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Carter: Race Plays Role in Obama Dislike - UPDATED: White House rejects racism claim

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posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:46 PM
My opinion on this matter:

A very small amount of people dislike him due to his race. There are some racists out there on all sides - white doesn't like black and black doesn't like white.

A large amount of people like him and voted for him only because of his race - didn't 90%+ of all black Americans who voted - vote for him? You will never convince me that his race had nothing to do with him receivng such a large portion of the minority vote.........besides - who cares what race he is or is not?

I care about his policies that have a real good chance at bankrupting our nation.

Jimmy Carter didn't have a clue what was going on in the 1970s - why is he relavant now?

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by metamagic
Good to see that someone who can get public attention is finally stating something that has been obvious to the rest of the world since the presidential election campaign.

yea. the issue that black people keep using race to get white people to give in.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Gools
reply to post by j2000

I expect people to address the topic at hand rather than attack the person making the comments.

Your posts are off topic and I suggest you cease and desist your ad hominem tactics post haste.

Well, I'll make this my only post then. I have never been treated like this here on ATS by Mods before.

Try sending a u2u instead of jumping me out on a post.

On Topic, You can't fight it. That's the BS of it. The more you bring it up, the more you talk about it, the worst they make it.
But on the other hand, if you point them out as foolish, it could backfire on them. I don't think they will let up anytime soon.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:58 PM
Reply to post by j2000

They can't let up. They are still shackled. I promis you that after I get some sleep, I have some disturbing and enlightening information for you to consider.

Don't be too sad bout the s and f. See it way too often. The best discussions I've ever been privileged to participate in get very little external clues to the depth and understanding shared by absolutely brilliant folks...and an occassional troll.

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posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 12:24 AM
I would guess the people who actually care about his policies are in the minority. I would bet my life that most of the people who hate Obama could care less and just hate the fact that there is a black man as president. You can say he is half this and that ...fact of the matter is..he looks black...there is no denying that. As for that one comment about the teapartiers....yeah where were these fools when Bush was president? Why are the majority of these guys if not all caucasion? I have no clue what you expected form this guy....but c'mon eight months to fix the USA's problems, . looks like the some of the Obama haters actually thought he was the messiah...because that would have been a miracle...

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

Let me settle this:

In the right wing conservative ideology there is a long running system of subliminal bigotry. Whether it be from changing historical fact to preforming the most fantastic mental gymnastics to make themselves feel superior to all others. It exists. The WASPs raise their children to think that they are better than everyone else who is no WASP and rich. However, this has seeped into the lower classes of white south and middle America. The lower class obviously desires to emulate the values of the higher class, if for nothing more than to separate themselves from the people of the darker skin complexions. However, it is not a true desire to hate. It is subliminal and it hits the subconscious.

What a load of garbage!!!! You complain it is the media feeding us the propaganda yet you expect us to swallow this?!!

Let me settle something for you. You can have your grandiose feelings that it is ALL about race and nothing more but understand if you keep filtering everything that takes place in this country, with this President, through a racial paradigm you are no longer gonna have a voice.

You have lost sight of the issues and what is happening because you have let your ego either consciously or subconsciously get in the way of values. What is with the "us vs. them" mentality?

Obama has lied and lied again! He may say he loves his country but doesn't seem to understand you do not go on an apology tour and trash talk the very Country you claim to love so dearly. You do not play "Hide -n- Seek with your Birth Certificate!

Since you and your other liberal partners, Carter included, continue to scream "race" then I will step out for the Conservatives and show you what most in this country are fighting for:


posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by Gools

Is he kidding? Yes there are racists, I don't deny that, but from what I've seen, they usually aren't white. They're the ones screaming that we're racist for not supporting the president.

I didn't even know who Obama was when I decided to oppose him. I had never seen a picture, never heard him speak, I had just read his positions and transcripts of his speeches on redistributing wealth and increasing government control and regulation.

All of my friends are fiercely opposed to what he stands for, often saying that they didn't give X years of their lives in defense of this country, its ideals, and its constitution to have them thrown out the window.

So no, I do not believe that racism is the reason for opposition to Obama's Policies, I believe Obama's Policies are the reason for opposition to Obama's Policies.

And anyone who says otherwise is a RACIST!

edited to add emphasis

[edit on 16-9-2009 by digger2381]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Gools
What proportion of opposition to Obama's presidency can be attributed to racists hiding behind the "anti-liberal" banner?

My guess is as good as yours.
The key word being *guess*.
When you have to guess what evils the opposition has, you know you're lost - seeking something of no substance over any credible argument.
Doing so only serves as a method to delude oneself.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by paxnatus
reply to post by TheOneElectric

Let me settle this:

In the right wing conservative ideology there is a long running system of subliminal bigotry. Whether it be from changing historical fact to preforming the most fantastic mental gymnastics to make themselves feel superior to all others. It exists. The WASPs raise their children to think that they are better than everyone else who is no WASP and rich. However, this has seeped into the lower classes of white south and middle America. The lower class obviously desires to emulate the values of the higher class, if for nothing more than to separate themselves from the people of the darker skin complexions. However, it is not a true desire to hate. It is subliminal and it hits the subconscious.

What a load of garbage!!!! You complain it is the media feeding us the propaganda yet you expect us to swallow this?!!

Let me settle something for you. You can have your grandiose feelings that it is ALL about race and nothing more but understand if you keep filtering everything that takes place in this country, with this President, through a racial paradigm you are no longer gonna have a voice.

You have lost sight of the issues and what is happening because you have let your ego either consciously or subconsciously get in the way of values. What is with the "us vs. them" mentality?

Obama has lied and lied again! He may say he loves his country but doesn't seem to understand you do not go on an apology tour and trash talk the very Country you claim to love so dearly. You do not play "Hide -n- Seek with your Birth Certificate!

Since you and your other liberal partners, Carter included, continue to scream "race" then I will step out for the Conservatives and show you what most in this country are fighting for:


First of all, I am not a liberal. Second of all, do not quote sections. It comes as one whole package. In the full text, most of the debate is dissected. Thirdly, my post was about you realizing and rising up against your true oppressors rather than you playing their games, but it is your choice. I said race plays a part. I did not say race was the reason. I even subtly added that the "us vs them" mentality also involved democrats and republicans. Why would you say that my post is talking about blaming everything on race when it is clearly not? You need to admit that there are outside sources influencing mentality (race, political ideology, fear, and hate). It is love or hate, you choose the later and it is game over for us all. Have a wonderful evening and a good day tomorrow.


[edit on 16-9-2009 by TheOneElectric]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

First of all, I am not a liberal. Second of all, do not quote sections. It comes as one whole package. In the full text, most of the debate is dissected. Thirdly, my post was about you realizing and rising up against your true oppressors rather than you playing their games, but it is your choice. You need to admit that there are outside sources influencing mentality. It is love or hate, you choose the later and it is game over for us all. Have a wonderful evening and a good day tomorrow. Namaste.

It's o.K., we got the gist of it in the part I posted. Yes, I know your post was about me. You have made the wrong assumption pretending to know my heart! And now I am a "hater" because I won't play your "race card politics"


posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by digger2381

I didn't even know who Obama was when I decided to oppose him. I had never seen a picture, never heard him speak, I had just read his positions and transcripts of his speeches on redistributing wealth and increasing government control and regulation.

Just curious when did this happen? Before or after the election? I don't know how his ethnicity escaped you with the media playing it up from the very beginning of him announcing to run for the presidency until the day he was elected. Carter may be correct with some of his comments. Yes people are having big problems with MANY of his proposed policies. Yes there are MANY people who think he has already gone back on promises he made during his campaigning which is a stereotypical politician maneuver. However, lets be honest here from the beginning until now his race has been subtly thrown out there like a fishing net.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by paxnatus
reply to post by TheOneElectric

First of all, I am not a liberal. Second of all, do not quote sections. It comes as one whole package. In the full text, most of the debate is dissected. Thirdly, my post was about you realizing and rising up against your true oppressors rather than you playing their games, but it is your choice. You need to admit that there are outside sources influencing mentality. It is love or hate, you choose the later and it is game over for us all. Have a wonderful evening and a good day tomorrow. Namaste.

It's o.K., we got the gist of it in the part I posted. Yes, I know your post was about me. You have made the wrong assumption pretending to know my heart! And now I am a "hater" because I won't play your "race card politics"


You seemed to be at a misunderstanding. The hatred is merely part race, just like it is part political persuasion and ideology. Hate is the game of the Illuminati set 1. It comes in various forms, and it helps shield the populace from love. I don't play race card politics, in fact, I barely play normal surface level politics. This is a conspiracy site, so I doubt I am anything similar to a liberal or conservative who plays political games.

Anyways, may the blessings be bountiful.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:20 AM
i only hate the black half of obama. am i half of a racist? the other day i got a deck of cards that had all the kings ,queens,and jacks were black.
this way if i get accused,i can play the race card!

[edit on 16-9-2009 by Spectre0o0]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Gools
Well this is interesting.

It only gets real interesting when the disjointed ideas such as Maori only University's get rightfully called racist by people like me . I am sure there are off topic examples of what I am referring to where you are .

What proportion of opposition to Obama's presidency can be attributed to racists hiding behind the "anti-liberal" banner?

Undoubtedly a fair percentage of Obama opponents are racial motivated the key is to work which ones are opposed to his race rather then just his policy's . Most likely the morons who thought or still think that Obama is a Muslim are either extremely ignorant or possible racist .

Is it a factor at all?

Of course there is no other explanation exists for birthers questioning Obama eligibility and not McCain !!

[edit on 16-9-2009 by xpert11]

[edit on 16-9-2009 by xpert11]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:02 AM
The fact of the matter is that on the campaign trail, you sore black, white, christian, muslim, jew, atheist etc. UNITED together in the run up to and election of Barrack Obama. It seemed most people loved him because of the promises he made and change in policy he was advocating. So isn't it logical to assume a lot of people now dislike him because of his broken promises? I agree it is somewhat unfair to be judging him so harshly considering he has not even been at the helm for one year yet.

Stop highlighting the fact that he is black. This was WELL known before, during and after his election. Are you telling me all those people who were cheering him and crying after his speeches were faking it so that they could elect a black man, get him to screw things up further and then scapegoat him and all black citizens?

Judging by some of these replies, it seems that racism would still exist in a world without races...

[edit on 16/9/2009 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by xpert11

only people that live a lie can't believe anyone else can be sincere.

[edit on 16-9-2009 by Spectre0o0]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:15 AM
I'm sure that you dont care what someone from Britain thinks, but to me it seems a combination of closet racism and a paranoia of anything resembling socialism. IMO

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by Spectre0o0
only people that live a lie can't believe anyone else can be sincere.

Just what are you saying ?
You have me a bit confused are you stating that I am labelling all of Obama opponents has racist ?

Cheers xpert11 .

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by JOE64
A large amount of people like him and voted for him only because of his race - didn't 90%+ of all black Americans who voted - vote for him? You will never convince me that his race had nothing to do with him receivng such a large portion of the minority vote.........besides - who cares what race he is or is not?

Most black Americans vote for the democrat on presidential tickets. Kerry got about 90% of the black vote to Obama's 95% or something..

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:49 AM
I think Alex Jones said it best:

"If you're white and you tackle a black wide receiver, it's because you're a racist."

The term "racism" is a hammer used to intimidate white people.

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