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We Have Been Duped! Save the FED!

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posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:02 PM
I myself am guilty as well, as most of us here at ATS hate the FED with a passion and their fake money and illegitimate authority.

However, now that the Audit the Fed bill is actually looking like it will become a real issue, I have come to the stark realization that this is all by plan.

See, the powers that be have cleverly fooled us into aiding them in defeating our own nation from within.

Once we audit the fed, the US dollar will crash. Once the US dollar crashes, the USA will no longer be a dominant economic force throughout the current world system.

This will in turn bring forward the UN proposals for a world currency to replace the crashing US Dollar $.

We have been duped, and played like a violin.

So, it appears to me that we the CT crowd have actually been instrumental in being our own worst enemy.

What replaces the dollar? World Currency/Debt in the form of a Microchip.

So we actually helped give them a legit reason to defeat the dollar and institute a new fiat currency where everyone has to get a freaking chip. Worldwide.

It has all become much more clear to me now.

We have to save the FED, i know it sounds retarded but its the only thing we can do to STOP the NWO formation.

Here is our two current choices that we have been corralled into by the powers that be. 1) Keep the FED /US Dollar
2) Take the new world currency and most likely a RFID chip with it.

And right now we have all been duped into playing into # 2.

Trust me, no matter how bad or fake you guys think the US $ is, the "World Currency" will be a million times more fake and horrific than the US $ ever was, especially since it will be the catalyst for world domination/oppression from within the World Bank / UN organizations.

It was an old fashion "Double Conspiracy" and we are only now realizing how we have all been played as dupes.

Rather than Audit the FED, why don't we cut off the UN funding first????

That way the UN cannot take over once we defeat the FED.

By getting rid of the UN, we would be able to possibly coin our own money which is what we all want in reality.

But we will not be given the option of coining our own money, but rather we will be faced with the black hole that is the world fiat currency/ microchip.

This leads me to a even greater revelation about the very detailed and well planned conspiracy to mislead all of us.

Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Celente *(spelling) have all been leading us into a trap by telling us the truth.

Are they being played like we are ? Or are they actually in on this from the inside?

I am starting to think they are all actually plants now, and that they work for the powers that be directly by misleading us purposely directly into a global restructuring. But this restructuring will not be what we want, it will be what we all fear the most.

What I am trying to tell everyone is that this is all a double - triple conspiracy with many layers of deception and it uses a counter intuitive approach to fooling us.

So Please , Save the freaking dirty FED, because we are only setting up the formation of a world currency / New Order of the Ages.

Never thought Id be saying this crap.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:10 PM

I think I like the way you think.

It's just crazy enough to work.

This has the potential to get really confusing. How can you be sure that what you are doing right NOW isn't what they want you to do?

You think the FED is bad, so you agree to have it audited, you realize that it's going to crash the dollar so you change your mind, but they WANTED you to change you mind so the FED wouldn't get audited.

I sense a potential loop here.

+10 more 
posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:11 PM
You completely left out option #3. The one where we take our country back from the international bankers and have a currency that is controlled by congress. Like it says in the constitution.

We may have to fight the blue helmets of the U.N. to do it, but I am not scared.

The Fed is a middle man we don't need. Yeah, it may collapse the financial system, but it is all a big ponzi scheme, that needs to go down sooner than later, so we can start over with something legit.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:12 PM
Well your right.

We are simply going about saving ourselves in the wrong "order".

First we should get out of the UN and cut off funding.

That way they cannot jump on the issue immediately once we destroy the US dollar by auditing the FED.

If we allow the UN to exist while we do this operation to save our nation, they will surely take the initiative and jump in and take over the operation.

That is why we must get rid of the UN First, than the FED 2nd.

But by getting rid of the FED first, it allows the UN to take charge of the situation directly.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by downtown436
You completely left out option #3. The one where we take our country back from the international bankers and have a currency that is controlled by congress. Like it says in the constitution.

We may have to fight the blue helmets of the U.N. to do it, but I am not scared.

The Fed is a middle man we don't need. Yeah, it may collapse the financial system, but it is all a big ponzi scheme, that needs to go down sooner than later, so we can start over with something legit.

No you misunderstand. I am saying Option #3 is ONLY available if we get rid of the UN FIRST before we defeat the FED.

The UN will hijack the whole process early on, and start spitting out world currencies before we have the time to organize printing our own legit currency.

[edit on 18-9-2009 by muzzleflash]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:14 PM

We are still the military might of the world.

Our population maintains enough small arms to defend against many forms of mainland invasion.

At least we would do severe damage to any invading/controlling forces, even UN Troops.

So, *I think* we can take a chance on killing off the fed.

Maybe someday, creating our own currency (GreenBax/VerdeBax) again. The world can keep their SDR's.

The UN can be removed from New York with little effort.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by DrMattMaddix

The UN can be removed from New York with little effort.

I disagree. The UN will be the most difficult battle we have ever faced.

People have been trying to get rid of the UN for over 50years, and no one has ever come close to achieving it.

We will not be fighting ppl with blue helmets, rather we will be fighting starvation if we do not immediantly comply to accepting a new form of currency.

It is all about RUSHING us to make decisions too quickly. That way we will not have the time/opportunity to restructure our financial system and the UN already have a plan written up and waiting to be implemented.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:21 PM
Hmm read the title and I thought... sigh...

But your thread is bang on. This is by design, and if they didn't want an audit the fed bill THERE WOULD NOT BE ONE, thats the bottom line.

The order of events as mentioned with begin with the audit. Once the news starts to pour out about what has been going on behind the scenes there will be a mass loss of confidence, and then hyper inflation will set it.

This is why everyone should be preparing for the worst.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by king9072
Hmm read the title and I thought... sigh...

But your thread is bang on. This is by design, and if they didn't want an audit the fed bill THERE WOULD NOT BE ONE, thats the bottom line.

The order of events as mentioned with begin with the audit. Once the news starts to pour out about what has been going on behind the scenes there will be a mass loss of confidence, and then hyper inflation will set it.

This is why everyone should be preparing for the worst.

Exactly. It is all by design.

100% Correct, there would be no "Audit the FED" bill unless they wanted one.

I am glad that you guys can see this too.
Oh man were in deep ****

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

We will not be fighting ppl with blue helmets, rather we will be fighting starvation if we do not immediantly comply to accepting a new form of currency.

The U.N. starving us out??/ We feed most of the world!!......

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:26 PM
I couldn't agree more with the original post.

People who want to topple the Fed have completely ignored the reality of the many organizations just waiting to pounce.

Just because you WANT the good old days doesn't mean throwing out what we have now will bring them back. Toppling the Fed will wreck our strangle hold on global finance and supply chain.

That doesn't mean freedom for us, it means new masters. Honestly the Fed has a very live-and-let-live policy compared to the other options like China.

You want to see loss of freedom, then go ahead and bring down the Fed. Your grandchildren will thank you for wanting better for them, and curse you for dooming them to worse.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:29 PM
Spread the word. Lets Save the FED for now.

We can put the FED on the chopping block AFTER we clean house and get rid of these "other guys" first. Mainly the United Nations / World Bank outfit.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:40 PM
The only solution is a crash of the USD.

It will crash sooner or later, a debt based system by definition cannot sustain itself indefinitely. It is like a snake eating its own tail.

I say bring it on. Go local, refuse the chips, refuse any global currency. If the UN doesn't like it and sends in the Blue Helmets, well let the target practice begin.

Ambushes are easily set up, Blue Helmets shot off, and vehicles and supplies "re-appropriated"

It would only be a matter of time before the UN tucks its tail and scampers off. Nations would not stand for their "peacekeepers" (or stormtroopers, whichever you prefer) being killed. Just look at Italy's reaction to the Afghan bombing. Without the US pushing to "stay the course" we will force out the globalist invaders.

Yes lives would be lost, but such is war. Make no mistake, economic warfare is still warfare, and as far as I'm concerned we've been at war since 1913.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by digger2381
The only solution is a crash of the USD.

It will crash sooner or later, a debt based system by definition cannot sustain itself indefinitely. It is like a snake eating its own tail.

I say bring it on. Go local, refuse the chips, refuse any global currency. If the UN doesn't like it and sends in the Blue Helmets, well let the target practice begin.

Ambushes are easily set up, Blue Helmets shot off, and vehicles and supplies "re-appropriated"

It would only be a matter of time before the UN tucks its tail and scampers off. Nations would not stand for their "peacekeepers" (or stormtroopers, whichever you prefer) being killed. Just look at Italy's reaction to the Afghan bombing. Without the US pushing to "stay the course" we will force out the globalist invaders.

Yes lives would be lost, but such is war. Make no mistake, economic warfare is still warfare, and as far as I'm concerned we've been at war since 1913.

Your misunderstanding though. There will not be blue helmets. There will be starvation in your belly. This is a far greater weapon / strategy.

I do agree the FED needs to be eliminated, but the fact of the matter is that the UN should be eliminated first, because they are actually behind the "audit the FED" bill in the first place.

Do you seriously think 200 congressmen would vote yes on this?? I am sorry but almost all of our politicians are bought and paid for. You have to come to terms with the fact we have been totally manipulated and that we have actually been instrumental in aiding the UN in gaining way more power.

Read your own signature and then contemplate it. "Creating problem, manipulating reaction, implementing solution".

[edit on 18-9-2009 by muzzleflash]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:53 PM
I am going to play devil's advocate for a moment....

What makes you think the world spins around the dollar? The dollar is currently trading at 1.45 to the euro which means for every euro traded into dollars you get $1.45. When trading dollars to euros you get about 68 euro cents.

What exactly do you mean the dollar will collapse if the federal reserve is audited? It might sink further(devalue) but I don't think it will be outright abolished. Who has the authority to abolish a currency?

I have barely heard anything about the North American Union and the so-called amero currency other than on conspiracy sites! This topic gets very little coverage on mainstream news perhaps because there is not much to it in the first place. It might just be wishful thinking by some or perhaps they are considering to implement it in a few decades or so. Few people know the truth!

At the very least, are you not rushing a bit? We don't even have the amero installed and you are speaking about UN paperless currencies as though every country on earth is going to favorably and unconditionally just give up their currency for some make believe UN stuff....

If we ever get to that point you can bet all hell will break loose epecially when you ask brits, japs, swiss, koreans and just about every other prosperous nations to just go along for the questions asked...


posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 04:00 PM
Please audit the federal reserve and bring down the criminals. America and the rest of the world needs every single break we can get before we all go to hell and the crooks go to tahiti laughing their ass off at how stupid we are

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 04:03 PM
But there's another possibility you did not account for.

Things are happening in the background, things we do not yet understand but the growing number of people that are seeing how things work is a serious issue.

The politicians are scrambling to save their own rears before they get pitchforks in them.

The Illuminati scrambling to also save their own rears by throwing a couple of patsys to the wolves.

We get out audit and think "Hey we won!" then everything goes back to normal, they resume the ruling class, we resume watching american idol.

Then it's possible as well that they just want to throw us to the wolves as well.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

The Fed and the IMF/World Bank are the same people. Sorry to be the one to break this to you.

End the Fed.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 04:19 PM
i must agree, based on this principle alone:

never trust a politician. if you put faith in anything even one of them says or does, you are only setting yourself up for a big let down. including Ron F'ing Paul. well... at least they are consistent. theres a saying: "you knew i was a snake when you picked me up." they are ALL snakes in the grass. even the ones that come off as a mousy everyman.

just by declaring: "Audit the Fed!" we are expecting them (someone else, anyone) to do something for us. humorous. it screams 'we have no power and must rely on proxy!' it suggests that the power to do so is out of our control. would it not be an agency or representative from the same untrustworthy government conducting the audit and any subsequent investigation? of course.

way to go citizen. keep peeling back the layers. it's a big onion.

and thanks for the reminder: there is always an ulterior motive.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

But the UN feeds off of the dollar. Starve the UN. Crash the dollar, shut down the ports, keep food grown in America for Americans. It is our soil being degraded to grow the food in intensive agriculture, it is our labor (well the Mexicans too if you want to get technical) that is producing the food, why export it. The US government pays to destroy food instead of paying to put it in a national stockpile for emergency situations. Nothing will change until the people get mighty pissed off.

I know what my signature says, and I feel that in order to win at their game, you must outsmart them at their own game. Destroy their supply lines. Interrupt their plans. Raise hell.

Imagine how long the UN (not the building, but the actual people who meet inside it) would last if NYC turned into a maze of deathtraps set by angry Americans. Imagine Manhattan as Mogadishu. Not long. Their convoys would take off for JFK and LaGuardia real quick. And those that make it wouldn't want to come back.

The strength of America lies not in our mass of guns, but in pointing them in the same direction.

But for fairness sake, lets play along with your idea of ending the UN first. Well you're going to need to get Congress to go along with this one. The same Congress that you say is bought and paid for and is the reason that my position wouldn't work.

Well people will be hungry if the dollar collapses...will the food just disappear like in some David Blaine magic trick? NO. It will still be in the warehouses and silos and fields where it is right now.

If there is no dollar, can commerce not continue? Last time I checked, commerce has existed for thousands of years, the dollar in its current form...96 years.

People will go into debt to the farmers. Farmers will not lose their land because the people will protect the land as it is their lifeline. The people will seize lands taken by the banks and will rebuild without bankers. Government will start on a local level, built around the foundation of life, the food supply. It may expand out, it may not, but that is for the people to decide when the time comes.

Yes some may starve, but like I said, this is war. Cannibalism has happened before and it will happen again. I won't hesitate to enjoy a human drumstick if it's life or death, but I have 6 months of food, plus the knowledge and ability to get more if necessary. I won't hesitate to raid the warehouses and silos to get a short term supply of food, and I will partner with the farmer, providing protection and labor in exchange for future food. The farms will expand, people will learn trades, and life will go on.

Or people will cower in fear of what may happen and will fail to strike while the iron is hot, allowing the chains of slavery to be tightened once more.

My apologies for the disorganized thoughts, but there it is.
Please note I do not support offensive action against the current authorities, but strongly advocate standing one's ground and not allowing the tyranny of fear to prevail

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