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H1N1 immunisation to begin in two weeks

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posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 05:41 AM
Hi, just saw the story on the news. I don't know what to make of this. One side of me says this is good as people will be able to combat the Swine Flu across the country. The other side asks me if this is just the start of the official depopulation process of TPTB. I know a lot of people will think I am completely out of my mind, but considering everything that is taking place in the world this could be part of the agenda.

A swine-flu vaccine has been given official approval for use in Australia.

Australia's biggest-ever immunisation program to combat the deadly swine flu virus will begin in less than two weeks.

Free doses of the vaccine will be initially available for all adults from September 30, to protect them from a pandemic that has killed 172 Australians and 3,500 people worldwide.

Doses for children aged 10 and over are expected to be available by mid-October.

The nation's 7,500 general practices will start receiving deliveries of the Panvax vaccine from next week.

The government has bought 21 million doses and state and territory health authorities have already been given four million samples.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration has approved the one-shot protection vaccine, which Melbourne-based pharmaceutical firm CSL had been developing since May.

The $100 million program to develop a swine flu vaccine in Australia has produced a vaccine which its maker says will have a 95 per cent success rate in adults.

People with diabetes, asthma, obesity, weak immune systems and pregnant women will initially be given priority, along with doctors and nurses.

Here is the full article. Please read and judge for yourselves.

H1N1 immunisation to begin in two weeks

Hopefully there is nothing sinister in this, but a few of the quotes in the article are a bit concerning.

[edit on 18/9/2009 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 05:45 AM
I know someone who has a child with severe asthma. If their child gets swine flu he's as good as dead. I think in that situation he should get the jab. Personally I will watch how the flu develops.. if it becomes more virulent and a heap more deadly -and the vaccine proves effective I'll get it. Until then I'll avoid it, but I am far from anti-vax, I think they have their place depending on scenario.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 07:02 AM
Our bodies have all the capabilities to tune in to any virus, decipher it, and build a solution.
Only thing we have to do is put some effort into it.

A careful and smart mix of immune-stimulants (Iodine, Silver 100 etc) and True Visualization techniques can do things no vaccine can do.

I just know that, partly from my own experience.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

When you get right down to it, it comes to what you think is best for you and yours. My family won't be getting the vaccination.


But if you feel that it is safe, then go right ahead. Before you do anything though, just be knowlegable about what you're doing. Ask questions. Read up. Ask the docs, the nurses if they are getting the vaccination.

Just be smart before going in.

Good luck.

[edit on 18-9-2009 by mikerussellus]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 07:06 AM
This so funny, here in my neck of the woods in the US the swine flu is dying out, the cases are far and apart and not grand scale of fatalities, schools didn't close their doors and life goes on.

But by the time they bring the stupid vaccine no body is going to need it.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 07:59 AM
who ever takes the a jab ius clearly a sheep.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 01:41 PM
It won't be a jab at first, at least in the U.S. It will be the nasal spray vax.

First U.S. H1N1 vaccines will be nasa spray: CDC

Color me concerned.

(edited for typo)

[edit on 9/18/09 by GirlNextDoor]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:07 PM
San Antonio news this am that by "Mid October",they will have "clinics" set up in the public schools in the city to "dispense the vaccine" will be via a parental permission slip (at first,no doubt) and will be given free of charge.

They made it cystal clear that it IS expected you will have your child vaccinated...they were actively looking for "volunteers" to administer and organize the clinics asap.

The virus is "here" but I haven't heard of anyone becoming really ill from it nor have they closed a single school or cancelled a single event including the dozens of football games that Texas is famous for every Fri/ night...

But you gotta' have that vaccine.

Stinks of fish to me.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 06:42 PM
Guy at my work.. one of his kids and his wife got it. Didn't really want him around when he came back.

I think it is virulent, I just don't think it's very serious for most folks. But it can be, for some.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 08:08 PM
Swine flu. Is a flu. Why are people been so moronic and getting so hot anf bothered about this. It's a flu. People can survive these things. This was created by the powers of be in the lab alongside the vaccine. Are people this gullable or what.

I had the swine flu. My friends had it also. It is just a bad case of flu. Everyone should grow some balls and get real.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by irishchic
San Antonio news this am that by "Mid October",they will have "clinics" set up in the public schools in the city to "dispense the vaccine" will be via a parental permission slip (at first,no doubt) and will be given free of charge.

They made it cystal clear that it IS expected you will have your child vaccinated...they were actively looking for "volunteers" to administer and organize the clinics asap.

The virus is "here" but I haven't heard of anyone becoming really ill from it nor have they closed a single school or cancelled a single event including the dozens of football games that Texas is famous for every Fri/ night...

But you gotta' have that vaccine.

Stinks of fish to me.

I agree with you 100%. I can't think of a time in recent history when a supposed contagion has made me so suspicious. The newspapers, local television affiliates, etc, all rant on and on about how 1 out of 1000 people have it in our area, how it is affecting people left and right. Yet how is it, working in retail with the public, I have yet to hear about someone who knows someone, who knows someone who has it. I'm beginning to think that this imaginary flu is nothing more than a ploy to remind people that they need the government, and allow them to opportunity to pump more of their manufactured/dangerous crap into our veins and the veins of our children.

No one in this house is getting the vaccination, and I'm beginning to question whether or not this disease is even real. They can show pictures of people in hospitals all they want, but I have yet to see any proof that these sick people have anything besides a normal ailment or flu.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 08:45 PM
Well, if I thought that getting H1N1 would be close to certain death, I'ld go for it. However, having recently recovered from it, and recently spoke to a woman who had it last Spring, nope, I'ld say don't bother. It turns out that H1N1 is highly contagious but mild (compared to other the ones where I thought/wanted to die right then and there).

Doctors in my area now just say stay in bed, drink fluids. Neither private doctors nor county health clinics want to be deluged by people demanding the vaccine.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 12:37 AM

I had a confirmed case of the Swine Flu back in April - at the point where I was lucky enough to share the honor with about 100 other people in the US that were officially confirmed.

I can say the version I had was not that much different than the normal flu. Felt like crap, respiratory issues, but that was it. One cannot tell me this is something to get concerned about in the current version.

Now, the CDC will *NOT* be testing for the Swine Flu any longer, this according to a person I know who just went to the Dr. It seems like they are simply treating every case as if it's the Swine Flu.

What bothers me about the entire vaccine situation is this: back in the June time frame there was an antigenic shift with the virus, leading to a novel version - this is what the govn't was worried about hitting this year (If I can find the CNN article again, I'll post it later).

With the time it takes to create a vaccine in the cell culture model or in the good old fashion egg process, plus the testing, and the government approval process, there is little chance a vaccine would have been created for the novel virus...

So then, what is the vaccine really about?

Even if we take the extreme view that vaccinations will be forced on the public, which I doubt at this point simply from a logistic view, what would the possible reason be to force people to take this if it is not for the flu?

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 12:49 AM
I got this news directly from my mother today that in two weeks she and all the hospital workers will be getting mandatory pig shots, and they are trying to make it so that the people in the household the employees live have to have it also.....
She is an emergency tech, and sees everything that comes off the meat wagons, to the uninsured, using the ER for their general doctor visit..
I made sure to have her let me know how they are tracking or keeping tabs on who has been vaccinated! IE Braclet, RFID chip, she will tell me soon!

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by Doc Holiday
I got this news directly from my mother today that in two weeks she and all the hospital workers will be getting mandatory pig shots, and they are trying to make it so that the people in the household the employees live have to have it also.....
She is an emergency tech, and sees everything that comes off the meat wagons, to the uninsured, using the ER for their general doctor visit..
I made sure to have her let me know how they are tracking or keeping tabs on who has been vaccinated! IE Braclet, RFID chip, she will tell me soon!

Loyola University of Chicago just did the same thing with their medical staff, with their University and Med School administration, and with any student who wishes to go to the school. They did roughly 8K of shots.... but guess what, they didn't use the H1N1 vaccines.

I'd like to know that reason, or maybe they will require the H1N1 shots when they come in as well.

This is wrong. On so many levels this is wrong.

Doc Holiday, can you say the Hospital your mom works at w/ out of? If not, cool. I pointed out Loyola because they were all over the news with that choice.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 01:56 AM
Just to be clear: my major concern is not to do with how dangerous the actual virus is at this point, but rather the large quantity of vaccinations being proposed and encouraged. It is one of the largest vaccination programs in Australian history.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
Just to be clear: my major concern is not to do with how dangerous the actual virus is at this point, but rather the large quantity of vaccinations being proposed and encouraged. It is one of the largest vaccination programs in Australian history.

The only thing I can say is, I'm somewhat surprised by how many people are aware of the vaccination (and possibility of the rfid bracelet) that I never thought would be or would care.
Then again, I mention it to some people and they look at me like I'm crazy.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 10:11 AM
Now, my major worry is if this thing mutates... Since this virus is already capable of cross species transference between humans, swine and poultry I am more concerned that when the virus moves through to the Asian subcontinent that it may mix with H5N1 and produce a highly infection and lethal hybrid.. and if that does happen how effective will the Human or Pig H1N1 vaccines be then?

Edit - typo

[edit on 19/9/09 by thoughtsfull]

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

Why are you afraid it mutates, that is what the seasonal flu does every year and that is why every year you get a new vaccine, but that vaccine is not to fight the new mutation for the present year but the year before.

Nobody getting the swine flu vaccination right now is going to be immune of any mutation, actually people that already had the swine flu, will get nothing from vaccination at all as their body already have the antibodies.

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