posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by rich23
Once again, there's the race card. To know me, is to know that I am in no way a racist. What a cleaver idea to put in place a pres. that if anyone
disagrees with what they do or say, they are now a racist. I didn't agree with many of the things that Bush did either but I was not called a racist
for it. The race card is just a threat to try to shut people up. I guess the term racist has taken on a whole new meaning now.
I bet it will be a long time before another Black pres. is elected. People will be thinking that they cannot disagree with the pres due to being
called a racist. This is what is causing all the racial uproar to boil over again. I do believe it is done on purpose!!!!!
I guess in 2012 when we have Pres. Palin we will then be called Sexist regardless of gender!!!!