posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 02:46 AM
Recently a friend asked me "if they really had soma would you take it?" In reference to the soma from Huxley's
Brave New World. I didn't answer, nor did he.
So I thought about it and began to wonder. And to be honest I think I would take it, it would be the easy thing to do. To live a care free lifestyle
with no fear, even if it is just chemically induced happiness. I would think that it would be an easy way for the elites to take over, but being on
soma I don't think that I would care. Just in my blissful little euphoria.
Keeping in mind all the alcohol, nicotine, illegal substances and drug (prescribed or not) ussage around the world I had a feeling that I'm not the
only one to feel this way. I would like to know if people would/wouldn't take it and why?
[edit on 9/19/2009 by TheAntiHero420]