posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 03:32 PM
I have no idea where to find this information, but the question just struck me today.
With all of the 'Healthcare' hubaloo and such, just what exactly do our government reps get, and how does it compare to what they're proposing for
us, and will THEY take part in that or will they be 'exempt', etc., etc. etc.?
Do you see where I'm going here? Maybe it's just me, but I feel like we'll be sold down the river without a second thought. Not only regarding
healthcare, but any/every thing.
I'm at the point now where I have -100% confidence in my government and my representatives, for they have ALL lost their way as regards
representation and exactly WHY they are in their current position(s).
I grow weary reading the news each day, for the people that put these so-called 'representatives' in office don't seem to be aware of the error of
their ways. In the meantime, we all suffer and complain, yet nothing ever changes. If nothing else, conditions are becoming even more dire.
Does anyone else feel the same? Am I the only one?