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The world I live in.

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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 04:16 AM
Ooookay now you really confuse me, I was refering to 'crying about' and 'crying for' I do not see the difference, and you said best of luck as if I dont feel empathy or something...

I dont know what you're trying to do but if its confuse me it works! I.. instead wish you well in the future too?!

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by zazzafrazz
reply to post by prevenge

Well technically we have invented syntheitc sperm so no they dont lol .
find proof of this and provide an explanaiton on how you think it actually would work in society.

There are other reasons, but when one sex takes control and power over another, it is the result of something.
So we should ask ourselves, why males wanted power over someone? Fear always drives the desire for power. So what did/do they fear?

what do they fear from a woman?


they just want to have her be there for SEX.

sex is the reason women are subjugated. you know this.

men are sexual animals and sex is on the mind 24-7

they're not scared of you.

they know they're stronger than you and they want sex with you.

that's why they want and GET power over you... so that they can have SEX with you.

i'm not talking about modern day issues with the dibble dabble of modern urban romance or what not.. i'm talking about the war-strewn situations you are talking about in the connotaiton of SUBJUGATION....

and my reasons are right.

If you can come up with other reasons, well and good, it shows you are deconstructing gender constructs

I suppose it would be excitng for me to see you come up with your reasons for the imbalance in equality between the genders.

there you go.

the imbalance in gender equality is because of CHEMICALS.


can you understand this?

if you find this a suitable solution then i dare you try setting up a league of women and supply them with testosterone supplements to transform them into the behavioral archetypes of the masculine principle.

once you've done that.. we can all start complaining about how there is no soft and nurturing curvaceous individuals left in the world.

Let me note here, I desire no power over a man.I'd like to live in a world where equality isnt hampered by gender, religion, colour etc. As I fear noone of them.

[edit on 20-9-2009 by zazzafrazz]

you seek the same future that i do then... one where our genders are blended in such a manner that we can sway either way and literally morph into whatever aspect of our physicality that our psychology desires...

where there is no DEFINITIVE GENDER

where we are all infinite in form and can be whatever whenever... through inhabiting a higher level of body..

but for NOW.. while you're in your human body.. you have to deal with REALITY honey...

and understand that the world is balanced in the sway of the bodies that are filled with TESOSTERONE...

sorry it's just that way.. and we're working on fixing that..

it's the animal paradigm.

don't blame us..
hey.. we protected you from anihiliation from cave bears and tigers all those thousands of years ...cut us some slack..

oh by the way i'm all the way for women's sufferage and equality...
but most women's rights advocates i've met have been the most frigid ignorant warped people i've ever met.


[edit on 21-9-2009 by prevenge]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 06:58 AM
Nice op...
You live to learn and adapt. We're not here to change the world but to change the lives of the ones who surround us or cross our path - our little tiny gravity field. As for the world as a whole, well you cant do anything about it, just adapt and accept it as it is, with its good things and bad things as you accept your significant other.

I sense a lot of negative energy in your post, you should look to the beautiful things the world offers you also... like the sunrise, the sunset, the people you love, the actions of kindness you see... which are not many I know, but without the sour how would you be able to truly appreciate the sweet?

try to be more positive and look a bit more to the good things instead of focusing on the bad that much... theres a lot of good to look at.

Now prevenge... if women had more testosterone I would be humping sheep...
love nature so far...

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Very nice one Zazz. I am currently writing a book on the subject, 11 chapters down 5 to go. Did you ever hear this one:

What we are trying in all theese discutions and talkes here, is to see if we cannot, radically bring about, a transformation of the mind. Not acceptings as they are, but to understand it, to go in to it, to excamine it, give your hart and your mind with everything that you have to find out, a way off living diferently. But, that depends on you and not somebody ells. Because in this there is no teacher, no pupil, there´s no leader, there´s no guru, there´s no master, no savior. You, yoursellf are the teacher and the pupil, and you are the master, you are the guru, you are the leader. YOU ARE EVERYTHING. And to understand, is to transform what is. (krishnamurti)

Love and light.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:21 AM
Zazz, Your thread is very powerful and insightful. Thank you! Starred and flagged.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Longtimegone
I am frustrated at the state of our society. Ignorance, hate, greed, etc. is everywhere. What really gets me upset is the fact that I am unable to live the life I want. I want to be truly free. Freedom from taxes, insane laws, and the fighting of petty little men. Keep me out of it...just leave me alone.

True freedom is not of this planet.

The perfect slave is one who says, "I am not a slave.".

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:18 PM
The world I live in.

I struggle, I put food on the table, I agitate the system in my spare time. Those are some of my functions. We all have very different functions.

We need to go back to the constitution.

Love your own first, and all others by extension, do what you can for them.

Good luck

The lack of money is the root of all evil.

I been to war as an American soldier. I handed out medicine to children, I shot at people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I got money for Iraqis that needed it, I kicked peoples doors in in the middle of the night and terrified them. I received a kiss of gratitude from a young Iraqi that I hired into the Iraqi Army, I saw him shot and his corpse torched. War sucks, plain and simple.

We need a lot more of it

Enjoy the differences we have between the two genders.

The most important unit of society. Family should band together against the world.

Sorry, some people are more able than others, deal with it.

I follow Jesus, I don't consider it a religion.

The mindkiller, useful if you can overcome it, hell it you can't.

A fiction, humans are individuals.

Understanding and empathy
I see the glass as half full. There are millions of people living in misery, but billions who are making a life one way or another. Take someone from a couple hundred years in the past and put them down in the world today and they would marvel at the ease of life and safety that most people in the Western world have. In another hundred years, there will be ups and downs but things will be better for the entire world, if we don't destroy ourselves first.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:33 PM
Sorry but just how is this a conspiracy?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:21 PM

Unfortunately, we all live in the same world my friend. This world has changed so much with in the past few decades. We live in a world were governments should not be there just to see what is in their best interest. We need governments that actually care about their people and what living conditions these people are experiencing. We need politicians that won't dip their hands into the caufers of corporations just so that the politicians can just get richer while representing the "common interest of the people."

We also live in a world now where children are not shown the proper amount of love, caring, and self respect that they should have or be shown. How many times do you have of a child being taken from their parents because of abuse? How many times do you hear of teenagers getting in to trouble with the law for various crimes? This is a world were most people do not reflect their own understanding of self respect or of high self-esteem. Some children now a days also treat their elders with disrespect. We would all like to live in a world were children are treated as they should be, as people. However, we may be too far past that for it to happen like it should.

We see people almost everyday competeing with someone else in a relationship. It has to do with people not sitting down and talking face to face with each other like they used to do. However, some people get along perfectly with their soulmates. That is because they understand and love their own selves like their mate does. What you project towards your mate helps them with understanding you as a person all in their own mind and soul.

Some people of this world depend on money just so that they can say that they have something when most others don't have. What these people have amounts to a whole lot of emptiness when it comes down to it. Yes we need money to help us get by with some of our basic needs. Imagine how many people you could feed with just a few million dollars. With that few million dollars, you could almost put a stop to global hunger as we know it. No one should die because they are hungry, they die because most of the governments where starvation or famine is occuring are corrupt and will not let aid go to those who are in dire need of it. That or the governments are trying to distribute supplies, they may not have the adequate ways to distribute these food supplies properly. It does make you want to cry and cry hard.

We live in a world where our wars are basically reported to us in a way so that only the bad reports come out. Most of us are fortunate enough to have not even fought in a war or to have seen the effects of war upon our nations. War is something that no one should bear witness to. I will say the following about my family though. My grandfather fought in both World War II and in the Korean War. He was also stationed in Germany for a short time after the end of World War II. I also had an uncle that served and killed in action over in Vietnam during that war. I do sometimes wonder what my grandfather did bear the unfortunate witness to when he served during World War II. My feeling is that he took some things to the grave with him that would have never told us. However, my family's war experience pales in comparison to your's zazz.

I am going to cut this short but to a point.

We should be told how to think based on the premiss of nationalities, your religion of choice, gender, family, or sex. We are no ones slave nor should we have slaves to conform to what we believe. We should think for ourselves and think clearly for ourselves to further better our own understanding of each other.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

"Happyness lies trapped in mysery."
remember that.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina 42
Sorry but just how is this a conspiracy?

Brainwashing religion, money needs, class systems, gender roles etc creates the slave world we live in. Its a pretty big conpiracy

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:07 PM
This is weird...

I live in a world filled with opportunity. A world where many of the people I meet greet me with friendly hellos, and welcoming smiles. I live in a world where opportunity is there for you if you try your best. I live in the world with personal choice, whether you want to get smashed on a Friday night or enjoy a musical. I live in a world where the friends I have made support me, and the family in which I have kept strong ties with push me.

I live in a world filled with opportunity. A world filled with choices. Choices of who I associate myself with, and choices that affect other people.

If you take in all the pain of the world, you will see it for an evil place...yet if you only take the world story by story, you will see it for all of the lessons it is ready to enrich you with.

We live in a world that is relative. How we all interpret is is different...but don't tell me it is that bad because I think it is actually pretty good.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by FritosBBQTwist

I really like your reply.

That is also my world. But i dont forget the other part thats hidden .

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 12:00 AM
What you stated sounds exactly as my thinking and what i came up with is everything happens for a reason the facts some of us being aware or not or anything else must happen its called world balance we could try and fight to make the world a better place however the change wont be great peace cant exist by it self all this leads me that we living on earth and following all this 3d laws because we being tested

[edit on 22-9-2009 by grimm703]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by smokingmonkey

thx for sharing.

War I been to war as an American soldier. I handed out medicine to children, I shot at people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I got money for Iraqis that needed it, I kicked peoples doors in in the middle of the night and terrified them. I received a kiss of gratitude from a young Iraqi that I hired into the Iraqi Army, I saw him shot and his corpse torched. War sucks, plain and simple.

What requirement are we all fulfilling for war? It is so sensless for life loss and living hell for those in it, but very required for big business, war isnt there for human freedoms. Good people like yourself and your Iraqui friend are just pawns that turn the cogs of power. War is a corporation nowadays. The 'staff' are expendable.

[edit on 22-9-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

I sense a lot of negative energy in your post, you should look to the beautiful things the world offers you also... like the sunrise, the sunset, the people you love, the actions of kindness you see... which are not many I know, but without the sour how would you be able to truly appreciate the sweet?

Thank you as you show you have concern.
I do appreciate life, perhaps i will do a 2nd thread. I live a truly rich and balanced life, I have stated that since page one. I just dont forget the side that is hidden from us mostly.
The point of the OP is to get one to think about self, and to understand the BIG system we function within.

I personally live in this world and the joyful immediate world around me that i have reconstructed from learning about why i am here and why we are all here.

I just am not disconnected from the voiceless. But I do live in the joy of it all also.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by zazzafrazz
reply to post by FritosBBQTwist

I really like your reply.

That is also my world. But i dont forget the other part thats hidden .

Thanks for the reading it...I sometimes spill my guts out to have not even a single person read it, so kudos!

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 07:18 PM
Life is hard. Hard as the street you're going to have to go and survive today.Thanks so much for coming down from the mount and enlightening us philistines on the error of our ways. Just be thankful you've got the time for such self indulgent navel gazing. Some people don't. Their to busy working two jobs to take care of the children you think they don't love and care about.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by concernedcitizan

The numbers for abused children listed is FACT.
You are welcome to ignore it, and live in a world where you love your children and look up from your navel.
Keep that hidden hurt hidden.

As i have said a dozen times in this thread I live a loving and full life, but I will not ignore the voiceless, nor the brainwashing.
You are most welcome to do so for yourself, as that is what you have said you prefer to do.

[edit on 22-9-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

I guess I can add aself righteous as well.

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