posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:37 PM
This is the best lecture I've ever heard on any website, television program, college campus, bar, you name it. THIS IS THE STORY IVE BEEN WAITING TO
Those of us who have come to ATS genuinely looking for answers because we know something is happening, have been lead here whether we know it or not.
Alex said the andromedans have been working behind the scenes, subtly providing us nudges both through the physical and spiritual worlds. The
andromedans have been faced with tyranny in the future and they have come back to this time to help us fight it but they can not do it for us, we have
to manifest the desire and implement the plan and they will meet us half way.
I suddenly feel like I could write for hours. It is flooding in like a tidal wave but I have to be up in a few hours for work so I am going to try to
give a few examples from my life that have helped me realize that this man is speaking the gospel truth and time is running out.
A couple of things really hit home. First let me say that I had always thought that the "aliens" were going to land on the steps of the capitols
around the world and welcome us humans into the galaxy. Now I know that can;t happen because our governments have been taken over.
Our salvation depends on individual epiphanies coming together to form a new way of thinking. One of the things that really struck me is that human
DNA has been damaged and it prevents our spiritual growth because we cannot remember and benefit from our past lives. I used to be very skeptical
about past lives. As a christian it certainly does not fit in the doctorine but that didn't bother me as much as needing proof to believe something
so outlandish. We are being given hints.
Two years ago I was driving with my wife. I was in the passenger seat looking out of the window completely wide awake. As i looked down a hill in
Occoquon, Virginia, I saw a scene in a flash of a second. Although it lasted a fraction of a second, I was able to EXPERIENCE details that would have
taken ten minutes of living through to be able to recount in such exquisite detail.
I was looking at myself as a ghost in a Union officers blue coat. It was a cold fall rain. I could smell manure and the unmistakeable aroma of
decaying leaves. I was watching myself, watch my wife attending my funeral. My wife was wearing a black dress and a black veil. Although I could not
see her face, I knew exactly that it was the first love of my life, a woman I will call Sally for reasons that are not important. I felt the sorrow
she was feeling. Mind you, this happened in a blink of an eye and nothing like this has ever happened in my life. I not only felt her pain, I felt an
enormous sense of gratitude that I had lived long enough to experience a very powerful and genuine love from another human being.
Although the casket was closed, I knew instantly that it was my body in the casket having died in the war. I also realized that I am not my body, It
was a vehicle lent to me to participate in another round of spiritual growth on this planet that I must have planned in advance to spend with
Just last week I was contacted for the first conversation Ive had with Sally in 25 years. The circumstances of our break up were tragic and misguided.
I am now married to another woman to whom I am completely devoted and have fathered four children with. The other example I am trying to bring from
Alex's lecture is that he said "The pain we carry in this life is due to the love we hold back."
That line, more than any other, has got me writing when I know I have to be up in four hours to go to work but feel I must convey some of this to you
my fellow ATSers.
When I saw the email from Sally in my inbox, my heart started racing and my face became flush. I started crying and I could not understand what was
happening or ever having such a powerfully emotional response to three words "Hello = Sally Smith" After a couple short emails, I was able to get
myself together enough after three days to speak to her.
To say it had been like no time had passed would be a cliche. We know there is no profit for either of us staying in regular contact due to our
current responsibilities but the experience changed me for the better. I had denied the love I had stifled for 25 years. Now, just like at my funeral
in 1865, I can cherish the idea that I was again able to feel the love of another human being. That is the meaning of spiritual growth.
I feel I have been nudged in some kind of spiritually divine way that Alex is saying has come from the andromedans. I have so many other examples but
if I don't go to bed, Im going to regret it.
The last example I want to make is a that he said the andromedans will only come and help us if we begin to visualize what post contact earth will
look like if they were to come down and help us. I tried to start the very same thread a few weeks ago but got very few bites. Maybe this time, it may
We have to, first as individuals, then as groups, visualize a new way of governing. There is no better place than this site to start coming up with
the new paradigm. Please forgive spellign errors