posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:59 AM
Politics is like Sports. People become fans of a particular team and rally for that team exclusively all of their life, even if they aren't from
where that team is from, or even if they know nothing about the players or the sport.
Funny how in our desire to feed our competitive nature, we blindly become fanatical in our "Us" vs. "Them" mentality that it becomes nothing more
than a feud that we no longer understand what it was that we were supposed to be standing for.
Case in point: Ask a Card-Carrying Republican and Card-Carrying Democrat what their Party stands for. Both will say "Less government" and "Lower
Taxes" and "More Personal Freedom". A Republican might add "No Gun Control" and "No Abortion" and a Democrat might add "Social Services" and
"More Education" but that's about it. Neither will actually know what their Party's Political Platform actually says, but other than 2 topics of
variation, they both think their respective Parties stand for the same things!
A choice between Coke or Pepsi is not a Freedom of Choice.
A choice between Darned if you do, Darned if you don't is not a Freedom of Choice.
A choice between Republican or Democrat is not a Freedom of Choice.
In our Bicameral Political System we do not have Freedom so long as a vote for another Candidate who has no affiliation, or is affiliated with a
Third-Party is a wasted vote. Either we need to get rid of the Bicameral Parties altogether and have no Political Parties, voting instead on the
Issues and the Person rather than on who their Affiliated Sponsor is, or have dozens of Political Parties from which we can choose.
Until then, a Republican calling Obama out for being a Democrat, or a Democrat calling Bush out for being a Republican is farcical at best and not
really any different from hypocrisy.