posted on May, 15 2004 @ 03:55 PM
If something happened in the near future and people needed a leader, would you be up to the task? Think about it really hard. Being a true leader
can be very taxing on a person physically, mentally, emotionally, etc... It takes true courage to be a real leader.
And I'm not talking about "leaders" like the politicians we see now, or movie "stars," or athletes, or etc... I'm talking about someone who can
bring true change. Someone that people can truly trust. Someone that people are not afraid to question. Someone that can say, "I don't know."
Someone that would give their life for the well being of the people they are trying to help.
Do people like that still exists? I'm sure there are a few in the military who might be like that. Maybe there are a few "regular" people that
are like that. Are you like that? Again, think about it.
Personally, I can't honestly answer that question until the time arises.