize the effects of the acid.
Everyone should read a book titled Alkalize or Die by Dr T.A. Baroody Jr.

The first ingredient in the manufacture of HFCS is Sulfuric Acid - That's BATTERY ACID folks.

I stopped consumming foods with HFCS and also MSG and lost 40 lbs in 3-4 months and have kept it off for over 5 years now without any excercise.

A pH test will tell you how alkaline or acidic your body fluids are. Scientists have found that healthy people have systems that are alkaline.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by Muundoggie]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:11 AM
since neither of the previous websites provided what the alkalized foods are, here's a list:

good eating my friends.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Not a bad site, very good info to know, sounds pretty well researched and science-based - all except this little bit they tacked onto the end:

Alkaline producing activities/emotions: Meditation, Prayer, Peace, happiness, joy, Kindness & Love

I hate it when people do that.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:23 AM
Not saying Coke is healty, but it is absent of sodium benzoate, a supposed preservative. Almost every soda has that junk in it I've noticed.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Stillalive
xaxxaxxxaxa yea right! why dont u put a tooth in a glass of cola,and after a day ull see how healthy cola is,your tooth will be melted.
its pretty nasty on the teeth

Originally posted by DataWraith
I know sometimes cereal packets have 'science' gimmicks on them sometimes, cans of pop should have ' put a tooth in your pop' science experiment and watch the results of the people buying the drinks.

Wow guys, sounds like a cool experiement that you have both seen or done yourselves. I'd like to know some more about this though. Where did you see it? Or did you do it yourself?

If one really did wish to test this experiement, what is step one? Punch myself in the face 11 times until I can work a tooth loose?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by DataWraith
True, look at China. I remember someone saying they stay away from 'fizzy' pop , coke and pepsi and the like , fruit juices as well as they are processed with high amounts of sugar in , and to be honest? how many 'fat' or 'obese' Chinese do you see as opposed to the US and UK?

I don't see how you can compare Chinese people's health to the health of Americans or some other country.

The poor Chinese are economic slaves, they cannot afford medical care, food, shelter, cannot take care of their families, deal with over population on a constant basis, I mean they are entirely different from us and their harsh way of life probably has a great deal to do with their size and shape.

I doubt someone who is butchering dogs to eat in the street because there is no goddamn food and nobody is helping them, is going to be a great example of someone who is obese because of cola.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by BaronVonGodzilla

Nope, do what I did and continue to drink coke until your teeth literally start to shatter under the smallest bit of pressure.

You can then perform whatever experiments you want on the bits of teeth you spit out of your mouth on a nightly basis.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by BaronVonGodzilla

Originally posted by DataWraith
True, look at China. I remember someone saying they stay away from 'fizzy' pop , coke and pepsi and the like , fruit juices as well as they are processed with high amounts of sugar in , and to be honest? how many 'fat' or 'obese' Chinese do you see as opposed to the US and UK?

I don't see how you can compare Chinese people's health to the health of Americans or some other country.

The poor Chinese are economic slaves, they cannot afford medical care, food, shelter, cannot take care of their families, deal with over population on a constant basis, I mean they are entirely different from us and their harsh way of life probably has a great deal to do with their size and shape.

I doubt someone who is butchering dogs to eat in the street because there is no goddamn food and nobody is helping them, is going to be a great example of someone who is obese because of cola.

OMG! Where did you get this idea in your head?
Was it from Main Stream Media?
You REALLY need to do some serious research on the People of China.
Their culture is different but not anything like you mention in your post.

Many people in China are farmers. Many grow rice. China grows more food than any other country. The Chinese also grow tea and soy beans. Many Chinese shop every day in open air markets to get the freshest foods for their family's dinner.

Did you watch the last Olympics? Their pagentry was better than any I've seen from other countries. Their electronic display was awesome.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by Muundoggie]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by Muundoggie

Thank you Muundoggie, and to you Baron VonGodzilla I say , there are poor in every country even the most 'civilised' ,ok let me put this to you, How many FAT Japanese have you seen? , I mean REALLY obese like you see in the US or UK, they are technologically as advanced and socially as advanced as both the US and UK , but they definately do not drink fizzy pop.

Only because we are told to drink it and now the Coke manufacturers are claimig 'its good for you' how many stupid people who watch TV instead of reading a book will go out and drink it because TV says its good for you?We are bombarded with advertising all day every day on TV , radio, even street posters as you travel to work, sooner or later they're going to try subliminal advertising, it would be best if you stopped watching TV and made your own mind up, do the research first then make a consious decision one way of the other.

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