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***Breaking: Judge Orders Early Discovery: Orly Taitz Claims She Can Have President Obama

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posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 06:44 AM

her, and all those protestors behind her, can go to hell

and take bush with them

and you get a star, so everyone can see what an idiot she is

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
reply to post by December_Rain

Not that this has anything to do with it but she is a Dentist, you know, the people that put poison in your mouth called silver fillings. Now she is putting that poison in the minds of Judges and the American people. If you ask me all Dentists should be brought up on attempted murder charges

[edit on 17-9-2009 by All Seeing Eye]

I dont quite agree with it because Dentistry has nothing to do with Politics and surely Medical ppl know about what to use for peoples health rather than us.

But yeh, it's kinda funny Orly is a real estate agent, dentist and a stop for shop lol. I somewhere read that she got her law degree from an Online course.

Originally posted by oneclickaway
reply to post by December_Rain

You can get as sarcastic and patronising as you like, it still does not change the facts. No certificate has been deemed fake as yet. I am not asking you for links, but for proof that any certificate she presented has been proven fake.
Calling a case frivolous is not proof of forgery or fakery or anything other than the judges own prejudice really.

Thats a new one now the Judge is prejudiced lmao. So let me see you are not asking me links for the proof but you are asking me for proof, do you have any suggestions how to give proof without linking them on a webpage?

The point is that she is and was not liable for arrest as there has been no fakery proven, anywhere…apart from the Bomford certificate and the Kenyan fakery from that one.

What a minute now you are saying Kenyan certificate is a fakery when only you said earlier it's not proven as fake?

I am not asking you for links, but for proof that any certificate she presented has been proven fake.

Contradicting yourself huh!!

I will leave others to judge stupidity. Stating that she fled the country to avoid arrest for a few days is making up stories, as she has not been arrested, as there is nothing to arrest her for. She stated that she went to Israel for a family celebration. Therefore if there was a date set for a family event two days after then one would leave two days after or one would miss said event. Why make stuff up? And even if she had some other reason for going other than stated, that still does not mean she ‘fled the country’…lol

Judge is stupid, right ! Wonder how come giving interviews to Israeli news media and other anti-Obama crowd became part of her "private family celebration".

[edit on 17-9-2009 by December_Rain]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by December_Rain]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by December_Rain

What a minute now you are saying Kenyan certificate is a fakery when only you said earlier it's not proven as fake?

No, I am not saying that Orly’s certificate is a fake at all. I am saying there was the Bomford certificate and that a Kenyan certificate was apparently forged from that, which is slightly different form the one Orly has. And now she has the Lucas Smith one too. I am not saying that the one’s Orly has are fakes as that has not been proven by anybody. If you do a search I am sure you will come across the many threads on the subject on this forum.

So no, I am not contradicting myself at all. I am merely asking you to prove that any judge has even looked at the certificates and proven them false. And the answer is no. In Land’s case, he sneeringly expected Orly to have verified the original in Kenya, not understanding the whole issue at all, clearly. And not understanding that all Obama/Soetoro’s records are sealed everywhere. So yes, reading the transcript that judge is totally prejudiced and has not even looked at the issue at all, in any way.

Judge is stupid, right ! Wonder how come giving interviews to Israeli news media and other anti-Obama crowd became part of her "private family celebration".

No, I did not say the judge was stupid. If you read back you will see that I said I would leave it to others to judge stupidity, in response to your remark ‘there is a limit to absurdity after that it becomes stupidity.’
I did not say that she had a ‘private’ family celebration at all, did I? I said that it was stated somewhere that she went to Israel as there was some family celebration going on. I doubt that it took up all her time, so yes, she gave interviews. As one would if one was fighting for justice.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:36 AM
not sure if this was mentioned here but it seems Lucas Smith has split from the Orly camp according to his youtube page.

You can scroll through his comments section to see what has to say. And look at the left side of the page for his "recent comments"
(His screen name is inspectorsmith)

InspectorSmith Im sorry everyone but, I cannot work with Orly Taitz any longer. She wants me to lie under oath. (1 day ago)

and this is one of the comments he made on his channel comments section

Again, thank you everyone for your support and patriotism. Most of you have been here on this page with me since my Ebay auctions. It is not my intention to offend anyone. Your support is noted and appreciated. However, Orly Taitz is not a patriot but rather a egocentric correspondence course attorney that would take up any cause that will aid her in the fame and $$$ that she is seeking. She uses a ghost writer, for lack of correct terminology, to write all legal filings in this case against Obama. She has no understanding of the law and changes her story and the story of others everyday. It almost sickening. And this is the savior and patriot of the free world. I'd rather be marched off to a FEMA camp before I sacrifice my integrity and work this pathetic movie star fame seeker dentist attorney. Respectfully, Lucas Smith.

Obviously he has no affection for this woman anymore. His comments do sort of back up the feelings on this board toward her.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by PowerSlave]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by PowerSlave]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by hisshadow

her, and all those protestors behind her, can go to hell

and take bush with them

and you get a star, so everyone can see what an idiot she is

But this is still America, right?

And if many, many people feel exactly the same way about obama it's (still?) OK for them to say that, right?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by oneclickaway
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

Orly Taitz is not a US citizen, and most likely a intelligence plant from a certain foreign country. What does she care about the United States constitution,

But it is ok with you that nothing is known of the president and where his allegiance lies?
We know quite a bit about Obama and his loyalties. He is a puppet buffoon stumbling threw a jungle of politics. You judge a tree by the fruit it bares...

Always look at the hand that points the finger, and check its loyalties first.

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