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Uncommon Video on WTC 7 Demolition: Can There Now Be Any Doubt?

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posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by reasonable

Can you qualify this statement by getting signed affidavits of all demolition experts please to the same.


I agree, this angle looks odd. Actually looks like an elevator shaft, which would make sense as to why you say that portion eject first. However, if it perchance were a controlled demolition. How come no one noticed all those pesky control wires, PETN and RDX ropes, Inititory Charges, Fuse Boxes, Kevlar Blankets and other shaped Charges to demolish the columns in just the right spot? Where they able to secretly place all this stuff inside the columns that I am sure were very visible to everyone who worked in that building. Maybe Nargals did it.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 08:44 AM
BOOM! Goes the Dynamite!

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by thedman

I always find these questions funny on a topic like this.

If the government willfully kills thousands of its civilians and completely demolishes three skyscrapers...

...why would they give a # if it hits another building?

[edit on 9/18/0909 by spines]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 08:49 AM
Do you think it is possible that our government would secretly pre position explosive charges in skyscrapers, so the buildings could be dropped if needed, to prevent its falling outward onto other buildings? Remember the first attack on the twin towers was in the parking garage. if the attack caused a building to fall over, how many other buildings would be destroyed? Could the resulting fires get out of hand and engulf the city?

1. consider the value of nearby buildings. Hundreds of millions if not into the billions.
2. Lawsuits from those people in the buildings, or their families.
3. Loss of businesses, jobs, tax revenue.
4. rebuilding must be a mess bringing in trucks, materials, and equipment into the inner city.
5. Cost and time to remove that much debris from many destroyed buildings.

Consider if the building is deemed a total loss anyway, why not bring it straight down, to prevent damage to other buildings.

Why would this be kept secret?

1. If we knew this, how many people would go back to work in a skyscraper?
2. Would terrorists try to find/use the explosives for evil?
3. Families of 9/11 victims would now file lawsuits against the us government.
4. Once the public knows, future events will trigger panic as people rush to excape the buildings. Even a small fire will cause the workers to panic and rush out afraid of getting caught inside if the building is brought down. Panic in a skyscraper cannot be good.

Perhaps someone with the right information could figure out how far one of the towers would reach if they had fallen over rather than straight down. How many other structures would be hit? Looking at some of the photos online, there are alot of smaller buildings right next to the towers. I wouldn't be surprised if ten buildings or more could be damaged from a falling tower. what would that cost to replace?

Since it would take a very long time to set enough charges to bring down a building like this, explosives would have to be placed in advance in order to be ready when needed.

Just a theory. $0.02


posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 09:11 AM
I have never seen this angle before and what caught my eye immediatly was when the building begins to fall, note the top left side of the building. That white puff of cloud that fires upward. That white dust is a smoking gun for thermate, it creates the same white cloud.
tell me what you guys think.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by king9072

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
Every time I see that building dropping straight down like a planned demolition my blood boils. The American government did this to it's own people. That should be a clarion call to arms if ever there was one.


The answer is obvious, and there's a simple reason why the official story doesn't account for it. The reason it wasn't the government, is cause NO ONE knows where the hi jackers were from 11:14pm when they left a strip club coked out, till they arrived at the airport.

That provided them 8 hours to frantically plant enough explosives to take down 3 sky scrapers. They didn't need sleep, cause they were going to die anyways, so they just waited to die.

And the reason they didn't want to mention this in the official story, is cause they didn't want to offend muslims by saying that "some", decide to sniff blow, # hookers, plant bombs, and fly planes into buildings. In that order. "Political correctness" sheesh.

Anyways, don't worry the government has it all under control. Haven't you noticed that they haven't attacked themselves again?

[edit on 17-9-2009 by king9072]

YOU are just a naive sheep...stop beliving everything the news,government etc tells you...there are SO many different things that doesnt add up on this day that it's ridicolous...where was the air fighters? where are the video recordings from pentagon? Where is the whole that should be there after a plain crashes into it? Not this so called whole that's on the photographs? Why is the twin towers the only skyskrapers that fell, when this has NEVER happend before? Why are you an idiot who don't try to research stuff like this, when your government are going out killing your own soliders and other people EVERY day in what they and the MSM calls wars? Stop being so #ing naive and wake the # up...

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by spines

Just to add my 2 peneth. Why would terrorist's, who obvious goal would be to cause maximum death and destruction, attack first thing in the morning whilst the towers were only filling up with people. Why not leave the attack untill mid morning, when the buildings would be full and the potential for tens of thousands of casualties would be at it's maximum?

It would seem that who ever did this wasn't looking for maximum death and destruction. But just enough.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Black Mambo
I love that this has been brought to light, i've been saying for years that it was the US governement because just look at the FBI/CIA/Secret Services building collapsing hours after the twin towers ... funny thing though is that as i'm from the UK no one EVER knows about WTC7 ... very well covered up by all accounts but obviously not well enough that even some of us europeans can see that your own government attacked your country and for those of you that think that the leaders of your country would NEVER do anything like that ... don't be fools, leaders have been scaring their people for thousands of years into going to war, etc and i'm sad to say that after thousands of years some are still to blind to see whats going on right in front of there faces!!!

Of course all this was a inside job from the US government. If you look at how every building is brought down. Its quite the opposite of what a terrorist attack would look like.
Every building is brought down to minimize the damage. Its more like the buildings where brought down to create a shocking confusion among the American people. And they did a very good job at that if you ask me.

The jets that hit the towers are probably nothing but painted drones to make everything fit a terror attack.

911 is nothing but a staged show. And every thing that happened after 911 was built on lies as well. But who really cares right.

Americans say that we have to respect the once who died. And by creating a lie is how they show their appreciation to the once who died. Its sick.

This 911 show.... Just shows you that your capitalistic leaders dont care a diam about your lives. You are nothing but helpless ponds playing their game by their roles. They cry crocodile tears to show you that they are on your side. So that you will keep on playing their game.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 09:44 AM
Just something compare it to.


I hope it helps people play match or not game.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
If this doesn't show proof of the demolition that was WTC 7, I don't know what does! Clearly you can see in this more recently released video a line of demo charges going off vertically on the right middle of the building. Note the charges start going off and only then does the building start to collapse with them. And I say this to any who will insist that the "structural failure" caused these effects. Nuh uh, no way in hell.

Something went off inside that building, in a line, just like demo charges!

END OF STORY, closer to the end for the perpetrators!

I'm not a demolitions expert, but wouldn't the charges have to be placed horizontally and vertically throughout the building?
And why is it that all videos that are intended to prove that WTC 7 fell due to demolition always show the building from a certain angle where the facade of building looks rather unaffected from destruction, wheras if one were to show the opposite site of the building one would see a rather large area of the building destructed by falling debris from the other towers?
End of story? I think not.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by ocomeon!
reply to post by spines

Just to add my 2 peneth. Why would terrorist's, who obvious goal would be to cause maximum death and destruction, attack first thing in the morning whilst the towers were only filling up with people. Why not leave the attack untill mid morning, when the buildings would be full and the potential for tens of thousands of casualties would be at it's maximum?

It would seem that who ever did this wasn't looking for maximum death and destruction. But just enough.

great post ... ye s... I am quoting so others see this ... you hit it

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by theBreadman

Do you think it is possible that our government would secretly pre position explosive charges in skyscrapers, so the buildings could be dropped if needed, to prevent its falling outward onto other buildings?

Possible, yes. Probable, no. Why I don't think it is a viable theory is that the US government would have anticipated a terrorist attack like the one on 9/11, i.e. hijacked airplanes being flown into buildings in a suicide attack. But I don't think anybody thought it possible that something like that would ever happen, simply because it never happened before. Until 9/11 whenever planes were hijacked the terrorists had demands and entered negotiations about them. My point is that even if a bright CIA analyst, for example, ever thought of that possibility, his superiors would have shrugged it off, like: "Nah, it'll never happen!"

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Faiol

Originally posted by ocomeon!
reply to post by spines

Just to add my 2 peneth. Why would terrorist's, who obvious goal would be to cause maximum death and destruction, attack first thing in the morning whilst the towers were only filling up with people. Why not leave the attack untill mid morning, when the buildings would be full and the potential for tens of thousands of casualties would be at it's maximum?

It would seem that who ever did this wasn't looking for maximum death and destruction. But just enough.

great post ... ye s... I am quoting so others see this ... you hit it

Maybe the terrorists did not know that about the fact that there would be fewer people in the morning on that particular day. Maybe also that they did not care to kill as many as possible. Maybe all the terrorists cared about was hitting their targets and thus making a statement.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by king9072

Anyways, don't worry the government has it all under control. Haven't you noticed that they haven't attacked themselves again?

They did not attack themselves. They attacked us. They murdered our people. Then they used this pretext to to attack us again (loss of liberties) and start aggressive wars.

What's worse is that our society's guardians (like our 9/11 air defenses) have been "stood down". The mainstream media is not only ignoring massive evidence of government involvement in 9/11, they are actively involved in attacking truthers and dissidents. Our federal police are consistently ignoring government crimes -- including, but not limited to -- narcotics smuggling, nuclear black market activities and the nearly overt actions of foreign spy rings and traitors. Our congressmen have refused to step up to the plate and defend us *or* inform us. They clearly do not represent us.

This is an organized effort from the top and their goal appears to be the destruction of this country. The $20 question is, will we allow these criminal scumbags to kill us and destroy our country -- and then just walk away from the carnage?

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 10:26 AM
Heres a high resolution WS vid of the same clip in AVI format..

For anyone who wants to view this vid in virtualdub.. it needs
deinterlacing.. best deinterlace filter for VD is Smart deinterlace.
which can be got from here

just configure the filter selecting the Linear interpolate option..

[edit on 18-9-2009 by CosmicTraveler]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 10:53 AM
That building was obviously weakened by the raging inferno that burned out of control all day....

Plus the damage from the debris of the twin towers that 'scooped out' a big portion of the facade also weakened it.....

Also I saw Santa and his reindeer on the roof with a sleigh full of goodies for all the good little boys and girls.......
the weight of that also had an effect on the collapse...


posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 10:54 AM
One question? If this is a demolition, why do we only see the 'charges' going off in the middle of the building on a few floors?I think many of you need to look at the structure design and it may help you to explain and understand the video.

Asa side note, Sorry, but this is nothing startling and is simply a rehash of the same ol story and videos. Where is the physical evidence? The only residue that is currently available are dust particles collected and tested in an independent lab that is not certified but peer review. A demolition of this size would have left behind SOMETHING....

Also, it is not the WTC 7 demolition, it is the WTC 7 collapse. You may want to change the title of your thread as it is a little misleading.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 11:07 AM

Just a few numbers that make 9/11 conspiracies nearly impossible:

J.L. Hudson’s in Detroit, Michigan, the tallest building ever razed, was 439 ft. (26 stories)

WTC 7 was 570 ft. (47 stories) 1.3 times the height of the J.L. Hudson.

WTC 1/2 was 1,368 ft. (110 stories) 3.12 times the height of J.L. Hudson.

So, on 9/11, three buildings were razed with perfect precision. One was 131 ft. taller than the record tower and the other two (minus cell phone antennas) were 929 ft. taller than the record holder.

The Hudson Building “It took us 24 days with 12 people doing nothing but loading explosives…” James Santoro – Controlled Demolition Incorporated"

Even according to the Loose Change guys, the heightened security and bomb-sniffing dogs had only been lifted for 5 days.


Of course, the construction is different and the towers would need less explosives if they were the same height. However, the towers were much taller and had more columns to cut as a result. Even if they did have the same amount of columns it would still take over 72 days with 12 people doing nothing but loading explosives. That's just one building. Add the second tower and WTC7 and you see where this is going. It quickly becomes absurd. As if this absurdly complex plan was the ONLY way to scare Americans.


See their Bldg 7 page, which should address the concerns in this thread.

In a Democracy it is healthy to ask questions- just not dumb ones over and over.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by esdad71

Also, it is not the WTC 7 demolition, it is the WTC 7 collapse. You may want to change the title of your thread as it is a little misleading.

I'm pretty sure the OP meant DEMOLITION, as he and many people don't believe it wasn't a simple collapse.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 11:27 AM
If buildings fall like that "naturally", then why do we need businesses that perform "controlled demolitions"?

In-other-words, if we are to believe the official story that 3 massive buildings collapsed naturally into their own foot prints, then we are to conclude that all business that perform "controlled demolitions" are all scam artists. Their services are completely not needed.

[edit on 18-9-2009 by harrytuttle]

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