They are both quite beautiful, JM.
If I understand what you said about the second dream, then you were on the brink of adventure in real life. If so, then it sounds to me like your
unconscious mind sent your conscious mind a "Bon Voyage" card
The first is trickier. It is visibly a challenge dream, and you were either supposed to do something, maybe with the glass, or else notice something
about the situation, and use what you noticed to progress in the dream.
It is not unusual for a "task" or "challenge" dream to recur, if you don't complete the task in the dream. And, if you do complete the task in
the dream, then there is a second version - the "what happens next" that is not part of the dream when you don't do the task.
I am not playing Yoda here, it was your dream, so I don't know how to lift the glass, or even that lifting it was your "assigned" task. But I am
pretty sure that you were supposed to do something, since that is what happens in dreams that begin like yours.
If you want to pursue it, then you may consider searching
"active imagination" jung, and try to experience the "task accomplished" version
of the dream.
Beyond that, I am reluctant to babble, since it isn't my dream and I ought not to intrude on unfinished business. But the only other animate beings
in the picture are those three dragons whom you thought the table legs to be.
Even though there surely are three-legged tables, mostly tables have four legs. And the dragons are doing together what you tried to do alone and
couldn't. They are holding up the glass.
If it were my dream, then I'd accept the glass as I find it to be, and go under the table, to be among the dragons, to see what happens next.
Yes, Luke, simple-minded symbolic thought is
. But my best guess for me may not be the right answer for you.