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September 21st Equinox Galactic Celebrations ["GFL" HOAX]

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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by zaiger
You guys know this was put in the hoax pile right?
2nd line

since this "event" has not had a chance to pass ie. 9:09 pm 21 Sep
it shouldn't have been labelled a "Hoax" until tomorrow.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Mathius

Well when the GFL is involved or any of it's "light workers" then it is a sure fire hoax. They have a new "aliens are comming" thing every three months at least.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Warrior of the Light

Are these knuckleheads still around? Are there that many rubes that still take what they say seriously?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by zaiger
reply to post by Mathius

Well when the GFL is involved or any of it's "light workers" then it is a sure fire hoax. They have a new "aliens are comming" thing every three months at least.

hence my "never cry wolf" comment. everybody makes mistakes, errors in judgement. the people channeling are every bit as excited / confused about what's going on as everyone else; it's just that these people are getting information via entirely different means, so it's understandable that their timelines and interpretations are innacurate.

It's not cut and dry... Black and white. it's just not. so when they make a "prediction" or specify an exact date/time, they are really sticking their necks out. and that gives all the non-believers the ammo to shoot back with the "i told you so's".

something is coming; it's quite obvious. not neccessarily tonight, or tomorrow, or next week, or next year. but something big is brewing. start believing and you will start seeing. I know I'm starting to believe.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:01 PM
Well, according to my estimations, they need to show up fairly soon if they are here to help us survive the passage of Panet X.

I have had dreams too!

I think they will start populating the underground "Arks" fairly soon. Time is getting short.

I also understand there are three classes of people involved here:

a) People who have no idea what is going to happen and will be left on the surface of the Earth to survive as they will.

b) People who know and are preserving their place by shedding doubt on reality.

c) People who don't know, but have been selected for a special mission, which will be to re-populate the Earth.

Which one are you?

Make no mistake, the majority of humanity will need help to survive the passage of Planet X on the surface of Earth. We should be glad there are others who care about our well being, so we don't need to depend on over spending Governments.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Mathius

It is very cut and dry and very black and white. The GFL and lightworkers are wrong 100% of the time that is an outstanding statistic. Even a hoaxer with a deck of cards is right 1/52 times when predicting the next card.
If they really are "channeling" aliens then why all the confusion, it should be pretty simple. "we are on our way and should be there in 1 of your years" would be all that it would take. I don't buy int the whole thing the GFL can start its own forums where they can predict their stuff over and over to their cosmic light mind channeled space brothers and sisters.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:09 PM
I cannot tell you all how ashamed I am that Blossom Goodchild is Australian. No, seriously guys, on behalf of myself and just about my entire country (probably not including Blossom and her Cohorts) I apologise profusely.

I mean, if it wasn't already bad enough that we have inflicted "Neighbours" and "Home and Away" on the UK - now we inflict this upon the world.....

Actually. What the hell am I saying. The woman is a nutjob and does not represent my country in any way, shape or fashion. She acts of her own accord

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:13 PM
I think this thread shows my point. Only a GFLer and a GFL fanboy would continue to believe in something even though it has been shot down as a hoax.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by zaiger

It is very cut and dry and very black and white.

it is not, and this mentality has put our being in a state of danger.

pyschics are often "wrong"; but they go wrong in the eyes of the listener when "facts" get mixed up. Channeling, dreaming. is not cut and dry.
have you ever tried to understand a dream you had? it's practically impossible to understand anything you dream or envision.

the same problem exists with channelling. try to put it in words and the story gets very cryptic and hard to believe.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:26 PM
It is very cut and dry and very black and white.

Greetings space brother cosmic light source,

it is not, and this mentality has put our being in a state of danger.

No something put their mentality in a state of danger.

pyschics are often "wrong"; but they go wrong in the eyes of the listener when "facts" get mixed up. Channeling, dreaming. is not cut and dry.
have you ever tried to understand a dream you had? it's practically impossible to understand anything you dream or envision.

the same problem exists with channelling. try to put it in words and the story gets very cryptic and hard to believe.

Yeah when a GFLer tells me (the listener) that aliens will be comming tomorrow and aliens never show up they are wrong and white.
If the cosmic light dream channels are so hard to understand why even bother telling people the predictions? Do they feel their dreams are so impurtiant that they need to publish them and try to pass them off as predictions?
If i am listening to the radio and i start to get static i think my RECEPTION is bad, i do not go around telling people that aliens have taken over the radio station and are now broadcasting a mind control signal just because i can't clearly hear the broadcast

[edit on 21-9-2009 by zaiger]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Mathius
the same problem exists with channelling. try to put it in words and the story gets very cryptic and hard to believe.

So why bother then making such declarations as "A bloody big ship is coming on the blah blah blah" when you claim it is extremely hard to interpret these so-called 'visions'? In light of the previous failure of a bloody big ship showing up, I would have thought that Miss Blossom would have been a little more cautious this time around in her interpretation? Assuming, of course, that she actually did "channel" and this is not just another porky-pie.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:42 PM
daiger and Krypties you both seem to be on the same vein,

so I'll answer you both in one post. First off let me say that I'm by no means an expert, right now i'm gliding along on my feelings and intuition.

Yes, the Light Workers pass on the info because they are compelled, instructed per sae.

Some pick dates because people like dates. They feel that people want things to be black and white, cut and dry. It makes life easier, makes things more tangible, more real.

But the real message is not the date, or the information. It's the feeling, the intent, the emotion. All they are trying to say is that something is coming, be ready, and be open.

They are also saying it's not all bad, and not to dwell on the past and dread the future. Live in the now. Don't get upset about the truth being covered up (that one I'm having trouble with, myself). Just live, be free. enjoy what you have, and give love and thanks to all.

It's a very simple message, but it gets complicated when peeps crave SPECIFIC info. Like i said, the "truth" is not going to be handed to you, you will have to discover it yourself. I feel I am on that path, and am thus compelled to share with others.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:47 PM
So in summation: when lacking a real time, date, event or any of these other things that we earth people like to use to back up predictions, just fall back on the love light cosmic crap. How can you even talk about the truth when the GFL says something is going to happen and then it does not? That is the definition of lie, saying something that is not true. Yeah we like specific info on predictions here i got one for you my prediction right here.
Everyone on this forum will die one day.
So truth will not be handed to us we have to discover it. Does that mean we claim to be channelers and start making our own predictions and posting them then that would be "truth" to you?

"yeah sorry guys, the aliens did not come but it was my intention to spread truth so there you go love the light and my space brothers"

[edit on 21-9-2009 by zaiger]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:54 PM
It woud have worked better if the autumnal equinox had actually fallen on the 21st ......

In fact it occurs at 21.18 UTC on the 22nd September ......

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by zaiger
So in summation: when lacking a real time, date, event or any of these other things that we earth people like to use to back up predictions, just fall back on the love light cosmic crap. How can you even talk about the truth when the GFL says something is going to happen and then it does not? That is the definition of lie, saying something that is not true. Yeah we like specific info on predictions here i got one for you my prediction right here.
Everyone on this forum will die one day.
So truth will not be handed to us we have to discover it. Does that mean we claim to be channelers and start making our own predictions and posting them then that would be "truth" to you?

"yeah sorry guys, the aliens did not come but it was my intention to spread truth so there you go love the light and my space brothers"

[edit on 21-9-2009 by zaiger]

just becuase it "did not" happen doesn't mean that it "won't" happen. We, the people of earth, can make anything happen if we want it to. I know that sounds like more cosmic fluff, but it is the truth.

zeiger, got your name wrong the first time, sorry
from your words, you sound very bitter and angry. Put that out, and you will get it back; which will take you farther away from happiness and enlightenment. Open your mind, your heart, and others will be drawn to you and that what you seek will be that much closer.

The Light workers (at least the vocal ones) are salesmen, after all. They are trying to communicate to us in ways that we understand. The more you read their words or hear them speak, the more sense it makes. The key is to keep an open mind. And while I do not "agree" with some of the methods out there, ie. ms. Goodblossom or whatever she goes by, there are some that do make sense to me.

I am by nature a truther/conspiracist. I have my personal issues with the TPTB, world govt, NASA, CIA, etc... so I dabble in all of this "truth seeking". but at the same time, I don't let it take me down.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:50 PM
Although not a fan of the op.
There was one word used in that information that I have never seen or heard outside this particular mystery school, which makes it very interesting to me.
So watch out. It may well be a bunch of poo but what if it isn't?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Phage

No i checked she hasn't mentioned anything of this.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:54 PM

just becuase it "did not" happen doesn't mean that it "won't" happen. We, the people of earth, can make anything happen if we want it to. I know that sounds like more cosmic fluff, but it is the truth.

Yes it is cosmic fluffery. It did not happen and even if it does the GFL will never have anything to do with it.

zeiger, got your name wrong the first time, sorry from your words, you sound very bitter and angry. Put that out, and you will get it back; which will take you farther away from happiness and enlightenment. Open your mind, your heart, and others will be drawn to you and that what you seek will be that much closer.

Im not bitter nor angry i just don't like it when people lie publicly and expect everyone to eat it up, that is why ATS will ban repeat hoaxers. If your idea of enlightenment involves the GLF i will remain dumb and happy.

The Light workers (at least the vocal ones) are salesmen, after all. They are trying to communicate to us in ways that we understand. The more you read their words or hear them speak, the more sense it makes. The key is to keep an open mind. And while I do not "agree" with some of the methods out there, ie. ms. Goodblossom or whatever she goes by, there are some that do make sense to me.

They are not salesmen the are unwanted crap peddlers. They could communicate with us in ways we understand if they wanted to, despite all their wild claims the GFL is made up of only humans and no ammount of cosmic hog wash can proove otherwise. The more i listen to them the harder i laugh.

They just keep talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentance, moving from topic to topic so that nobody has a chance to interrupt it is really quite hypnotic.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:55 PM

oh wait...just a bird...

lol really another one of these? i am all for this, and would looove it...
but come on...

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Actually they believe in the ways of the Jedi, not the force however they see the "Force" as the power of the Universe.. nothing wrong with it imo.. same as the Bible and Koran all based on Faith

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