posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 11:45 AM
Hmmm... It's tough to say. I'd probably have to give it to the US though. It would be a long, deadly, devastating war - the worst in human history.
It would probably dwarf World War II. But, in the end, I think America would win. America has a much higher military budget (like 49% of all
world military spending!), and so they have a much larger arsenal (weapons, naval fleet, air force, etc.). The technology in America is cutting
edge, and although Europe is right up there too, I believe the US is a little bit ahead of them in military technology. Europe does have more troops
in service though, so they have an edge in personel.
The main reason I believe America would ultimately win, though, is because of the US citizens. Every single citizen would become a soldier if invaded,
and would fight and defend themselves and their country until they die. So the 300,000,000+ figure you gave for the US might actually be pretty close
to representing those who would fight (as militia), and would give the American armed forces an insurmountable advantage. No enemy would be able to
gain too much ground on US soil, because they'd be fighting guerillas on a scale of nothing ever seen before. American citizens are allowed to be
armed, and there are well over 300 million firearms owned by US citizens. Many of the European nations have very strict gun laws, on the other hand,
so a civilian resistance would be much smaller in comparison to one in the US. For this reason, I give the victory at the end to America.
This is provided no nuclear weapons, or highly advanced black projects we do not know about, are used. This would change everything, and most likely
there wouldn't be a winner. Only mutually-assured destruction. We'd all be dead...