posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 08:31 PM
The word God in genesis is a term for the highly advanced beings that created the human-kind...there were indeed multiple gods throughout the creation
and Genesis focuses mainly on the main two( high ranking ) gods.
In the Annunaki account there names are Enki and Lord Enlil. Enki is always referred to God and Lord Enlil referred to as the Lord God
As you notice especially during the Garden of Eden passege but also many other places you see God and the Lord God conversing with each other or
directly to the humans....
Genesis 11:7 " Come, let US go down there and confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech"
That was Lord Enlil...he is more known as the sinister, more ruthless of the gods. He was given the title Lord because he did most of the governing
and law-laying. As you can see in that passege, he had gotten upset that the humans were constructing a monument/tower in hopes to try to be closer
to space ( where the gods came down from). He needed to confuse their language to disperse them from an plot or tyranny.
Lord Enlil is responsible for the commandment " Thou shalt not have any other gods before me....I am a jealous god"
(Why make such a statement if there are no other gods?)
and the more popular passege where God (Enki)is speaking to the other Gods: Genensis 1:26 " Let US make mankind in OUR image, according to OUR
God Enki was more compassionate and sympathetic to the humans. Even tho the humankind's purpose was slavery -to til the soil ( dig for gold) , he
didn't agree with Lord Enlil on how he desired to keep the slaves ignorant. Enki was the lead scientist for this Earth mission for gold and made the
decision that they needed workers for the gold mines...Genesis 1:26 is the actual cloning of humans out of the already here Homo Erectus and the DNA
of themselves, the gods.
When you really look at the Garden of Eden scene God Enki is merely telling Eve to go ahead and obtain knowledge ( symbolized as 'biting the apple of
the tree of good and evil). Eve states that the Lord has told her she will die upon doing so. He assures her she won't and Eve dosen't die. The
Lord comes storning through Eden and notice taht not only has Adam and Eve clothed themselves, they have began to obtain knowledge about the gods,
astrology, and other things. Lord Enlil is now so upset he threatens Eve again and then considers his brother a traitor, or a 'snake'
It's often been noted that the bible reads as if God has a split personality...Caring and lovin, then Ruthless and jealous and then caring again,
then sinister and murderous....
No split personality...multiple gods
[edit on 20-9-2009 by ButterCookie]
[edit on 20-9-2009 by ButterCookie]