posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 12:00 AM
At this point I am doing the only thing I know to do. I am pulling out all of the stops and laying it all out there for friends, family,
acquaintances,and complete strangers to see and hear. I am doing everything I can to shake people awake by spreading information.
Uncomfortable information I'm sure. I am well aware that I sound like a tin foil hat wearin' nut job but, In my opinion, the payoff will be real
soon. I will go from nutcase to prophet overnight.
Then, and only then, will people wake up. After they have been told what was to come and then it arrives. They will be forced to choose between
"hey this guy is psychic" orrrr
"hey, this guy is on to something, maybe there really is a conspiracy".
I only hope it is not too late for us. Please do all you can to spread awareness, even at the risk of sounding insane and being laughed at.