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Why join the Army, Navy etc.?

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posted on May, 15 2004 @ 11:27 AM
Being from Canada, there are different reasons here why one would join the army. The army is used here to help our own people, to peace keep, and to help countries in need from earthquakes etc. In fact, we have a special training force here specifically for earthquake operations that is one of the best in the world. My point is that when one joins the army here, they will most likely not have to go fight in a war overseas ... thats not to say we never go to war, as we've backed up the US before, but it is doubtful in comparison with the US army/navy.

Why would an American join the army or navy, knowing that they will most likely have to go to war, and most likely on another countries soil? Me personally, I would not join. I wouldn't be used as a pawn to go kill people for oil or whatever the reason is that the US gives these days .... oh right, terrorism.

So anyways, I'd love to hear from some soldiers. Is it patriotism? Is it because you believe that what the US is doing is a good thing for the world? Why did you join when you didn't have to?

[Edited on 15-5-2004 by MessedUpAnnie]

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 11:39 AM
Alternatively being convicted of a crime and being offered the chance to serve in the army instead of prison must be an incentive...
I dont rate any army that recruits criminals.
Also, for the 'poor white trash' as such, it's a decent way to make a living, have a home, etc, for a few years to get your feet on the ground

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 11:49 AM
Wow, you think that all America is bloodthirsty, okay. Well, you're wrong. America doesn't go to war for no good reason, aside from killing people. We go to war to protect our economic investments and future. We also try to stop terrorism.

So in Canada you join the army, and will do so as long as you don't have to fight? Wow, that's rather sad! In America people join to defend the nation, to get educated, and/or get (free) college. I think one of the main driving forces is for patriotism, second being a brighter future, with free college and such. For example, my uncle joined the Navy. He joined because he wanted to go to good college, had pride in America, and also wanted the training and experience. He learned nuclear physics, designed the first nuclear subs, didn't need to go to college afterwards because of his past accomplishments. Also, he helped to defend the nation.

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 12:02 PM
I'm in college right now, and I will be joining the marines after I get out because I believe in America and our leadership. Yeah they screw up sometimes, but who wouldn't? I wholeheartedly agree with the war in Iraq. Whether going to Iraq was for oil, to spread democracy, look for weapons of mass destruction, or whatever reason you think it may be; the fact remains that far more good than bad has come of it. People in Iraq are now no longer afraid to talk on the phone with a friend or have to watch what they say when having lunch. Saddam was crazy... that's all there is to it. Yes, during the war people were probably freaked out and many people died... but the quality of life of Iraqi's is going to be MUCH butter in the long run. And that's all that matters.

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 12:03 PM
TallShaffer .. yes a lot of people here join for the free education too and to make a living etc., but the difference is that it isn't at the cost of having to go kill someone somewhere down the road.

Whether America goes to war for good reason or not is not the question. I don't want to know why America goes to war, I've already heard enough of that .. I want to know why soldiers join knowing that they will most likely end up in some other country having to kill someone in order to stay alive.

Is there anything that is worth having to put yourself in that position? Or is it because you truly believe in what your country is doing?

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by synn
I'm in college right now, and I will be joining the marines after I get out because I believe in America and our leadership. Yeah they screw up sometimes, but who wouldn't? I wholeheartedly agree with the war in Iraq. Whether going to Iraq was for oil, to spread democracy, look for weapons of mass destruction, or whatever reason you think it may be; the fact remains that far more good than bad has come of it. People in Iraq are now no longer afraid to talk on the phone with a friend or have to watch what they say when having lunch. Saddam was crazy... that's all there is to it. Yes, during the war people were probably freaked out and many people died... but the quality of life of Iraqi's is going to be MUCH butter in the long run. And that's all that matters.

Thanks synn ... that's what I was wanting to know.

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 12:24 PM
In Britian, alot of people join the TA... A builder recently won the Military Cross in Iraq for his actions there...
It's quite a 'lads' thing... Also good fun...
The Army in Britian isnt 'militaristic dictatorship'.... You do your duty, and you have a lot of fun... Expeditions to Mount Everest etc... Rock climbing, sports, etc...
People join to get 3 years in one of the most respected organisations in Britian... The British Army is the only place you can get proof of leadership skills in Britian (supposedly) and it's very good proof too. Not very many people join to go to war.

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 01:25 PM
Well you see most people in America either join the military because it affords them some form of a living, certain aliens can be nationalized by joining, and of course there are those who have grown up hearing stories about the heroes in WW2 or who feel a sense of duty because their father, grandfather, etc.. was enlisted.

However when it comes right down to it, you dont get to choose which war to fight. So whether it be for the wrong reasons or the right reasons your being sent in there and there isnt much you can do about it. And if the draft is reinstated even more are going to be sent over to fight against their will.

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 01:26 PM
Well that's just what makes me curious, I think that most people don't join to go to war, but the way things are these days, especially with the US, it almost is inevitable that it will happen. And I just wonder what could possibly be worth that.

And Synn .. does this mean that you think it's OK to 'defend your country' by physically going over to another country and attacking it and killing innocent civilians and children, because PERHAPS they MAY be a threat to yours? Or do you think it would be better to defend your country from your own land?

Yes, Saddam was a jerk, I don't think there's any argument there. But there is the general debate of whether it is the responsibility of the super power of the world to liberate all other countries or not? And if so, why only liberating some?

Do you as a future marine believe that no matter what the cost may be to you (including your life), it was worth it so that some people could talk freely on the phone?

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 01:48 PM
I'm not sure how the quote system works, so I'll just address all questions at once. I hope this answers them all.

No, I'm not a blood thirsty person joining up to kill people. I'm joining because I love the country I live in. Americans have somuch to be thankful for, and yes I believe that it is well worth fighting for. I greatly pity the person that doesn't believe this great nation is worth fighting for. If it means a risk of myself losing my life to defend what America is, then so be it. Countless Americans have given their lives in the past so that I could enjoy the world I live in today.

I've been to a third world country before on a missions trip, and it is simply amazing to see how much Americans have to be thankful for. If someone wants America wiped off the face of this earth, then I'm going to fight and do everything I can to stop them. We are at war right now, and are facing a serious threat from people that are wholeheartedly devoted to killing Americans, Britians, French, Spaniards, or anybody else they see as infidels. I fully believe that if these terrorists ever got their hands on a weapon of mass destruction, they would not hesitate to use it. That is what I see as a threat to everyone in the world.

As far as America having responsibility to "liberate' all countries -- yes, I think we have a responsibility to try and stop people that want to kill thousands or millions of innocents without mercy. We are all humans and should stick together throughout all of this. That currently means going to war with terrorists or people supplying terrorists with what they need to kill.

Yes, you can make a lot of arguments against everything I've said, I'm just telling you how I feel about it all. To sum it up, I feel that terrorists are a major threat to not just America, but many other countries and societies as well. And I feel that it is the responsibility of everyone able to protect what they stand for, to do so.

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 06:46 PM
Well yes, I could take apart a lot of what you've said, but I won't.

So you're patriotic and believe what America tells you ... which is that your country is being attacked and you should therefore go overseas to any country who has a bad leader because they maybe might attack you. And even if they don't attack you and don't have weapons, well at least we freed some people who should have just moved in the first place.


[Edited on 15-5-2004 by MessedUpAnnie]

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by browha
Alternatively being convicted of a crime and being offered the chance to serve in the army instead of prison must be an incentive...
I dont rate any army that recruits criminals.

Does the US do that? I didn't even know this!! That's disgusting.

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 06:55 PM
No, the smart ones would join the USAF! LOL!

(you know I love all my brothers and sisters in arms!)

I think people join the service for a sense of being in something bigger than themselves. Some for honour and the love for others and sadly some for murder and/or torture.

We aren't paid very much I can say that to you, and I'm sure it isn't for money.

I don't agree with us being in others countries, we need to help our nations probs. You know the saying "how can you help get the splinter out of your neighbours eye when you have a log in your own."

We need to devote our time as a nation to the poor and less fortunate of our country firstly. I believe we should try to help other nations with food and or other supplies (medicines etc.) We have the power to do this.

We should defend other nations that are honestly surpressed, abused etc, not for lame ass lies or under the false mantle of fake righteousness and democracy. I will die under the principles this nation was founded on.

Unfortunately, I might die for a lame ass lie now, only God knows my fate there in the desert. I'll accept whatever comes to me there. I'll do my best to use my God given gifts to see me through.

I'm going to Iraq in June for three months. I volunteered so that another didn't have to go unwillingly. The individual needs to stay and take care of his/her family matters. He/She has a baby daughter and she deserves to have her father/mother with her, and have a normal childhood hopefully. I'll be there in Iraq to help those around me, stuck in the same boat as me, and if need be, die for them, not for GW.

"The greatest love a person can have for hisor her friends is to give his or her life for them." -Jesus the Christ.

I firmly believe this from Our Saviour.

I was going to get out in Dec 04, but for medical reasons for my family member I might have to stay and let the govt pay for them. They are using me, so I should milk them for everything I can.

I apologise for what our country is doing, please don't judge us for what this president is doing.

[Edited on 5-15-2004 by Cearbhall]

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 07:03 PM
Cearbhall ... your post brought tears to my eyes.

Thank you for sharing that with me.

And I will keep you in my prayers. Stay safe over there, I can only hope that things are better by the time you go.

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 07:09 PM
Put things in perspective Annie always! When you wake up in the morning say to yourself "This is the best day ever." and believe it to be so. Remember you are not guaranteed tmw so live each day to its fullest because you can't take back your time.

Thank you for your prayers, I'll need them indeed!

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 07:09 PM
Messedup annie, you are really messed up you know... No are kidding right? I guess you feel safe up there in Canada, since nothing has happened there....yet. Maybe if they had blown up 3,000 of your people you would still want to do nothing and wait until another 3,000 or more are killed. What's 3,000 people, that's nothing, its ok, terrorists don't exist.....

Yes there are terrorists if you didn't know, look around to what is happening in the world right now, not only what happened in the U.S but in Spain and other countries.

Tell you what, we do not give up easily ever tracking any idiotic Islamic extremists, be that Iraq or anywhere else. You want to lay down, hide in Canada and let things happen, be my guess, but it is not an option for us to do that. We are not going to wait for these idiots to kill more Americans or attack any other civilians, maybe we could make an exception and let those Islamic extremists that are still alive go to Canada. Then you can open your arms to them and love them all you want, see if that changes them.

There are many reasons why we join the military. The U.S military has done a lot of good, but you normally don't hear that, people like yourself just want to sympathize with terrorists and blame the US for everything that is messed up in the world.

Civilians die in war, its something we can't avoid, and yes we are attacking extremists if you haven't figured that out, we are not attacking any civilians knowingly.

[Edited on 15-5-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 07:11 PM
As you might guess from the title, I was one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children- an infantryman in the US Marine Corps. At the same time, I will admit that I hated the people, the organization, and the BS with which I was surrounded constantly, and that within 8 months of enlistment I was discharged for misconduct- though I consider the corps my home and would very much love to return.

Anyway, I know a thing or two about why people join the USMC. Everyone carries there own little petty reasons on the surface. Social status, opportunities for advancement, physical and moral strength, belonging, pride etc.

Underneath it all though, 90% of Marines are die-hard idealists. Others have libraries of doctrine or labratories full of high tech advantages. We have miles of barren hills. We run up and down them all year long with huge loads on our backs, and when we get to the end we practice fighting. That's because WE BELIEVE, and when it comes time to fight for what we believe, we're coming right up the middle and not stopping until the enemy ceases to exist, so we have to be more durable than the enemy. Who would practice such madness? Only a religious extremist- one who believes he represents all that is right, and believes that he will wage war on all that is wrong.

Thats why America has Marines. Because young American men believe in the principles which their imperfect nation strives for, and if someone was against something that good, they'd have to be destroyed.

That being said, as Marines we all eventually realize just how screwed up the world is, and a lot of disillusionment sets in. In boot camp, a lot of guys want to hold on to their girls back home. On a West Pac, 2 years later, those same guys are buying hookers but grudging the money their wives back home spend.

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 07:16 PM
Well being a Brit we join for the love of the country - we are a mixed bunch i know - but hell we have been warriors since before the new americas was formed

so here we go again

Its my country and im glad to die for it - comments welcome

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 07:16 PM
Good post. I think all who join the service deep down are idealists in one way or the other.

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 07:18 PM
I don't know what they think they fight for, those that join the U.S. armed forces, because I really don't see any lasting commitment to any good cause. Their absence in Rwanda speaks to this, and I would encourage those who want to pursue a military carreer to read this book, "Shake hand with the Devil". You may one day be sent there, you may also one day be pulled out at your disgrace, todays militaries are often dishonored by the forign policy that governs them.

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