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Come on America, I love you but damn....

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posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:23 PM
I am getting sick and tired of people now-a-days. If this group is unhappy we must change everything but now this group is unhappy. With all theses special intrest groups out there it's a wonder what little that gets done actually gets done. Lord knows I love this country I fought for it and I have bleed for it. But we are yurning into a bunch of self centered narrow minded little &*^%$:bnghd: Lets run down a few examples.

I had a friend that I have know for roughly 17yrs we went to the same school up till high school. He ended up dropping out. I went into the military he was supposed to join me but said "I cant stop smoking weed" Now he has nothing going on and no real future. He says I got as far as i did because even though I'm black I look like I'm white. The man is holding him back. This excuse seems to be a common statement in my neighborhood. I asked him just how is the man holding you back. You have no education past 10th grade, no skills other then working fastfood and manual labor and you refuse to give up smoking weed if only just to past the piss test. Well we no longer talk that much because he said I turned on my people. But seriously to all you Black folks out there that will read this. Stop using that damn excuse yes I know racism still exist but 95% of the time your the man holding your self back. In actualitly you have more oppertunities then some of the whites because there are scholarships out there just for minorities. All you have to do is apply your self.

Also to my Black brothers Stop this bull on the streets. Everyday I turn on the news and there it is another brother dead over nothing. Dont you know you are the KKK's, neo-nazis, and all those other groups best friend. we kill more of our own people then they could ever do. You want to be a man then learn to walk away. So what that guy guy called you an ass or worse just walk away. Its no wonder that the sterotypes agaist us hold up. Just watch the news.

Please people stop being so damn sesitive. So you dont like what someone said so the hell what!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are raising our youth to be a bunch a punks. I cant belive some of the things I read in the paper. Especially when it comes to holiday's We nolonger have easter break out of respect for the people that do not celebrate easter. C'mon your still off!!!!!! You cant say merry christmas because you might offend someone. Get over it!!!! This country while not founded by cathlocs was still founded by men of christian beliefs. You cant even say under god anymore after the pledge. WTF!!!! Who is finding this offencive. If I want to say a prayer in school and you dont whats the problem If you want to pray to allah and me to God and some one else to budda whats the problem. My son was actually told that he is not to say grace at school because some parent heard him and was offended. HE IS 6YRS OLD. I am not a very religious person but my son looks like he will be his favorite book is his picture book of the bible and they told him he could not bring it in for show and tell because it would offend others at school. I see and hear about these things all the time. You know it would do good for these kids to see more then one religion. Open their mind some. There are schools that wont even allow kids to play tag because "it's been proven that the person who is it recieves emotional distress because the other kids run from them"

I have many mor examples but Im running out of space and have to go back to work. More to come some other time.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 08:53 AM
I agree with pretty much everything you said.

Unfortunately if I say something like that I am one hundred percent wrong because I am a white, straight, male. God knows when you are that combination you cannot speak out about things like that or you are being insensitive to the feelings of others.

I think we have become a wishy-washy, touchy, cry baby society for the most part. Heaven forbid if one second of one’s life has discomfort of any type.

People in general upset me with their lack of being able to “man up” to things around them.


posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 09:50 AM
As a white girl I am gonnna disagree with you somewhat, LOL. Can I use the excuse that I have an outside view?

First off, while yes, it is often being used as an excuse, there has been rampant and still current segregation and racisism in this country. I have seen it, we all have seen it.

Because of civil rights, the tactics are getting very veiled, and are not always obvious. If it is not taught to you, then you just may not see it at all.

There is still major oppression towards women, and it is such a slight of hand that most women don't even realize it.

My mother works for the civil rights division, she still has plenty of work to do. And she tells me tactics that are used for veiled discrimination.

For example, employers may not discriminate against hiring, but what they do is they keep someone for 6 months and then can them.

To work the numbers essentially.

I have been discriminated against several times for being a woman, and pregnant.

I think what is happening for the black community is that it is conditioning. They have been kept down for 100s of years by the man. So what happens if you conditioned a race for centuries and tell them they can' do anything? Well it is going to become a persistent mindset. Especially since you still have seniors that remember rampant discrimination.

It is not going to be erased in a few decades.

The other problem is, and the black community is not alone in this, and what Prez Obama has been trying to say. Is that the black community is obsessed witht he idea that the only success in life is to become a sports star or hip hop star.

I have had black friends who were so smart, and even had degrees who still obessed over becoming a football star. Yet they could of done so much as a scientist or something else. It was heartbreakign to watch.

And I think because of these high expectations, then people become defeated, and feel worthless and it almost becomes a self fullfilling prophecy.

For the life of me what I can't figure out is that the community always accusses the man of holding them down. Yet when anyone tries to be successful, they hold them back and berate them for trying to be like white people. I have seen this personally.

I had a friend/coworker. Beautiful and intelligent woman. Who was going to college to study to be a midwife and nurse. She got hassled by her black friends for acting like a white person. And for getting "high and mighty". yet this woman was going to be a midwife so she could coach poor black mothers and empower them to have healthy and successful pregnancies!! It just boggled my mind. And she struggled with her identity as a result.

As far as people becoming whiney about Merry christmas and everything else. This is kind of hypocritical. And only people who are not affected by it complain about it.
It was the very same tactics used by the civil rights division to get people to understand that certain phrases and terms are segratory and divisive. There are certain terms that are harmful. Some many people don't even realize. If minority communities didn't insist on society removing hurtful phrases, then it gives people permission to continue to degrade a portion of society.
Is Merry Christmas a negative term? No. But it does alienate a portion of the community and is forcing a belief and assuming that everyone should celebrate a sector of society. Now I don't mind it as I see christmas as a national holiday of winter celebration.

And it does not matter the size of that society, as black people know very well. It shouldn't be based on numbers.

You say that those people are getting those days off, they shouldn't complain. IN a sense, no. But in another sense, they are getting those days off but yet don't get the days off to celebrate their own holidays.

As someone who is a member of a religion that is not aknowledged and is often degraded and stigmatized, I know this all to well.

So just because the the portion of the fight for the black community is over, doesn't mean it is over for all communities.

Is it such a bad thing for people to show those sects respect? Or should we stay in the mindframe that the majority rules?

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 10:22 AM
if america were a boardgame....

fact: if america locked all supreme court justices in a room with unlimited paper and pens and had them write down all rules, laws, regulations, ordinances, ect .... they could not do it from memory.

fact: if conformity to a society requires it's citizens to obey all laws, why isn't any citizen expected to know all laws?

fact: if america were a boardgame ... it would a game where no one knows the rules, and all the players pretend they can play.

no player knows the rules. yet americans overlook this falacy of logic, while they impose this way of life on other nations, by force.

i haven't met an american yet who wasn't delusional.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:56 AM
Also, Under God is never supposed to be in the pledge. So historically speaking, it should be left out.

Francis Bellamy (1855 - 1931), a Baptist minister, wrote the original Pledge in August 1892. He was a Christian Socialist. In his Pledge, he is expressing the ideas of his first cousin, Edward Bellamy, author of the American socialist utopian novels, Looking Backward (1888) and Equality (1897).

In 1954, Congress after a campaign by the Knights of Columbus, added the words, 'under God,' to the Pledge. The Pledge was now both a patriotic oath and a public prayer.

If you want prayer in school, go to catholic school. And go to bible study on Sundays.Public school is for information and math and sciences and literature.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

If under God bothers you so much don't say the pledge or omit that part. It lasts a whole couple of seconds to say after all. I know such a burden, darn those Christians pushing it down other people throats. I deal with people on a daily that annoy me and offend me, guess what that is life get over it.

We move on it is not like we are tied to these people 24/7. I come to this board and half of the people here are bloody idiots in my eyes, ranting about someone pushing something on them because they say something in passing. If that was the case everyone should be forced to live on their one mile of land and never have outside contact with others. People whine and cry too much about the little offences they feel.

As for the civil rights thing, I can point to many companies in this area that fill their “quota” on minorities and keep them. They fill their positions with people less qualified for the job just because of their “quota” that only the upper management is supposed to know about. When you know the right people who retire from the place and they explain the hiring process you tend to get an idea on how the company really runs.

True I can also point to a few companies here that will do what they can to not hire minorities but those are fewer in this area than those who will hire unqualified people to fill a quota.

There is nothing civil or right about keeping the most qualified person from having the job no matter who they are.


posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Raist
reply to post by nixie_nox

If under God bothers you so much don't say the pledge or omit that part. It lasts a whole couple of seconds to say after all. I know such a burden, darn those Christians pushing it down other people throats. I deal with people on a daily that annoy me and offend me, guess what that is life get over it.

It is just as easy to say the reverse, wanna say under God, then do so, stop pushing the agenda on others.

Funny how everyone doesn't want the government telling you what to do but a religious organization can.

And yes, people do get tired of the christian agenda. I don't get harrassed by Jews or Muslims.

We move on it is not like we are tied to these people 24/7. I come to this board and half of the people here are bloody idiots in my eyes, ranting about someone pushing something on them because they say something in passing. If that was the case everyone should be forced to live on their one mile of land and never have outside contact with others. People whine and cry too much about the little offences they feel.

I think it is wonderful you can brush things off. But guess what, things people say do have an emotional inmpact on people. Pictures have an emotional impact on people. Simple statements at work can get you fired.
Or a bad reputation. Words are powerful things. The N word is just one word, but it has powerful repercussions for some people. Yes, they only have as much power as you give them, but not everyone has an emotional shield.

Is it realy so much asking society to be respectful?Isn't that what family values are about?

As for the civil rights thing, I can point to many companies in this area that fill their “quota” on minorities and keep them. They fill their positions with people less qualified for the job just because of their “quota” that only the upper management is supposed to know about. When you know the right people who retire from the place and they explain the hiring process you tend to get an idea on how the company really runs.

I hear you. I don't believe there should be a quota. In a perfect world, people get hired based on skill. Simple. But it doesn't work that way.

And yes, people do get hired that are less qualified. But you can't decide between if someone is considered less qualified because of their actual skills or because of racial perceptions and stigmas.

And you can look at it this way, a child's education is linked to their household income. So if you give someone an income, qualified or not, you give their children a chance to get the education they need to become competent workers.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

It is a pledge to the country. I refuse to say because my pledge is elsewhere. I have never met a Christian with an agenda that they “pushed” off on me even when I was practicing a religion that was far from being Christian. I think the thing is people take normal conversation to personally and think they are being attacked all the time. My response to them is “get over yourself; you are really not that important”. My point in saying what I said is that people need to quit being such pansies and stop crying about every little thing they hear or see. I see and hear plenty of things I do not agree with. Again I move past it as it is only a few passing moments of my life, which has a possibility to be quite long so long as I do not linger on the negative things of my life. Worrying about every little thing will only tear you up from the inside.

I want to point out about the education thing.

There are tons of grants for minorities no matter their finances. I on the other hand had to settle for full blown loans when I went back to school (I was raised pretty poor) because I now make just above the levels required for grants for a white male that is. I will pay the loans and it will be tough to do, but I have to make things stretch.

Explain to me how it is fair I have to pay the full ride when others can get by without paying squat? I even graduated Sum cum loti and still others can barely get by and get their education paid for.

Things are screwed up and certainly not on a level playing field.


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