posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 12:46 PM
The universe is believed to be expanding. This means that the relative density is decreasing but potential energy is increasing. Think of it as the
universe being a capacitor that stores potential.
Stars are simply spots where this flow encounters resistance, and instead of potential, it turns into heat (energy&mass) -> the appearence of gravity
thru positive feedback.
on 21.12.2012 a great quarter will end, and and a new age will emerge. The universe passes the middlepoint between cyclic expansion and contraction.
The point where the derivative = 0. Zero point. The 'timewave' inverts.
1. This might be when human minds can start to enter the spiritual world as a species and use their full set of genes rather then the current subset
that is used during the decreasing half of the cycle. This could lead to life taking a (temporal) single sex direction. misinterprets this phenomenom.
2. The poleshift and various other changes that are predicted can be accounted for by the fact that the whole polarity of the universe will change.
North will be south and south will be north on a grander scale.
[edit on 19-9-2009 by above]
[edit on 19-9-2009 by above]