posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by HunkaHunka
What I have come across Hunka, is that we can lose our rights or assets at anytime. All these new laws over the past 10 years have been made where we
have no choice. e.g. cigarette taxes, bailouts, patriot act, etc. As of right now we have 2 laws being proposed that will take another 30-35% of
income-Cap & Trade and Health Care. There will be not be choice-it will be on the sales end of products or forced insurance. My sole purpose, is to
let them know I will not follow their laws anymore. If they try to take any of my rights by force-see last paragraph-than I reserve the right to
defend myself.
As for like minded individuals, I wish I knew how many people have done this. I have an inkling that their may be up to 1 million people. As for like
joining together, I have a feeling New Hampshire with their Free State movement has a few and I know the entire Amish and Mennonite are Sovereign
Communities. I know for a fact that both of those pay no taxes and are not mandated to follow any statutory laws of the US. These two communities own
their property, they do not lease them from the government, hence no property taxes-really lease payments. There are a couple of those communities
where I live. I am going to a couple of them this weekend to talk and try to get some more information on how they deal with our government. It should
be interesting.
Deeds and the like are just corporate(I believe bonds) that state this. The lawyers and lawmakers of this country have literally pulled the wool over
our eyes. We do not have to follow these statutory laws. We were never given the information to allow us to make this choice though.
We no longer work for ourselves, we are slaves, 50-65% of what we make goes directly back to the government. Anyway I believe their grip on us and the
world is crumbling. It is only a matter of time.
Thanks for your questions and comments.