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Harder To Believe In - God or Aliens?

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posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 10:40 AM
Which 'god' and which 'aliens'? I mean there's a lot to choose from here.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 07:12 PM
i find whats hardest to believe is that a debate over whats harder to believe god or aliens has generated this much discussion. whats harder to believe in santa or the easter bunny......hmmmmm....tough one

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 10:06 PM
Text Blue I promised myself not to become too emotionally involved when responding to some of the questions about God on this site. Let me first say that I am glad to be apart of ATS. Secondly, God is not an alien. He is the Creator of all, the air, the universe, humans. When Jesus does return, He will appear to be an alien. Like idiots, we will try to destroy the Almighty. What we don't understand has humans, we tend to want to get rid of it. Listen up folks, Jesus is real. If He was not, then we would not be. This is where faith comes in. To certain folks, the idea that a spritual being is sitting in Heaven just watching us and allowing all the catastrophies that is going on in the world today is allowing them to happen. These things must come to pass in order for God's plan of redemption to be fulfilled. It amazes me everyday that people are oblivious to who God is and that He made all that we know and He is returning real soon.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by CommonSense
Second, there's a lot of speculation that God is really an alien.

It's not "speculation". Its a fact, that Yahweh (the god of the Bible) is another being not born on earth. That's the definition of an alien. So Yahweh is an alien being.
The Bible goes on to talk about how his convertable spaceship came down from the sky/space, took on a passenger, then took back off into the sky/space.
No matter what name the Bible calls it, it was a physical object that came down, then took off back up into space again.

Then you have the biography of the Son of Dawn in the Bible. He was having a party in Eden millions, billions, trillions, of years before Adam and Eve were created. He was in physical form, since his uniform was made from physical precious metals from the earth. He ruled towns, cities, civilizations on Earth millions, billions, trillions, of years ago.
The Son of Dawn later tried to overthrow Yahweh. If the Son of Dawn is in physical form, then it means there was a physical spaceship battle. The Son of Dawn lost the war, gets kicked back to earth, and later on becomes known as Satan.
The result of the War in Heaven was all life on earth getting destroyed, and Yahweh having to re-make humans all over again.

Originally posted by CommonSense
Third, many people, atheists included, find it easier to believe all sorts of bizarre stories about aliens yet can't seem to simply believe in God without putting some twist on it.

No. The real problem is athiests find it hard to believe the missinformation spouted by the church, which originates with Roman Emperor Constatine.... which has nothing to do with the Bible.

Originally posted by CommonSense
And that is my question. Why? If God is an alien, then who created him?

1. You, me, everyone else are humans. There are ideas, concepts, that we'll never ever know about, nor can imagine even if we were told them by higher beings.

2. Yahweh has no beginning or ending. Need a helpful example? Numbers have no begining or ending.

Originally posted by CommonSense
If there is no God, why do some choose to beleive that the human race was placed on earth by a bunch of reptiles from another galaxy? Who created the reptiles and their galaxy? there is certainly less "evidence" to support that notion than simply believing in God. At least there's the Bible to support that traditional belief.

The debate with the Reptilians is varried. Some say they created humans. Some say they brought the humans with them. Some say they discovered humans already here, but genetically messed around with them.
BUT you need to do more research. Then you will understand that there's another school of though - that there are many other beings out there. Yahweh, the Son of Dawn, the Nephilim, and very possibly Reptilians, the wolf-like/dog-like beings, the "greys", and more. It's possible Yahweh is the highest being who made all the other beings, in addition to humans.

Originally posted by CommonSense
In any event, I'm looking forward to reading well thought out accounts of the reasons behind many of the beliefs that I question.


There's a lot of missinformation. There's a lot about the Bible few have read, or even know about. Even stuff no priest, rabbi, or any clergy will ever talk about or mention.

- About WHEN did the war in heaven happen?
- About why the Son of Dawn was rulling over earth before Adam and Eve were made.
- About how the Bible talks about ancient civilizations existing millions of years before Adam and Eve were made.
- About how the Son of Dawn was in physical form, and traveled to other planets.
- About how Yahweh picked up Elijah in a spaceship.
- About how Cherubim are not angels, but winged creatures/monsters, that Yahweh would mount and ride on.
- About how Yahweh constantly vacationed on Earth in physical form. How he had loooong arguements with Moshe, and Lot. How Moshe got to see Yahweh in person, in physical form. Same with Lot.
- About the many parts of the Bible which show that "the father, son, and holy ghost" are [I]not the same person. How Jesus is a seperate person from his father Yahweh.

- About how aliens, or non-humans, came to earth and had sex with human females.
- About how the h-- did the Nephilim re-appear on earth after Noah's flood, if supposivly only Noah and his 7 family members are the only ones who survived? (The Nephilim were orbiting the planet in their spaceships.)

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Anung Un Rama
Which 'god' and which 'aliens'? I mean there's a lot to choose from here.


Sooo many people who claim they believe in the Bible still refuse to identify which god they're talking about. Baal? Marduk? Anu? Enki? Enlil? the Nephilim? Or Yahweh.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 09:34 AM
Of course the only God spoken in the Bible is the true and living God Yaweh. In the the Bible Yah is telling us to stay away from Baal worship or any other false gods. False gods can also be other things such as worshipping physical things of this earth like, jewelry, cars, money, etc.. OpenSecret2012, take the Bible for its literal since, this thing about God being an alien and spaceships coming down out of space, its totally crazy. It was a cheribum that came down from Heavan not space. There are there heavens, the first being the blue sky we see everyday, the second is space, and third being the Holy Sanctuary of the Most High. How can we call God who created us an alien? That is total arrogance and when people don't believe or believe that they know it all, they are usually very arrogant. There is only one God. All other gods that have been spoken of in history are dead or just myths. God is alive and well and is taking good care of his children.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by dominic77
God is alive and well and is taking good care of his children.

This is the most arrogant comment ever made on ATS. The world is in so much trouble right now. And its not crazy at all to think of "God" as Aliens because it's totally plausible. You didn't give one fact, event, or anything to discredit this theory in the slightest, only your opinion.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 03:31 PM
I swear i posted a similar thread years ago on the exact same topic, if not here another site. Too bad for my ATS points my thread didnt get all the attention this one has.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 05:44 PM
Let me give it to you like this Murphy, if the Word is being studied to its utmost core, then you will not understand statements like the one you quoted from me. Yes, God is alive and well and taking great care of His children, you included. Did you wake yourself up this morning? Did you create yourself, I think not. The mere fact that you are living and breathing right now is because God is keeping watch over you whether you understand it or not. Unlike these other entities or gods people serve, they are all dead or just myths, God is living and is omnipresent. The truth of the Holy Spirit can't be revealed to everyone right now. It takes a person to submit themselves to God to understand His plan of redemption. If everyone knew the truth, then the world would not be in the chaos that it is in right now. Yes to you that was a bold statement, but if you are going to be or aspiring to be a child of THE MOST HIGH, then you must be bold. God is not an alien. God was always here. An alien life form must be born into existence, God the Father has always existed. "I AM THAT I AM." No it is not plausible if you know who GOD is to even think that HE is alien. That is what is going to get alot of people in trouble when HE splits the heavens and returns to the earth. People will think HE is an alien, and people will try to kill him, but for those of us who know how the Son of Man will return, we will know who HE is.

[edit on 19-3-2005 by dominic77]

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 07:15 PM
I believe God is the collective energy of all living things. You, me, animals and tress are all God. I have no doubt that aliens exist. Although I've never seen an alien, I know others who have seen and known them. I suppose aliens make up the God consciousness too.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 07:24 PM
Whats hard.

That god is not real, well you are here and so am I. That I think sums up Gods proof.

So is God real, well if you can answer what is the true meaning of life.

Like I said, is God real, the answer is yes.

As for aliens, lets not go there.

Im sure there are other forces at work, some good some bad.

But who cares.!

What I want answerd is when will we live on another planet.

Planet x looks tasty-lol.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 08:13 PM
Religion is made up. From the first post. He said something like who created the repitles if they came from another galaxy. Well it says in the bible that he only populated earth. On the 6th day god created man, it didn't say ne where in there " then he went to mars and made them, and then another galaxy" and so on. Most people start believing that god ain't real after some tramatic experience where they was praying to god for the out come to be one way and it came out the way. They then stop beleiving he is real and start asking questions like " why god?... " . after while some go to the bible and read up on why he would something like that and find that there is no answer to that other then " god has his reasons".

Then you ask " what is god reasons". Then, people relize that the only way you can understand why something do something is by understanding what they are. now this is where people get god is an alien.

Now, the god is a alien is alot easier to beleive then beleiving in god. Now, there is alot to back this up, like if god is real why did he really make only 1 planet populated out so many planets that could. Why didn't he just make this one planet, the sun, and the moon. So, then that leads you more to beleive that the stories of him is false or falsy told.

Now, so people really get into to and do research and stuff. Now, i have found that people was listening to the bible blindly. Meaning, the original scriptures of the bible where the deadsea scroles which they didn't find untill the 1930's. Now, what they was going off of before this was basically word of mouth. People sitting around campfires telling stories of a man healing people or bringing them back from the dead. They, also told these stories in bars and taverns. So, these stories got so known the King james Decided to have people go out and ask about the stories, and put them together. Then, he hired poets like shakespear and donetelo to rewrite these stories so they make sense in they're way of speaking.

So, if you recall a experiment from elementry school where everyone in class lined up in one line and the teacher told something in the ear of one kid and was instructed to tell it to the next person till it got to the last person. That last person then said aloud what he thought he heard in his ear, and turned out to be a completely different something.

Now, apply this method to how they was keeping up with bible scriptures. People just sitting around camp fires, telling bedtime stories, or being drunk in a tavern for hundreds of years. that first story would be completely different.

So, even if religion is true, the people who read King James version was in most ways completely wrong. King James beleived that most of the stories that his people came back with had no sense to it at all, So he also instructed the poets to add things. Now, no one know what he added because there was no bible before the King James version. But, People who was ordered by the government of the united nations to translate the deadsea scrolls beleive that close to 60% of the King James version was mad up, and that sections like insisited that " you should obey the laws of the land" was put inplace of King James so he could control the people.

Now, there was a bible written based on the scriptures of the Deadsea scrolls. But, was closely monitored by John Pope The 10th. Now, they also find things in these scriptures that they thought had no reason being in the bible. So that locked up 3 chapters of the bible in a volt in trhe grand cathedral in Rome.

Now, they major point to any of this is, if god really is real and won't us to listen to his word, then why would he left people like King James and John Pope to remove and add thing to bible as they felt necessary? Knowing that the rest of the world soon would read and put 100% faith into these version of the bible. shouldn't he killed them with one of the pleagues or something?

Now, complete change in subject, There is actually evidence that there may of been life on mars. Now, they didn't find like bones or nothing. But they found pyramid structures on mars. Also, a structure that strongly resembles a face. Now, these pyramids and face are the bases behind the movie Mission To Mars. Which is like a statement flag for everyone who believe that we are off sping of a commbination of alien DNa and some Ap.

Of course, some people say it's a coinsidence that alot of montains resemble pyramids and one just so strongly resemble a face. But, those are the people that beleive everything is the devil like bobby bushay mom would say.

Here's the link

The Pyramids of Egypt & Mars

You look and you make your own thoughts.

But, In closing, the first post, He said " who created the reptiles ". a even better question is, Who created god. Everything is created, and must of had a begining. So where did he come from, who created him and why. Also, In the bible it tells that god created the universe and all the things in it in the course of a week. But, what was before the universe? God must of been living long before the universe, so where was he and all those angels?

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by JayDee
Religion is made up. From the first post. He said something like who created the repitles if they came from another galaxy. Well it says in the bible that he only populated earth. On the 6th day god created man, it didn't say ne where in there " then he went to mars and made them, and then another galaxy" and so on. Most people start believing that god ain't real after some tramatic experience where they was praying to god for the out come to be one way and it came out the way. They then stop beleiving he is real and start asking questions like " why god?... " . after while some go to the bible and read up on why he would something like that and find that there is no answer to that other then " god has his reasons".

Then you ask " what is god reasons". Then, people relize that the only way you can understand why something do something is by understanding what they are. now this is where people get god is an alien.

Now, the god is a alien is alot easier to beleive then beleiving in god. Now, there is alot to back this up, like if god is real why did he really make only 1 planet populated out so many planets that could. Why didn't he just make this one planet, the sun, and the moon. So, then that leads you more to beleive that the stories of him is false or falsy told.

Now, so people really get into to and do research and stuff. Now, i have found that people was listening to the bible blindly. Meaning, the original scriptures of the bible where the deadsea scroles which they didn't find untill the 1930's. Now, what they was going off of before this was basically word of mouth. People sitting around campfires telling stories of a man healing people or bringing them back from the dead. They, also told these stories in bars and taverns. So, these stories got so known the King james Decided to have people go out and ask about the stories, and put them together. Then, he hired poets like shakespear and donetelo to rewrite these stories so they make sense in they're way of speaking.

So, if you recall a experiment from elementry school where everyone in class lined up in one line and the teacher told something in the ear of one kid and was instructed to tell it to the next person till it got to the last person. That last person then said aloud what he thought he heard in his ear, and turned out to be a completely different something.

Now, apply this method to how they was keeping up with bible scriptures. People just sitting around camp fires, telling bedtime stories, or being drunk in a tavern for hundreds of years. that first story would be completely different.

So, even if religion is true, the people who read King James version was in most ways completely wrong. King James beleived that most of the stories that his people came back with had no sense to it at all, So he also instructed the poets to add things. Now, no one know what he added because there was no bible before the King James version. But, People who was ordered by the government of the united nations to translate the deadsea scrolls beleive that close to 60% of the King James version was mad up, and that sections like insisited that " you should obey the laws of the land" was put inplace of King James so he could control the people.

Now, there was a bible written based on the scriptures of the Deadsea scrolls. But, was closely monitored by John Pope The 10th. Now, they also find things in these scriptures that they thought had no reason being in the bible. So that locked up 3 chapters of the bible in a volt in trhe grand cathedral in Rome.

Now, they major point to any of this is, if god really is real and won't us to listen to his word, then why would he left people like King James and John Pope to remove and add thing to bible as they felt necessary? Knowing that the rest of the world soon would read and put 100% faith into these version of the bible. shouldn't he killed them with one of the pleagues or something?

Now, complete change in subject, There is actually evidence that there may of been life on mars. Now, they didn't find like bones or nothing. But they found pyramid structures on mars. Also, a structure that strongly resembles a face. Now, these pyramids and face are the bases behind the movie Mission To Mars. Which is like a statement flag for everyone who believe that we are off sping of a commbination of alien DNa and some Ap.

Of course, some people say it's a coinsidence that alot of montains resemble pyramids and one just so strongly resemble a face. But, those are the people that beleive everything is the devil like bobby bushay mom would say.

Here's the link

The Pyramids of Egypt & Mars

You look and you make your own thoughts.

But, In closing, the first post, He said " who created the reptiles ". a even better question is, Who created god. Everything is created, and must of had a begining. So where did he come from, who created him and why. Also, In the bible it tells that god created the universe and all the things in it in the course of a week. But, what was before the universe? God must of been living long before the universe, so where was he and all those angels?

Jay Dee, have you ever read the Bible and heard God's word of"I AM THAT I AM?" God has been here the whole time, there is not creator of the CREATOR. HE has existed forever. Our minds our not yet ready to understand the fullness of the LORD. It will be said that the stories in the Bible are myths and legends, but if you researched them, they are all true. Faith is what gets a man of GOD through. Those stories are to help build a foundation of faith for a person who wants to believe in the Father. It is very easy not to believe in HIM and to do what we want to do, but it takes a strong individual to give over his will and life to GOD and HIS will. Who are we to question what God has done, why did He create nine planets instead of one, God has his purposes. It is not for us to understand God the way He thinks. If we had His thoughts, then the world would be at peace. God gives us more than just the Bible to study from, the Hebrew Bible, and other periodicals are available if one feels that the King James version has been compromised. God's words are as real as it gets. Prophecy is being fulfilled everyday. He is coming back soon and this generation is going to be the generation that sees it. The pope did not add anything to God's word. The Bible is the everyday book for us to live by and to receive everlasting salvation. The Bible teaches us how to love one another and how not to let the everyday problems of this old world compromise our thoughts which ought to be focused on Him. The whole duty of man is to obey the Ten Commandments and to do the will of GOD. Religion may have different generes, but God is real. He is the only hope that we have. The world shall see His might soon and very soon. I just hope that I can prove myself worthy to serve Him when he returns. PEACE

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by JayDee
Religion is made up. From the first post. He said something like who created the repitles if they came from another galaxy. Well it says in the bible that he only populated earth. On the 6th day god created man, it didn't say ne where in there " then he went to mars and made them, and then another galaxy" and so on.

You need to study the Bible more, including the parts no priest, rabbi, or clergy will ever talk about. In the Bible, it states Adam and Eve were not the first civilization on Earth. It states Adam and Eve were a second time around.
The Bible states millions of years (or longer ago), before Adam and Eve, before Yahweh re-made the Earth a 2nd time, Eden existed, along with civilizations. The Son of Dawn ruled Earth, and those ancient civilizations back then.

Originally posted by JayDee
Then you ask " what is god reasons". Then, people relize that the only way you can understand why something do something is by understanding what they are. now this is where people get god is an alien.

Yahweh visited Earth many, many, times. What do you call a physical visiter to our planet, who is not born on our planet? DUH ... an alien.
You and everyone here please tell me what the definition of an alien is?

Originally posted by JayDee
Now, the god is a alien is alot easier to beleive then beleiving in god.

Again, what is the definition of the word "alien"?
Did Yahweh (the main god in the Bible) ever visit Earth in physical form?
If yes, then what do you call a visiter to our planet, who isn't born on our planet?

Originally posted by JayDee
Now, there is alot to back this up, like if god is real why did he really make only 1 planet populated out so many planets that could. Why didn't he just make this one planet, the sun, and the moon. So, then that leads you more to beleive that the stories of him is false or falsy told.

Tooooo many people who believe in the Bible, have never studied the Bible. No where in the entire Bible does it say Earth is the only planet populated!
BUT in the Bible (in the part that has the biography of the Son of Dawn, who later on would turn bad and be known as Satan) it talks about how there was spaceship travel to other planets. Common sense says there has to be a reason for the Son of Dawn to jump in his spaceship and travel to other planets.
The Bible though, is 99% concerned and focused on Earth and its population. Not the populations in other galaxies, planets, star systems, and universes.

Originally posted by JayDee
Now, so people really get into to and do research and stuff. Now, i have found that people was listening to the bible blindly.

You're perfectly correct!!!

Originally posted by JayDee
Meaning, the original scriptures of the bible where the deadsea scroles which they didn't find untill the 1930's.

No, the original Bible scriptures were written down first during Moshe's time, then more written after the Israelites were enslaved by the Bablyonians. Over 4,000 to 3,000 years ago. The original Bible was written first in Old Hebrew or Akkadian. Then in Aramaic. (this was the main language Jeus spoke.) Then later Greek. Then in Roman/Latin.

The Dead Sea scrolls were written thousands of years before they were found. Roughly around the time of Jesus. There's also some of the DSS that are on purpose not put into our modern Bible. Like the Book of Jasher, which the rest of the Bible talks about! Also the Book of Jubilees, and other books.

Originally posted by JayDee
Now, what they was going off of before this was basically word of mouth. People sitting around campfires telling stories of a man healing people or bringing them back from the dead.

If you're talking about Jesus, then nope, your wrong. His followers wrote down what he did during the time Jesus was alive. First hand eyewitnesses wrote it down. It wasn't "word of mouth passed down".

They, also told these stories in bars and taverns. So, these stories got so known the King james Decided to have people go out and ask about the stories, and put them together. Then, he hired poets like shakespear and donetelo to rewrite these stories so they make sense in they're way of speaking.

No. You need to do some serious research! The King James Version was the result of the King of England (named James) who decided the version of English he spoke was the correct one. When the Bible was brought by the Romans to the English barbarians (when Rome invaded England), it got translated from Aramaic, Greek, and Latin, into the English spoken by King James. It became called the "King James version of the Bible".

Originally posted by JayDee
So, even if religion is true, the people who read King James version was in most ways completely wrong. King James beleived that most of the stories that his people came back with had no sense to it at all, So he also instructed the poets to add things.

If you, or anyone is going to comment on the history of the Bible, then first do a through research into its history.
BTW, you're right, there's parts of the Bible added, taken out, and some that are in it, but never talked about. It first started with Roman Emperor Constantine, hundreds of years after Jesus died. King James was the next major influence behind the current form of the Bible widely used. Then you have the Puritians, and tons of other factions who made up their own versions of Christianity.

Originally posted by JayDee
Now, no one know what he added because there was no bible before the King James version.

Ohhh nooo! You need to stop posting! And start doing some research! Go to any major bookstore, to the religious section, and read all books about the history of the Bible. Also check out Zecharia Stichen and his books. (in the New Age section or the Occult section.)

The Old Hebrew/Akkadian version of the Bible, also known as the Torah) was written thousands of years before the King James version. The Aramaic, and Greek versions (called the Sepulgate ((I might've misspelled it))) also written thousands of years before the KJV. The Latin version was the last version, written a good 1,500 years before the KJV.

Originally posted by JayDee
But, People who was ordered by the government of the united nations to translate the deadsea scrolls beleive that close to 60% of the King James version was mad up, and that sections like insisited that " you should obey the laws of the land" was put inplace of King James so he could control the people.

1. Post your links, and proof to back this up.
2. It was found in the middle east, not the USA. Back then the USA had very little power over the middle east. Mostly the Vatican was in charge of translating the DSS.

3. If you or anyone else wants to read the Bible directly, use the Greek version. (Greek is still spoken today, and is easy to learn.). Or learn Aramaic to read older sources of the Bible. Learn Hebrew to read the oldest known sources of the Bible.
The DSS were written mostly in Aramaic.

Originally posted by JayDee
Now, there was a bible written based on the scriptures of the Deadsea scrolls. But, was closely monitored by John Pope The 10th. Now, they also find things in these scriptures that they thought had no reason being in the bible. So that locked up 3 chapters of the bible in a volt in trhe grand cathedral in Rome.

Roman Emperor Constitine, and the council at Nice, is responsible for this. Not the Pope. Constatine created the modern church.

Originally posted by JayDee
Now, they major point to any of this is, if god really is real and won't us to listen to his word, then why would he left people like King James and John Pope to remove and add thing to bible as they felt necessary? Knowing that the rest of the world soon would read and put 100% faith into these version of the bible. shouldn't he killed them with one of the pleagues or something?

Ummm... you do know that Yahweh is not the only one targeting the Bible. Have you ever heard of a guy called Satan? Guess what, he rules the Earth. So right now, he has mega influence over the Earth, and its rulers. Do you think he's going to sit back and let the people have an easy time getting to the original Bible?

Originally posted by JayDee
Now, complete change in subject, There is actually evidence that there may of been life on mars. Now, they didn't find like bones or nothing. But they found pyramid structures on mars. Also, a structure that strongly resembles a face. Now, these pyramids and face are the bases behind the movie Mission To Mars. Which is like a statement flag for everyone who believe that we are off sping of a commbination of alien DNa and some Ap.

It's not "there may have been life on Mars". It's there WAS life on Mars. It's there MIGHT STILL be life on mars. And the Bible itself supports this! Read up on the biography of the Son of Dawn in the Bible.

Originally posted by JayDee
Of course, some people say it's a coinsidence that alot of montains resemble pyramids and one just so strongly resemble a face. But, those are the people that beleive everything is the devil like bobby bushay mom would say.

Here's the link

The Pyramids of Egypt & Mars

It's no conincidence. The pyramids clearly are cut at geometric angles. With each side exactly the same lenght, height, width, as the other sides of each pyramid. Which is impossible to happen natrally.

Originally posted by JayDee
But, In closing, the first post, He said " who created the reptiles ". a even better question is, Who created god. Everything is created, and must of had a begining. So where did he come from, who created him and why.

Not true! Think about it! Modern man is 7,000 years old (for anyone who believes in the Bible.) Modern man is 150,000 years old (for anyone who believes in sources outside the Bible.)
The Son of Dawn is millions, billions, trillions, years old. Think of all the modern knowledge modern man has... after being around 7k to 200k years! Now imagine the insane amount of knowledge that must exist for any being that is millions, billions, trillions, of years old!!!
Yahweh is even older than the Son of Dawn!
It's insane arrogance for any man to think they know, or ever will know, about the knowledge Yahweh knows, or even what the Son of Dawn/Satan, the angels, and Jesus know! Or even what the Nephilim, and other beings know!
"Everything must have a beginning?" Everything must have been created, including God?", says who?

The Bible even says there's things that are beyond man to even understand.

Originally posted by JayDee
Also, In the bible it tells that god created the universe and all the things in it in the course of a week. But, what was before the universe? God must of been living long before the universe, so where was he and all those angels?

Not true!
The Bible says time means nothing to Yahweh. That 1 day is the same as 1,000 YEARS. and 1,000 years is the same as 1 day.
The only thing we know is there were 7 time periods that passed from Genesis 1:2 until Adam and Eve were made. No one knows how long each of those time periods were... 24 hours each? 24,000 years each? 1 billion years each? 900 trillion years each?

And again, how the heck can you, me, anyone think we know all there is to know, when our knowledge is 7k to 200k years old? versus the knowledge of beings that are millions, billions, trillions, and more, years old?!?

[edit on 19-3-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by dominic77
Of course the only God spoken in the Bible is the true and living God Yaweh. In the the Bible Yah is telling us to stay away from Baal worship or any other false gods. False gods can also be other things such as worshipping physical things of this earth like, jewelry, cars, money, etc..

Thank you for showing you understand my point. Every single god has a personal name. Why? So everyone knows which god is being talked about.

Originally posted by dominic77
OpenSecret2012, take the Bible for its literal since, this thing about God being an alien and spaceships coming down out of space, its totally crazy.

Hard for you to believe eh? It's all right there in the Bible. In blatant, graphic, hardcore, writting. Moshe even had a looooooong arguement with Yahweh about wanting to meet Yahweh face to face. Yahweh finally agrees. In order for Moshe to be able to see Yahweh, it means Yahweh was in physical form.
Same thing when later on Lot had a looooong arguement with Yahweh, when Yahweh traveled around with his escort of 2 other messengers (the word "angel" is from the Greek word anklos meaning "messenger". That's all an angels is... a messenger who works for Yahweh.) Yahweh visited Lot in person, in physical form. In fact, Yahweh, Lot, and the 2 escorts, traveled around together for a while, visiting various cities.
Now tell me this... what do you call a physical visitor to our planet, who isn't born on our planet? Come on, don't be afraid to write your answer.

Originally posted by dominic77
It was a cheribum that came down from Heavan not space. There are there heavens, the first being the blue sky we see everyday, the second is space, and third being the Holy Sanctuary of the Most High. How can we call God who created us an alien? That is total arrogance and when people don't believe or believe that they know it all, they are usually very arrogant. There is only one God. All other gods that have been spoken of in history are dead or just myths. God is alive and well and is taking good care of his children.

1. What is the definition of the word "alien"?
2. True or false: Does the Bible say non-humans had sex with human females?
3. True or false: Does the Bible say Yahweh was in physical form, when he and Moshe had their long arguement?
4. True or false: Does the Bible say Yahweh was in physical form, when he and Lot had their long arguement?

Last thing, cherubim are not angels. They are winged creatures, or winged monsters, that Yahweh mounts and rides. (some say the Sphynx is really a stature of a cherub or cherubim.) Just like someone mounts a horse and rides it. And yeah, it even says so in the Bible. I dare you to dare me to post what scripture and verse says so.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 06:31 AM
Opensecret, you're approaching this discussion in a rather simplistic way.
Just that God met with people doesn't mean he is a physical being, it means He was able to show Himself as a physical being.

And even IF angels would be purely physical beings, it still wouldn't mean they can only be described as aliens.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by OpenSecret2012

Originally posted by dominic77
Of course the only God spoken in the Bible is the true and living God Yaweh. In the the Bible Yah is telling us to stay away from Baal worship or any other false gods. False gods can also be other things such as worshipping physical things of this earth like, jewelry, cars, money, etc..

Thank you for showing you understand my point. Every single god has a personal name. Why? So everyone knows which god is being talked about.

Originally posted by dominic77
OpenSecret2012, take the Bible for its literal since, this thing about God being an alien and spaceships coming down out of space, its totally crazy.

Hard for you to believe eh? It's all right there in the Bible. In blatant, graphic, hardcore, writting. Moshe even had a looooooong arguement with Yahweh about wanting to meet Yahweh face to face. Yahweh finally agrees. In order for Moshe to be able to see Yahweh, it means Yahweh was in physical form.
Same thing when later on Lot had a looooong arguement with Yahweh, when Yahweh traveled around with his escort of 2 other messengers (the word "angel" is from the Greek word anklos meaning "messenger". That's all an angels is... a messenger who works for Yahweh.) Yahweh visited Lot in person, in physical form. In fact, Yahweh, Lot, and the 2 escorts, traveled around together for a while, visiting various cities.
Now tell me this... what do you call a physical visitor to our planet, who isn't born on our planet? Come on, don't be afraid to write your answer.

Originally posted by dominic77
It was a cheribum that came down from Heavan not space. There are there heavens, the first being the blue sky we see everyday, the second is space, and third being the Holy Sanctuary of the Most High. How can we call God who created us an alien? That is total arrogance and when people don't believe or believe that they know it all, they are usually very arrogant. There is only one God. All other gods that have been spoken of in history are dead or just myths. God is alive and well and is taking good care of his children.

1. What is the definition of the word "alien"?
2. True or false: Does the Bible say non-humans had sex with human females?
3. True or false: Does the Bible say Yahweh was in physical form, when he and Moshe had their long arguement?
4. True or false: Does the Bible say Yahweh was in physical form, when he and Lot had their long arguement?

Last thing, cherubim are not angels. They are winged creatures, or winged monsters, that Yahweh mounts and rides. (some say the Sphynx is really a stature of a cherub or cherubim.) Just like someone mounts a horse and rides it. And yeah, it even says so in the Bible. I dare you to dare me to post what scripture and verse says so. :
First of all, I never said that a Cheribum was an angel. Secondly to answer you questions, alien:foreign, owing allegiance to another country; strangeor unfamiliar;inconsistent or contrary, a person from another country. This definition came from The New International Webster's Dictionary. This definition does not at all qualify God. God is from Heaven, and this place does qualify as a country. God is everywhere, omnipresent. He may seem foreign to people who do not seek Him, but he is not an alien. The world has lost focus on who God is and what He wants to do. Second, non-humans did mate with the women of this world. These non-humans were fallen angels cast down from Heaven. They mated with women of this world and created giants like Goliath. There were not aliens. Third question, God can appear in any form He chooses. He could come to us as you or me. He can do anything. We need to stop trying to put God into boundaries, in a box. The explanation of how God is can't be told by any language on this earth. The sphynx is Egypt are false idols, they have nothing to do with God. They may have been inspiration to Pharoah to build images of what he thought Cheribums are. We are not to make any graven images of any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 12:00 PM
Dominic what about all then other god, Like old Norse, Greek, and Roman gods and NAcient Egyptian. Also you mentioned the fact that if youy research stories in the bible they are all true, which isnt true for example Noahs ark can easily be proven wrong.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 08:41 PM
OpenSecret2012 , My point is if it wasn't clear, religion is greatly miss understud. People take the bible to they're on so much that people add in rules, any thing that is hard to understud is evil or the devil. simply because of the complexity of the bible. King James saw the complexity of a means of power and control. The deadsea scrolls was lost, and the deadsea scroll was written by jesus 12 decipels. After the 12 died off the people started taking the tellings of these scrolls in they're own contrast. Using and forgetting parts to stories till it got to the point where it wasn't even the same story.

Now, basically, in my opinion, I truely beleive that the bible is a set of instructions of living at the time of the adam ,eve, and the egyptions. At that time they did not have the intelligence or technology to survive for long periods of time with out guidance. Meaning that we might of been our selfs in some form alien to earth. Because if you look at it, everything else on this planet don't need a god, animals, plant life, and all but us.

So, i think that this planet was here long before us. a planet with resources to live and all, but i think jahweh or what ever you want to call him was alone. So he begun experimenting on how to reperduce. So, just maybe, he toke the most compatible animal, extracted a egg, and extracted some type of sperm from him self and created new life on earth. Now, this could explain alot of things like how god is in all of us and how some people think they hear god.

He had many of rough drafts, which is why they find pre-intelligent ape like beings that walk up-right and have oppiziable thumbs. Till he got to a race that he considered capible of surviving with little maintaince. Which, what i beleive, explain un-explainable technological advance of they're time. Such as pyrimyds some medicine of the time.

He must of been getting tired of people calling him asking him what to do in ever single situation that presented it's self. So, he made himself able to ocuppie a being or body, Which is what i beleive what jesus was. Jesus then gathered a group of people that he felt was capible of under standing what he was, told them to follow him to learn what should be done, and wrote it down. This group of people become 12 wise men and after jesus was gone was the person people turned to rather then coming directly to god.

so basically the bible are instruction on how to leave, or before we leave. Using the context that most us meaning that word " bible" is a acronem for " Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth , B.I.B.L.E ".

I don't beleive god is a mystical being that lives on and so on, but a complex creature leaving on planet for what ever reason and came across a planet that was inhabitable. He had the technology to heal and create for the simple fact that his race was so far advanced, and created us. Now, the people he told of how they came to be was to much to handle and simply said they;re are things that they could never began to understand at that time. but i think we are getting to a period of time that we can understand what really happened.

If you take this into mind, if you went back into time with things like maybe a lighter, plane or jet, a gun, the means to inpreganate without pyshical contact, and alot of medicine and instraments used to heal, you basically are a god in the eyes of the people of that time. because you have the means to ; a) create light , b) create life , d) take life, c) heal, f) and desend from the heaven ( which at that time was the sky). so, i mean if i went to another planet like earth but without any intelligent being, and created up-right being i could basically be a god in they're eyes.

so i mean god in my eyes was prolly a regular joe on what ever planet he came from and was force to leave for what ever reasons, maybe to excap a colloso danger which is why most beleive god is from mars because mars show signs of previous life before a total planet melt down, and came to earth and decided to start over. No mystical being with alot to him.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by dominic77
to answer you questions, alien:foreign, owing allegiance to another country; strangeor unfamiliar;inconsistent or contrary, a person from another country. This definition came from The New International Webster's Dictionary. This definition does not at all qualify God.

You mean to tell me you do not know that there can be more than 1 definition for a word?

Allow me:

a non-native species, especially one introduced to some part of the world through human action.

Refers to the geographical origin of a species beyond the region considered. For example, a species whose origin is from Europe or Asia would be considered an "alien" in North America. [To return to previous page, click your browser's BACK button then scroll through the page to your last location]

Definitions of alien on the Web:
extraterrestrial being: a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere

1. foreigner, alien, noncitizen, outlander -- (a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country)
2. stranger, alien, unknown -- (anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found)
3. extraterrestrial being, extraterrestrial, alien -- (a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere)

God is everywhere, omnipresent.

He was not everywhere while he was "taking a stroll through the Garden of Eden" (Yes, a stroll, as it says in Genesis.)
He was not everywhere while he was having a long arguement with Moshe. Nor while he was having a long arguement with Lot.

(Of course, at other times, he might be able to choose to be everywhere. Only He knows for sure. Not us.)

The world has lost focus on who God is and what He wants to do.

No. The world has been missinformed on who God is, what he wrote, and what he wants done. It started with Roman Emperor Constantine, and continued onward with the history of organized religion. Many in the world are attempting to do their own reaserch, ask their own questions, because they want to cut through the missinformation, and missinterpetations... much of it done on purpose to the world.

Second, non-humans did mate with the women of this world.

Aha! I have forced you to admit it!

These non-humans were fallen angels cast down from Heaven. They mated with women of this world and created giants like Goliath. There were not aliens.

Ahhh.. now you are in denial. You admit non-humans had sex with human females. Then you go against what you said by saying they were not non-human.
Please re-read definition #3 for the word "alien".

Third question, God can appear in any form He chooses. He could come to us as you or me.

No, Yahweh cannot impersonate a living person. This would go 100% against him being a good guy. A demon (good angel turned bad) could possibly impersonate a living or dead human. Since they are badguys.

He can do anything. We need to stop trying to put God into boundaries, in a box. The explanation of how God is can't be told by any language on this earth.

I never said Yahweh can't do anything. My only point I'm making is Yahweh , the angels, and the rest of them, fit the definition of the world "Alien" 100%.

Which means the subject of this thread has been defeated, proven wrong. There is no "choice to believe in God or Aliens". God is an alien. So are angels, and the rest of them.

The sphynx is Egypt are false idols,

An idol is something that's worshipped. We don't know if the sphynx was worshipped, or was built for other purposes. The Bible itself even says there's still secret, unknown, esoteric, technology, and knowledge in Egypt, all the way to present day.

they have nothing to do with God. They may have been inspiration to Pharoah to build images of what he thought Cheribums are. We are not to make any graven images of any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath.

What is a "graven image"? Isn't that a synonym for "idol"? All an idol is, is something that's worshipped. Something that serves a function is a different story. Like the image of a giant serpant Moshe made, and told the Israelites to look at.

Next, the Israelites weren't the only ones who got to see in person, angels, fallen angels, on and on. So did the Pharoahs, and other people living on Earth. So it's very possible they saw a real life cherubim. There's no reason stopping these other people (like the Pharoah) from building images of things on earth, in the sea, and in the heavens. Since they didn't follow Yahweh.

[edit on 21-3-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

[edit on 21-3-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

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