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Yet another small example of how we are divided by the MSM

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posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:19 AM
Here is yet another small example of just how we are divided by the MSM.

The 17-year-old victim was white and the teen assailants were black. Police released a video of the beating, which shows the victim being punched repeatedly while other students on the bus gather to watch, some cheering. It doesn't appear that the victim did anything to provoke an attack and tried only to defend himself. Police said it all unfolded in a five-minute span.

It is innocent enough at first. There doesn't seem to be any nefarious intent behind the headline here. On the front page of the Drudge Report right now it reads:

SHOCK: White student beaten by 2 black students on school bus; Crowd Cheers...


I'm sure the journalist who submitted this was not a seedy stalker of the night worshipping the underlords in his secret dungeon. He was simply doing what he learned. We are all a well oiled machine which runs its self. We unconsciously or subcosciously imprison ourselves with several techniqes, one of which is language.

Look closely again at this headline. Read it again, only this time from a different reference point. You, me, everyone on ats, and those kids are all infinite consciousness. We are all one. I know this sounds like new age hippie B.S. but it is true.

So I ask you, why couldn't the headline have read,

"Student beaten by two other students"?

Because that doesn't cause outrage and sell ad space does it? Our most primitive basic instict is fear. It is what kept us alive when we were evading dinosaurs and what not. It also happens to sell ad space and news pappers.

Remember this the next time you read the paper or come across an innocent enough headline like this. We are being manipulated.

Question,: How do you suppose this makes a certain segment of people feel towards black people? If you already hate black people and spend every waking day seething in hatred for anyone of color ( there is no shortage of them) how will this make you feel?

We are being divided!!!!

Linkywinky two

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Jesus H Christ]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:23 AM
Yeah I never really saw the point of putting someones color or race in a headline. They do it on purpose and I dont like it. I agree it should have just said "student beaten by two others" but no they had to make it a race issue even if they didnt mean to, its just how people are conditioned. Anytime I hear anyone speak anymore they always add a color or race tag to the person. I dont really care what color you are if you do something wrong that is why I dont like you, it has nothing to do with where you are from. Its the actions that should matter not the color of the skin!


posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:52 AM
Drudge is really bad about sensationalizing his headlines. I think it can be damaging sometimes bc it gives the reader a pre-conceived notion about the article they are about to read. I guess thats why in Breaking News you have to use the exact article title. Imagine if that weren't the case!


posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 10:10 AM
This type of headline is definately unique because usually when the victim is white then this is what was typed

"Student beaten by two other students"

However, when ever the victim is black then it will ALWAYS say, "Black student beaten by mob of whites"
Then it would be all over EVERY news channel, where you would be forced to listen to Al Sharpton spew his racist comments, doing his best to incite a riot.

Yea, i think it is about time that there was equality in the reporting of these offenses, even the cops are saying it was racially motivated.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 10:22 AM
Sometime around the Nixon era the media decided that they would no longer be unbiased. They decided that THEY could make a difference. Thus the adgenda was created. I tried an experiment about a year ago which I find highly relaxing.

I quit watching the news on TV, I quit reading the news in papers and magazines, I even deleted the online sites (such as Drudge for example) from my favorites.

You know what? I haven't missed it at all. Someone in my office told me today that Patrick Swayze (sp) died. Ok, whatever....I'm more interested in the fact that one of my close friends died on Sunday. He's not in the news by the way.

I don't even read the news items on this site other than for entertainment. I believe that conspiracies are created by weak people searching for an answer to their problems other than themselves. Anything other than themselves.

MSM bias? You don't have to look any further than an election year. Frankly, I don't see much difference between the New York Times and The National Enquirer.

And that's all the General has to say about that....

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by Kr0n0s

I have to agree with Kronos. Whites are consistently harangued for
any black/white interchange that turns violent. I have to laugh when
the local news reports crimes and gives a perp description without mentioning their race. Kinda makes it hard to find the person, doesn't

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:46 PM
Here's the video - judge for yourselves

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Asktheanimals]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:52 PM
Here's what you get for feeding your children a diet of tv and neglect.
It's not the children's fault they have been led to believe that such
behavior is not only OK, it's manly to do so. Sadly, it seems each
new generation is less and less empathetic to their peers. So much
for American values of tolerance and co-operation.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Jesus H Christ
Here is yet another small example of just how we are divided by the MSM.

I ask you, why couldn't the headline have read,

"Student beaten by two other students"?

Why does it even have to say "students"?
And why do they need to use that particular word, "beaten"?

Why not "One person assaulted by two others."?

Why is it even news? It happens many times every single day.
There are surely 1000's of other things more newsworthy.

The simple fact is that if it weren't for the different races involved (black and white particularly), this would not be news at all.

You answered your own question. It is to cause outrage and keep us all divided.

Also more importantly it keeps your mind occupied with trivial things rather than what's going on in Washington D.C.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 07:22 PM
Personally, it sounds like my daily life back in High School...and back then no one got detention, let alone arrested, let alone make National Headlines for pummeling me to a pulp for trying to sit down on the bus!

Hardly seems News-Worthy at all.

Bullying happens in school. Shock!
Bullying happens in school for stupid reasons. Shock!
The majority of kids in school will cheer on a fight. Shock!
Bus Driver won't intervene. Shock!

I agree that as there was nothing racially motivated on either the victim's part or the assailants' parts, then race should have never even been mentioned but in a foot-note at the end of the article saying "The attack was not apparently racially motivated" and even then, that's still insinuating that it is abnormal because it wasn't which is wrong in and of itself!

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 08:36 PM
If that was my kid I would find everyone of those knuckle dragging punks and end them where they stood. That was a racist attack if I ever saw it and those of you crying about race being interjected into the conversation are further left that I woud ever see.

Them "kids" aka jungle animals need to be brought up on hate crime charges and thrown in jail. Pitiful B.S.

Now the Chief of Police is saying this wasn't racially motivated? Blacks in this country are going to get their due one of these days and then they will be back where they belong.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by northof8
If that was my kid I would find everyone of those knuckle dragging punks and end them where they stood. That was a racist attack if I ever saw it and those of you crying about race being interjected into the conversation are further left that I would ever see.

Them "kids" aka jungle animals need to be brought up on hate crime charges and thrown in jail. Pitiful B.S.

Now the Chief of Police is saying this wasn't racially motivated? Blacks in this country are going to get their due one of these days and then they will be back where they belong.

I don't know what scares me more, these kids, the gov't, the media's biased reporting, or the fact that there are still people in this world that think this way. This is cleverly just as close to blatant racism as you can get without coming out and screaming " I HATE NIGGERS".

What you just expressed is precisely what was intended by the MSM. What did I say in an earlier post? Let me repeat it.

Question,: How do you suppose this makes a certain segment of people feel towards black people? If you already hate black people and spend every waking day seething in hatred for anyone of color ( there is no shortage of them) how will this make you feel?

You clearly fit this profile and it makes me sad that the msm has gotten to you. Please consider un-brainwashing and deprogramming all that you know and start over...fresh.

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