posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 12:41 PM
Looks like the establishment is striking while the iron's hot. I found it strange that an article titled "What Happened To Civility?" showed up on
the front page of my local rag this morning, and then when I went to lunch just a little while ago, saw the same article title on USA Today, but by a
completely different author. Probably happened in a lot of other cities too I'm assuming. Both highlighting the Serena, Kanye, Joe "you lie" Wilson
trifecta. And you know it's going to eventually lead to the town hall protesting.
I'm seeing a "civility" czar in the offing, what say you? How 'bout a "give me a break" czar?
Edit: On second thought, I think the title of the local story was "What Ever Happened To Manners?". So maybe a "manners" czar would be good
[edit on 15-9-2009 by Dr Love]