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A new World - The Basic meaning of Life!

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posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:48 AM
I have been around ATS for some months now and I really do enjoy it. Smart and interesting threads that I often learn something valuable from. And its a great forum for alternative news, gives me the chance to the understand the whole story. However, threads about us, humans are not so common. Of course do they exits and sometimes even quite good. But from my perspective we are missing a lot, we are forgetting the basic and we sometimes fail to look in perspective. We are missing all the important things, and the most important thing, that is you.

I should give you some of my background, that will make it easier to see why I am the one writing this. I have just start live again after 6 years of a heavy depression. My mother was and still are in some way an alcoholic, my father and my mother divorced when I turned 13 (today 22). My father died when I was 20, this after a life long fight with illness. Problems with heart, lungs and rebuilding muscles. This acquired me to step in an act like a second dad, or a house made so things could roll on. At the same time, my 3 year younger brother is in a even more heavy depression then me and under this time suicide was actually an option for him. Lost all of my friends mostly because I barely could go up from the bed some days.

I do not writing this because you should feel compassion in some way, in fact I am glad that this has happen to me. Or maybe not glad, but I do except it and realize that this is just another way of life.

However, me and my brother did go through this strengthened. After my father died it was like a giant process started and for approximately 6 months ago we both at the same time came to one conclusion, well maybe not one conclusion but in a way we understood the basic meaning of life. This my sound ludacris to someone and for some maybe it sounds like I promote myself to know more then you. But please do not take it that way. That is as far away from my intentions you could get.

So what was this huge life opening experience? Well it is easier to post two videos. When you realize what they are saying and how it actually means in a practical way you have enter stage one.

What I mean is that the society we think is the reality does NOT matter. The only thing that matter is YOU. We all know that the society today is crazy and #ed up. Its idiotic and ill logic. But we cannot change the society by using the same methods as the society is using. By believing we need to riot or write to the congress man or whatever way the society gives you to change, we also believe in the way the society is created. It is much easier then that, but today we are blindfolded by illusions such as Politic, Institutions, Economy and so on. We believe that this is something necessary just for the fact that it is so now. But we fail to see in perspective and time lines, this is just the human on a basic level. We will change in some way, change is the only constant. And all we need to do is to change ourself. By doing that you will realize who you are, you will understand who I am and you will also understand what the universe are. Then you will also see that all is one, and by seeing that you can understand the fact when you are helping someone, you are actually helping yourself.

By being positive at any giving circumstance your experience of life will be positive. This is extremely easy and works instant. This is not something new, but we are starting to forget it more and more. And when you loose the basic, things are starting to flip out. And as a last word, DO NOT BE AFRAID. Fear give birth to fear who gives birth to fear in a all long spiral. This works reversed also.

For those who has missed Kymatica it is about time to watch it.

Much love!

[edit on 15-9-2009 by InOurNature]

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[edit on 15-9-2009 by InOurNature]

[edit on 15-9-2009 by InOurNature]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 07:20 AM
Thank you for your words and videos.

Maybe we should all become at peace with ourselves.

If we continue warring and we can only bring destruction.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with that first step. So today I will begin my journey into peace and love.

I was on that journey many years ago and was distracted.

Thank you for reminding me of who we are.

Love and peace to you.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 07:26 AM
Pardoning, the grammatical errors, such as if you reread it, and rephrased some things, it would be much better.

Nonetheless, besides that, this thread... rocked lol !

I'm... impressed honestly.

I've experienced the same things you have, and what I struggle with, is the "I'm the only one who has" paradigm, and don't think that, everyone else, goes through the same #

I've had members on here, close friends, AA members, tell me, that i'm not the only one.

But i realize, that it's how it's affected me.

Just like you.

It's how we deal with it.

Although 'it' varies, like #in hell!

From seeing road kill, or seeing a hobo become a CEO.

Or vice versa.

I don't need to #ing tell you what life is though mate, you #in know it!!!

I know you feel like the economy politcs,and stuff, doesn't matter in the Grand Scheme.

But I bet for damn sure, ants send Fear Signals when your foot lands on them, it may not make a damn difference, but for them it does, and right now, were the ants.

Luckily, we got hit with a gift called consciousness.

By being positive at any giving circumstance your experience of life will be positive. This is extremely easy and works instant. This is not something new, but we are starting to forget it more and more. And when you loose the basic things are starting to flip out. And as a last word, DO NOT BE AFRAID. Fear give birth to fear who gives birth to fear in a all long spiral. This works reversed also.

I like this though, optimistic outcomes, tend to breed different outcomes.

But I try to look at it, like Paul Rudd, (great actor) would.

Something #ty happens, I simply embrace it with a soft spoken and ill concealed odd look, then move on.

And a gentle laugh, then move on further.

That's how life should be lived, it's in absence of denial!

No need for fear, embrace the fear, let out a curse word, and then go on.... it's great, but much harder to do than one would think!!!

I didn't watch the videos because:

1) there long
2) other ats members, may not be able to view, and want to participate.

Good thread though! KUDOS mofo


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