Great thread, king- S&F 4 U
I agree wholeheartedly with you. I'd like to tell everyone why. All of the events I am about to relate are in recent memory & can be Googled easily.
I also recommend the websites of the Cincinnati Enquirer, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Los Angeles Times, & the International New York Times.
In April 2001 in Cincinnati, there were riots for a whole week that made the national news every night of that week. The racist cops in this city had
been shooting black men dead for years. Most of them were unarmed &/or mentally ill. The last straw came when a young man named Timothy Thomas,
engaged to be married & about to become a father, was murdered by police downtown- FOR REACHING FOR HIS PANTS. Like many young men, he was stylishly
dressed in the low-slung, baggy trousers that have been popular for years. The city erupted- not only downtown, but in other neighborhoods- Avondale &
Evanston. We were a hairsbreadth away from martial law.
On May 21st, 1979, the White Night riots rocked San Francisco like an earthquake. Dan White, who had murdered Mayor Moscone & supervisor Harvey Milk
the year before, had gotten off with involuntary manslaughter due to the infamous "Twinkie Defense". The gay community had HAD it. Many gay people
marched on city hall. The city unleashed goose-stepping riot cops, with badges that were taped over with black tape to avoid easy identification, upon
the protesters, causing a huge riot. The recent movie, "Milk", documents this.
In March of 1991, Rodney King was savagely beaten by racist policemen during a traffic stop. It was videotaped by a concerned witness across the
street. The tape made the national news & the four cops responsible were put on trial, then acquitted in April 1992. The poor & people of color in Los
Angeles rioted violently for a week, killing 53 people. Thousands were injured & 1 billion dollars worth of damage was inflicted upon the city.
In the summer of 2006, many riots flared up in Paris, France & other large cities in that country, due to high unemployment and racist attitudes.
During the year of 2008, many more riots ensued in Greece & elsewhere in Europe due to high youth unemployment. The list goes on, but the bottom line
is: when people have had enough, they boil over. This all too often happens when citizens have reason to lose all faith in government &/or law
enforcement. They feel that they have nothing to lose.
The world economic situation is ready to explode, as well. Make no mistake, this is a depression, not a recession- I refuse to call it anything other
than what it is. The last two Treasury bill auctions yielded little revenue- China & Japan, the largest investors in the past, chose to sit it out.
How is the U.S. going to survive, let alone pay for all of the expensive stop-gap measures it has been taking for the last year? It won't be solved
by ridiculous Tea Parties attended by people with their heads in the sand.
I've tried- gently- to apprise my friends of what is likely to hit the fan for years. Two have always listened to me, fortunately- we've had great
discussions. Others are in denial & have stopped just short of calling me crazy- until lately. Budget cuts & layoffs at work, inflated prices, & the
country's economic woes have begun waking them up, & they're scared. One friend who scoffed the most has had to take another long, hard look at what
I've said- her family's money is wrapped up in a lot of real estate, which is now worth only half of what it used to be. Hopefully they'll take my
advice & read Jim Marrs' excellent book, "Rule By Secrecy".
Money changes EVERYTHING. It's amazing how many people lose all of their friends when they haven't got any money any more. People should band
together & help each other out, yes, but they all too frequently don't. When mob mentality & martial law hit the street, it is usually every man for
himself. Bad times bring out the worst in a lot of people. It's best to BE PREPARED.