posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by SpacePunk
Spacepunk suggested a biological symbol on a black armband.
What say you all? Would that make the point?
I started to get a little nervous when I realized this was my idea--but
only because I worry that this will turn partisan. Realize that when
the "soccer moms" start wearing it people will ask: "What's that for?" It could certainly lead to some interesting discussions.
So it is my hope that in these interesting discussions (should people decide independently to do this as I am
not recruiting) that they
remember that this did not start with Barak Obama. He is playing the cards dealt him as are we all. Unfortunately, he seems to be going with the
Let us remember though that all is not lost. He also has a choice, and rather than stone him before he makes it...perhaps we can show him how we
"feel" and guide him to make the right and moral decisions. Let him and others know that what they are doing now has a dangerous momentum.