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So you've refused the vacccine and are headed to camp, now what about your kids?

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posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 12:41 PM
I know there are allot of people here who have said that they will refuse the vaccine if it becomes mandatory and that is great.

However, in the event that it does become mandatory and the consequences of refusal results in going away to summer camp or "Camp FEMA" as I call it,
What do you plan on doing with your kids? You can refuse all you want but at the end of the day that will leave your kids in state custody or worse....with the in-laws.

So I was hoping to find out what the general consensus is on this. I have 4 children of my own and am all for being a bad ass patriot and refusing the vaccination and resisting the NWO to the end. I'll go out in a blaze of glory and take as many of those slimy bastards with me as I can, but what about the kids?

It's not like they will get to come to camp with you. You will be separated from your family and more importantly, they will be separated from you. What are your kids supposed to do without you there? Who will take care of them? How will you be able to live with yourself not knowing from day to day if they are dead, alive, being gang raped by jackbooted gestapos or writhing in pain from the shot that mommy made them get at the local clinic????

Please, let's here some thoughts about this as it has been on my mind allot lately.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 12:56 PM
What is even worse, we are bullied into thinking that if we do not rise up and fight, they will leave us alone if we just say NO to the coming Vaccines.
BUT, what if the Vaccine is for the substances in the Chemtrails, and they get the bracelett marking the 'obedience' of the person ???

We have no choice BUT fight, this is actually an Call For Arms.......

We, who do not take this Crap, will not be able to go to the Store ffs, not even have a job, cause you NEED the darn bracelett....

You see the Problem ??? We must rise up, or die down....

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Jesus H Christ

Please, let's here some thoughts about this as it has been on my mind allot lately.

Alright, first off I commend you Sir for bringing this issue to thread.
I love children very much. Obviously not everyone has kids. To those
who do I can't imagine what that would even be like to have to think about.
There are cilidren around me however and I can gaurantee you, I
would definetly with no hesitation give my life, in the defense of any child any color anywhere anytime. It all falls on what you believe about a shot
that is being forced upon you. For what reason would that be?

[edit on 18-9-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 01:56 PM
teach the eldest child to be a leader. this may help if you have at least one kid that can take care of the others or get them to safety. assign a task or duty for each in the event of emergency.

let them know that one day you will not be around to take care of them, so they will have to look out for each other. this is going to happen one day with or without the NWO. siblings should be taught this anyway.

if the kids are old enough to retain the knowledge have them memorize the contact info of your next of kin.... brother, mother, sister, father. at least some phone #'s.

write up a drill or plan that the family can practice just in case the parents and children become separated. write up plan B while you're at it.

teach them the phrase "don't panic" and what it means. it might save their lives.

make sure they know the area in case they need to be told "RUN!"

normally this is the part where i would say to have them send for help... cops, etc. but that really doesn't apply if they are the ones hauling mom & dad away.

make or find a clever hiding place in the house, just for the kids.

teach them hunting, cooking and first aid. if age appropriate. they use their brains more if you treat them like human beings instead of helpless larva.

go to your friends and say "if anything happens to me i'll need you to save my kids." if they have kids, then offer them the same promise.

if you have teenagers, teach them everything from shooting straight to siphoning gas. if they are very young, well then there really isn't much to be done.

DISCLAIMER: if you have the types of kids that make you question if it is a good idea to teach them to properly use firearms or safely build a fire, then there is probably little hope for them anyway. that is not to say that they need to be toting AK's and molotov's, but there is no reason why a normal child over or around the age of 12 should not be able to hunt small game with a small caliber rifle. i learned at 10. if your kids can't be trusted with this knowledge then you have way bigger problems on hand than the NWO.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:03 PM
I told my Ex.. who finally left me, I wouldn't start a family until 2013.. And this was in the late 90's early 00's.

My intuition has been preparing for these days to come my entire life, without any real knowledge of prophecy, 2012, and world conspiracy.

I do not have children, and if I did, I would choose to conform.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:19 PM
Not quite the same situation, but a similar thing happen in Maryland. Where kids were held against their will and vaccinated at gunpoint. Parents were told that if they refused to let their kids get vaccinated, they would be thrown in jail! Do you all remember this? It wasn't that long ago!

I know how you feel. I feel that I must fight this - for the sake of our children. I don't want them growing up in this slave world. Even though the government is heavily discussing having forced swine flu vaccinations, I don't believe anyone is going to be thrown into a fema camp for refusing, as of right now anyways.

This will be the case though if we don't all rise together and fight this. It will take ALL of us to stand up and start a revolution! Otherwise you all might as well start rolling up your sleeves and get ready for your shots. And hope and pray that your child doesn't get paralyzed or autism from their shots.

The powers that be are VERY persuasive. Just look at all the citizens they have under their spell. They have scientists and the FDA and all the "credible" resources creating the "facts and proof" of our world to back them up. We need to start thinking "what do we have at our disposal?" We have real cases! We have real people in the world that have been negatively affected by these vaccines, or may have even died. We need to spread their stories. We need to remind people that if these vaccines were so safe then there would be no need for the companies to have judicial immunity. We need to get organized LOCALLY. There are more people against vaccinations than you think. We are starting an anti-vaccination movement, and while it is just starting, the entire world is aware of it.

Don't let people tell you that you are just "fear-mongering." I've seen this label thrown around all the time on ATS. The truth is that fear is a defense mechanism that is telling you that SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT. That you are LOSING YOUR RIGHTS EVERYDAY and you should be afraid.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by PolarityHorizon
Not quite the same situation, but a similar thing happen in Maryland. Where kids were held against their will and vaccinated at gunpoint. Parents were told that if they refused to let their kids get vaccinated, they would be thrown in jail! Do you all remember this? It wasn't that long ago!

Apart for the "at gunpoint" part, which is kind of a bad thing to do in front of kids, I'd say they did the right thing. See, what if the current flu is as deadly as the Spanish flu at the start of the 20th century? Would you still refuse the vaccination?

Originally posted by PolarityHorizon
I know how you feel. I feel that I must fight this - for the sake of our children. I don't want them growing up in this slave world. Even though the government is heavily discussing having forced swine flu vaccinations, I don't believe anyone is going to be thrown into a fema camp for refusing, as of right now anyways.

You don't live in a slave world. You don't even know the meaning of the phrase "slave world". I'm not sure about imprisonment in fema camps either, but the government has surely the right to quarantine all those who refuse the vaccination and if the numbers are low, it might just do that. If the refusing numbers are too high, it may be more economic to just enforce the vaccination by violent force if need be.

Originally posted by PolarityHorizon
This will be the case though if we don't all rise together and fight this. It will take ALL of us to stand up and start a revolution! Otherwise you all might as well start rolling up your sleeves and get ready for your shots. And hope and pray that your child doesn't get paralyzed or autism from their shots.

All of ATS does not a revolution make. Are there any indications that the vaccine has such side effects like paralysis or autism or did you just pull that out of thin air?
And what if your child dies, because you refused to vaccinate it?

Originally posted by PolarityHorizon
The powers that be are VERY persuasive. Just look at all the citizens they have under their spell. They have scientists and the FDA and all the "credible" resources creating the "facts and proof" of our world to back them up. We need to start thinking "what do we have at our disposal?" We have real cases! We have real people in the world that have been negatively affected by these vaccines, or may have even died. We need to spread their stories. We need to remind people that if these vaccines were so safe then there would be no need for the companies to have judicial immunity. We need to get organized LOCALLY. There are more people against vaccinations than you think. We are starting an anti-vaccination movement, and while it is just starting, the entire world is aware of it.

Do you have a credible scientific source for your claim about all the people that were affected negatively or even died because of the vaccine?
'Cause if you have one, I'd like to see it. Otherwise I'd just say you are just spreading propaganda lies.

Originally posted by PolarityHorizon
Don't let people tell you that you are just "fear-mongering." I've seen this label thrown around all the time on ATS. The truth is that fear is a defense mechanism that is telling you that SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT. That you are LOSING YOUR RIGHTS EVERYDAY and you should be afraid.
If the shoe fits, it fits. Unless you can provide credible proof for your claims, I have no choice but to assume that you are either ill-informed or are engaging in fear-mongering. I wonder which is worse?

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:53 PM

Alan Joe Ream Yurko
Vaccine induced encephalitis, meningitis and death.

Zachary Helms
DPT, oral polio drops, sudden death.

Harriet Moore
MMR, death.

Emma Gentle
MMR, death

Chelsea Stephenson
DPT, death

Joanne Ogden
MMR, death

Jade Scrimger
MMR, death

Keith MacGregor
Meningitis C vaccine, death

Devin Johnson
DPT, brain haemorrhage, death

Richie Ciotoli
DPT, death

Justin Isom
DPT, hib vaccines, death

Hayley Nicole Lagrand
DPT, seizures, death

Saxon Squires
Meningitis C vaccine, death

Christina Kaminski
DPT, death

Isaiah Jones
DPT, death

Curtis Gurr
DPT, encephalopathy, death

Lauren Brown
DPT, hib,OPV, haemolytic anaemia, death

Jason Anderson
DPT, coma, death

Philip Bobby Camery
DPT, encephalopathy, seizures, brain damage, death

Nina Cohn
DPT, seizures, blindness, lupus, death

Brandon Jack
Hepatitis B vaccine, death

Lyla Rose Belkin
Hepatitis B vaccine, encephalitis, death

Alexander Horwin
OPV, SV40 cancer, death

Ian Larsen Gromowski
Hepatitis B vaccine, allergic reaction, swelling all over body, skin eruptions, multiple organ failure, death at 47 days old.

George Fisher
MMR, death

Anna Louise Duncan
MMR, seizure, purple rash, death

Jenny Tetlock
Gardasil vaccine, paralysis, death

Christina Richelle Tarsell
Gardasil vaccine, sudden death

Amber Kaufman
Gardasil vaccine, seizure immediately after vaccine, stopped breathing, artificial ventilation for 3 days, death.

Megan Hild
Gardasil vaccine, sudden death

Jasmin Soriat
Gardasil vaccine, respiratory paralysis, death

Madyson Williams
MMR, constant seizures from time of MMR to death, 10 days later.

Christopher Clark
Died a couple of hours after DPT, hib, polio vaccines.

Harry Clark
Died 24 hours after vaccination with DPT, hib, polio

Mother accused of murder due to both her sons dying. Later aquitted after serving years in prison for a crime she didn't commit.
Then she killed herself as she was a broken woman after all the heartache.

Christopher Coulter
MR vaccine, from the 1994 MR vaccine campaign.
Mother found the 15 year old dead in bed.

Rachel Lacy
Soldier who recieved five vaccines including anthrax, got a heart infection immediately afterwards, died one month later.

Dylan Scott
DPT, hib, polio vaccines, unwell since time of vaccinations, died a few days later.
Mother accused of SBS - served 3 years awaiting trial. Found NOT GUILTY.

Zachary Strain
Oral polio vaccine, paralytic polio, death

Hayley Graves
Prevnar vaccine, vaccinated with second dose of prevnar at 9 months old. 30 hours later seizures started. In a coma for 45 days, having seizures the whole time. Death.

Ananya Kaewboon
DPT, Hepatitis B and polio vaccines, sudden death 1 day later.

Ashley Shipman
MMR vaccine, got SSPE as a result of measles virus in the vaccine, died a few years later at age 14.

Robert Francis
MMR vaccine, developed SSPE from measles virus, death

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by WalterRatlos
And what if your child dies, because you refused to vaccinate it?

what if my child almost died soon after his last immunization??

couldn't understand for the first year of his life why every so often (i didn't put together it was shortly after shots) he would have episodes of sometimes looked like he was having a seizure. another time i heard him making a choking sound, turned his swing around and he was blue...he was hospitalized and the doctors couldn't find a real reason for it.
finally after his last shot he was completely limp all of christmas day...incredibly high fever, scared the HELL out of me.

i looked up info on the net since doctors were absolutely NO help...and swore never to get him a shot again.

never even had a cold since that day.

yeah, shots are safe.

and to answer the OP
my S.O. and i just discussed this last night and the only option we would see under those circumstances would be to flee and hide until we could assume all was well.

we've already run into problems with doctors and being threatened by social services for choosing not to vaccinate our new baby, or finish shots with our 3 year old. they are serious about shots...even when not mandatory...if they made them mandatory you'd be better off camping in the woods than trying to resist...resistance is futile.

[edit on 9/18/2009 by double_frick]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Jesus H Christ

Make no mistake about it, throughout time children have had to fight in war. War is what is coming. s/f

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 04:37 PM
Hi Jesus, or should I say in jesus' name????

I would have to agree with TM. Children have made the battle in past wars.

Make no mistake about it; whatever comes this way is coming fast. The ideology of what the US Americans have learned to believe about children, or how to feel about them is childish, and weak in itself.

We are coming upon hard times, and that will require some hard actions. We must teach Our children to stand up, and be adults.

Why not??? The govt. teaches them at age 5 it is correct, or okay to have sexual relations; why not to be real adults?

It is what will be necessary; it might very well be necessary as in previous history for children to kill.
...................... just a crazy dude drinking tequila two pesos.....


posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 04:57 PM
I don't really see a right answer to this. Let's say that you are divorced and re-married like I am. Now, I can refuse the vaccine all day long, and have my butt hauled off to "Camp Fema" and sing campfire songs untill the sun comes up but, Ican't refuse the shot for my children at that point. That would be in my ex-wifes hands at that point.

But, let's take it a little further.
Let's say she also refuses. Then what????? They take her away as well??? So what happens to the kids???? Where do they go?? State custody???
Where they are property of the state???? and FORCED to take the damned vaccine anyway????

Is there a right answer? Is there any answer but the obvious???


So both parents stand up and fight only to be gunned down as an enemy combatant/ domestic terrorist and the kids are taken into state custody.


posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 05:11 PM
ummm... taking another approach... what if the swine flu gets bad, the vaccine works, you don't take it and die then who looks after your kids? Even worse your kids die because you did not act fast enough and get them vaccinated. I mean how hard core are you? If kids are dropping dead all around you you will not get them vaccinated?

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Jesus H Christ

I am not trying to sound cold, but it is kind of a rhetorical question Your asking.

The PTB currently aren't giving us too many other options. I totally full on believe the vaccine will be a killer; at least to the percentages necessary for the Elite to control the left over slave population.

Yes, it is either try, and possibly die standing up like a real Human Being, or die on Your knees at the whim of the Elites.

Make no mistake that is what We are facing currently; I can not choose, or make decisions for others, but for myself I am firm in dying standing up, and trying.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

Make no mistake about it, it is sort of rhetorical. There is no answer which leaves us alive and happy. That is what I want everyone to start thinking about. It is not a win-able situation from where I stand.

So, it is like you said. Which way do you want to leave this world?
Standing, or on your knees?
I couldn't give two squirts of piss if I die if it were only going to effect me.
But, what happens to the kids after I make choice A or B? Either way, THEY are screwed and THAT's what pisses me off.

Forget about me. I'll laugh at these bastards as I draw my last breath but my kids have no choice in the matter.

It feels so helpless.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by reasonable
ummm... taking another approach... what if the swine flu gets bad, the vaccine works, you don't take it and die then who looks after your kids? Even worse your kids die because you did not act fast enough and get them vaccinated. I mean how hard core are you? If kids are dropping dead all around you you will not get them vaccinated?

Interesting take on things... but considering the first wave of the swine flu had a mortality rate of 1.04%, and me and my two small children already had it during that time - I'm probably not going to take my chances on the vaccine.

That's right, me and my husband and two kids had the swine flu early this summer, and here we are - still alive and well.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by reasonable
ummm... taking another approach... what if the swine flu gets bad, the vaccine works, you don't take it and die then who looks after your kids? Even worse your kids die because you did not act fast enough and get them vaccinated. I mean how hard core are you? If kids are dropping dead all around you you will not get them vaccinated?

Well I guess I'm showing how much I distrust our gov't aren't I ?

I will refuse untill the very end for myself and my kids. I don't care how many kids are dropping dead around me.

THAT my friend is how much I distrust my Gov't!!!!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 07:53 PM
IT all comes down to choice.

as a parent accepting the vac. means your children will do likewise

as a parent not submitting this #### means taking a stand.

tough choices yet sending clear messages.

do we have any choice?


posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 10:41 PM

Apart for the "at gunpoint" part, which is kind of a bad thing to do in front of kids, I'd say they did the right thing. See, what if the current flu is as deadly as the Spanish flu at the start of the 20th century? Would you still refuse the vaccination?

Yes, you think just because you are pro-vaccine that this doesn't effect you. I guess you don't understand, it starts with forced vaccinations, and doesn't end. The government will be making every single health decision for you. What happens when they force you down a certain path you are against?

You don't live in a slave world. You don't even know the meaning of the phrase "slave world". I'm not sure about imprisonment in fema camps either, but the government has surely the right to quarantine all those who refuse the vaccination and if the numbers are low, it might just do that. If the refusing numbers are too high, it may be more economic to just enforce the vaccination by violent force if need be.

See above, maybe you will change your ideas when they are violently forcing certain agendas on you that you don't agree with. What happens when they do? Maybe you will come down with a sickness and they will decide what path is best for you, what specific treatment, and who you are treated by, all the while charging you for it. Hospitals and the FDA are a big business, do you think they are more concerned with your health, or their wallets?

All of ATS does not a revolution make. Are there any indications that the vaccine has such side effects like paralysis or autism or did you just pull that out of thin air?
And what if your child dies, because you refused to vaccinate it?

Is this guy for real? No, you only pay attention to the media or stories when it coincides with your specific political affiliation. I did refuse to vaccinate my child, and not only did they survive the swine flu, but they are a couple of the healthiest kids I know.

Do you have a credible scientific source for your claim about all the people that were affected negatively or even died because of the vaccine?
'Cause if you have one, I'd like to see it. Otherwise I'd just say you are just spreading propaganda lies.

See above for many names of people who have died of vaccinations, or maybe they are just lying too. It happens more than "they" want you to know. Hence the reason for the whole National Vaccination Injury Compensation Program.

If the shoe fits, it fits. Unless you can provide credible proof for your claims, I have no choice but to assume that you are either ill-informed or are engaging in fear-mongering. I wonder which is worse?

I'll tell you who the fear-mongering-shoe fits - our government! I wonder which is worse, people spreading the truth about the risks of vaccinations, or your government telling you that you and your family will die if you don't get this vaccination, and then forcing you do to so anyways, just for profit. Who is fear-mongering again? Certainly not our own government.

And to answer the PO's question: I'm afraid we may be forced to conform, and all because the majority of people are all as "ill-informed" as this guy.

I agree with the others, a war is coming. And this war isn't about vaccinations, it's about human rights. The people who are opposed to getting the vaccine couldn't care less about the people who get it! If you want to do it, then by all means, go get in line. But don't take away MY rights!

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 10:48 PM
At some point we each have to draw the line. I don't think getting a vaccine is anything but postponing the inevitable. But, honestly, this "mandatory vaccine" stuff is only going to make it crystal clear to more and more people that the "government" and it's cohorts are their mortal enemy. The worst think people can do is refuse to stand up. If one stands up others will. If no one stands up most of them will wish someone will.

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