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This 9.12 video will rock you

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posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 05:33 AM
This is incredible, absolutely incredible.

I'm speechless, disturbed and ...just watch.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 05:48 AM
Do these people even know why they're marching? Most of the people in these interviews have no depth to their knowledge. All too often, the interviewer stumps them with basic questions. I was in America most of August and I saw a lot of what is being said on TV advertisements. They people seem to want to act without knowing what the solution might be.

I don't quite know what the motives of the video are it seems to demonstrate a lot of the same ignorance that got America into this mess in the first place. I admire them for making a stand but be clear about what you're standing up for.


posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:02 AM

I don't quite know what the motives of the video are it seems to demonstrate a lot of the same ignorance that got America into this mess in the first place.

There ya go...

Actually it's sad, really sad...

These people need a leader. Big Time...

And the part about Barak Obama being the Anti-Christ and his name being in the Bible written right out for all to see...???

And the ---> "Thank God for Glen Beck..."? "This wouldn't have happened without Glen Beck!"

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by reasonable
This is incredible, absolutely incredible.

I'm speechless, disturbed and ...just watch.

This is disgusting,
I am disgusted.
These are still sheeple, noone awake here. Just more feeding off propaganda

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:14 AM
This is a Christian Dominionist movement.
Religions are Illuminati downline and the secret societies are orchestrating this chaos and are manipulating the movement.

The crumbling religions are banding together to form inter-faith groups and to hide behid new corporate umbrellas (because religions are going broke.)

The plan is for these inter-faith groups to take over all of the government social programs and that is why these illiterate people are being used to progress the movement.

Once these "benevolent" societies take over----watch out! They will proclaim that we have reached the "Age of God's Judgement" and if your name is not on the list (in their "book of life") will not qualify for food, shelter, or employment.

The corporate illuminati pawns are doing their best to cripple the masses by kicking them out of their homes and swindling or confiscating whatever funds they have. It is their goal to bring everyone to their knees and make them dependant on their "new system".

Once the New Theocratic Kingdom of God prevails, if your name is not on a church roll, you will find yourself out in the cold.

These crowds are ignorant parrots being used to further a cause that they don't even realize yet.

This is why truthers will have to be "removed" in order for the evil ones to keep their grip on the masses of those who will be obedient to their wills and goals. Then, later, they will cull those sheep and keep only the useful slaves.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:18 AM
Some good points were made by these people and I believe their hearts are in the right place, they are just uninformed. The sad truth is if bush had tried to pass the health care bill, people would be all for it. I love my grandmother dearly, but she was in support of the dreaded patriot act. *insert my rant and rave here* If Obama had been the one to pass it she would have been dead set against it.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:19 AM
Just like Jay Leno you can go out into any crowd and find a
number of inarticulate, uneducated people. Throw the "best"
clips of their less than intelligent statements and voila! - they
all look like idiots.

I happen to agree with the majority at the march who
simply believe that government is out of touch and out
of control. By virtue of their fiscal policies alone we're
on a course for economic suicide.

Making protesters look stupid doesn't make Obama and
Congress's actions any more valid, ethical or Constitutional.
When you make campaign promises and fail to keep them
don't expect people to sit there and blithely take it. I could
even make the argument that that video was a racist hit
piece since he didn't interview any minorities. White basher!!
Racist!!! Hate crime!!!

C'mon, lets be real and argue the merits of every policy and
law with intelligence and respect for those whose views differ
from our own. We may have freedom of speech but I really
think we have the duty to listen.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by calstorm
Some good points were made by these people and I believe their hearts are in the right place, they are just uninformed. The sad truth is if bush had tried to pass the health care bill, people would be all for it. I love my grandmother dearly, but she was in support of the dreaded patriot act. *insert my rant and rave here* If Obama had been the one to pass it she would have been dead set against it.

I agree with this statement. My mother is the same way! I am against a lot of Obama's plans, but it is based on facts within the Bills, not just a hate for Obama. My mother on the other hand, opposes anything Obama says or does, even when it makes sense! I am assuming it is based on race, although she never says that!

Now, as for the video, I really don't care what gets the people motivated, race, religion, guns, or just being a different flavor of sheep! As long as they are out there, caring about the government, and paying attention to politics, then the movement is successful!! As long as more people are paying attention, and becoming willing to stand for something, then we still have a chance to save the Union without bloodshed! Maybe the voters will make a change, and it won't take revolutionaries!

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:31 AM
Some of these people as just as uninformed as those who thought Obama would take care of all of their needs i.e. mortgages, car payments, healthcare etc. I remember the crying and exuberant supporters on his campaign trail that literally thought Obama would save the world.

I suppose that there are just simple, average people on both sides of the aisle.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Just like Jay Leno you can go out into any crowd and find a
number of inarticulate, uneducated people. Throw the "best"
clips of their less than intelligent statements and voila! - they
all look like idiots.

From what I've seen via countless sources I'd say he interviewed the cream of the crop. They probably edited out the others who were likely just grunting. I'm sorry, but how anyone can defend this behavior is beyond me. These people are deranged. It's that simple.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:43 AM
In the grand struggle between right and wrong on this planet, I believe America to be the country with the hardest fight on its hands. Many of its people have little or no grasp of world events, they have minimal true knowledge of what is going on in their country and are still in a state of disbelief that, despite everything, it will all be okay.

I returned from America in August with the impression that hell is indeed an environment you can get accustomed to living in. If you have ever stepped out of America looking in instead of out, you'd see what is wrong with it.

As a Brit, I was appauled by the television. 600 channels of absolute crap interspersed with so much advertising that it rendered it unwatchable. I couldn't even lie on a beach in Ocean City, New Jersey, staring out across the sea without having planes flying over in quick succession all day advertising Comcast. The fast food joints have totally infested the place, shopping malls are absolutely everywhere and the whole time, it felt like being in a giant crèche.

I really feel bad for the people there. Corporations have poisoned the food, the water, the air and most importantly the minds of those living there to accept it all. The American people are treated like babies by the powers that be. I think once they start boycotting the Chuck E Cheese types and the news networks and stop relying on politicians and religious doctrine for their answers, they will progress.

I don't know what the solutions are but I do know the problems and those are the things that must be addressed first. Its not a case of grabbing a sign and marching out to Washington D.C. You don't need to act on anything, you just need to stop what you are doing, gain a little perspective and think. If the whole world thought like those on ATS, the applied knowledge would change the world in a day.


posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:46 AM
So a teenage boy, a few grandparents who are only exposed to fox news and one overly emotional lady are the cream of the crop? some how I doubt that.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by reasonable

I'm sorry, but how anyone can defend this behavior is beyond me. These people are deranged. It's that simple.

Your name is 'reasonable' and you call peaceful protests of an overbearing and evergrowing government that is doubling and most likely tripling the national deficit......deranged?

How is it deranged to demand representation from the people you elect? How is it deranged to peacefully assemble and demand some accountability for 9/11, or the Fed, or decent Healthcare?

How is it deranged to point out OBVIOUS lies in Obama's speech? I actually like Obama, but his sugar coated version of the Healthcare Bill is not what the Congress is trying to pass! It will cover Illegals, because they are already covered in a sense. Hospitals are required to provide emergency care for ANYBODY, regardless of their ability to pay! The Budget and Finance Committee has said this Bill WILL add to the Deficit! Obama's speech was articulate and grand, but it was not FACTUAL!

I think anybody that calls themselves "reasonable" should be able to look past a handful of people with religious ideologies and see the big picture?! I think anybody that calls themselves "reasonable" should demand more hard facts and info than just some sound bites and crazy signs?!

I think anybody that calls themselves an American should be out there protesting something! It is the only way to fix the government according to our political process and rights as citizens and voters. If we don't fix it this way, the next step is a whole lot more DERANGED!!

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

You make some great points. Even Newt Gingrich liked what Obama said in his speech. Now Obama just needs to get his words into the legislation. Keeping in mind that a Senate version of healthcare reform does not even exist yet.

Obama is the marshmallow fluff master. Sadly, believe that his words are gospel and don't realize what is actually in the legislation.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by silo13
These people need a leader. Big Time...

these people need an education not a leader.

how the hell can someone get to be that old and still be that ignorant. that kind of dedication to ignorance requires a special kind of commitment only seen in america.

you'ld think at some point on the way to washington they would have gotten slightly curious about what they were going to protest. did these people win bus tickets in cereal boxes or what?

the last thing an unquestioning mob of idiots like that needs is a leader to tell them what to think.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by reasonable

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Just like Jay Leno you can go out into any crowd and find a
number of inarticulate, uneducated people. Throw the "best"
clips of their less than intelligent statements and voila! - they
all look like idiots.

From what I've seen via countless sources I'd say he interviewed the cream of the crop. They probably edited out the others who were likely just grunting. I'm sorry, but how anyone can defend this behavior is beyond me. These people are deranged. It's that simple.

Protesting is deranged behavior? What were they doing that was so
indefensible? i think it's great that these people cared enough to get
off their couches (which many of them obviously spend a great deal
of time on) to say that they don't approve of our current policies or actions.

Right, wrong or just plain stupid, all Americans should be able to
excercise their rights to petition the government for a redress
of greivances. What I found ironic was the lack of a police presence -
every protest I've ever been to in washington I was looking at a wall
of riot cops. Why were the police not out in force for this? Hell, they
should've walked into the Capitol building and just taken it over.

The rights you are complaining about these people excercising are
the same rights you may wish to take advantage of one day. It was
important enough that the founders included it in the 1st Amendment.
I would hope that you care enough about something to hit the streets
and tell the PTB that you don't like it when and if that time comes.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 07:02 AM
This is more propaganda from the other side, nothing more.

You can go into any crowd like this and hash together the dumbest responses to tarnish the movement. Easy to do.

This video has no value other than to show that there are dumb f**ks out there. Something we all knew already.

It doesn't change the facts that the Healthcare proposals are vague (Obama's fault), that people still don't know what the plan is exactly, that this was all proposed without any concrete foundation of planning.

If something as major as national healthcare reform is going to go ahead, you have to have a thorough and provable plan to present to the people, don't just say "we have an idea, but we're not sure on anything yet".

People are angry at various things, from the bail outs to the healthcare proposal. And their anger will manifest in several ways.
However you look at it, it is their right to protest.
I saw just as many imaginative posters of Bush during the last eight years, so those claiming this is now wrong have no basis to their argument.

You know what I see? It's what I've seen all along, a people are fed up with their government expanding, wasting their money, making bad decisions and acting against the will of the people. And they are going to start to fight it through any way possible.
The only shame is that this didn't begin when Bush tore up your constitution.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 07:06 AM
this does not surprise me at all .

last saterday , I went to a plaza in down town portland oregon .
for more that 4 hours I talked to 5 people , leaving only when my friend collected me and we went to dinner and then a movie .

once I get started talking , it is clear that most people , more than 80% are smart , honest and hard working .... and out side their given specialty... are totaly clueless .

they are passionate about what they beleive , loud when cornered by facts , childish and rude when no escape is given , and agry and violent when no quarter is given ....

and these are rich , highly educated lib/ dems , urbanites ....
thats why I go there !
I talk in a loud clear voice and have had a police officer harasss me ...
I have been threatened , and had nine or ten people verbaly shout me down ...( they did not do more because a police car was watching me .

I was not red baiting , I was in the very heart of the most liberal location in 900 miles ... and talking politics , as a capitalist .... to all who would talk with me .

what I know is....

not a single liberal democrat that I have ever talked to has ever thought out their politic's .... it takes nothing to tip over their thinking... because ... what they are saying are not their own words .

not even a tiny bit diffrent than what you saw , here in this you-tube vidio. if the reporter talked with these people... he might not be quite so smug . I may not know what the diffrence between pornography and art is.... but I know it when I see it .

may I suggest


the you tube just shows ... these people are not proffessional screamers and shouters ... they are regular people who are not happy , and not sure why ....

what is missed... is that they are there at all , and not at home doing laundry , cleaning the garage , washing dish's , trimming the sidewalk .

the smug proffessional spin spider missed the fact that these people first got there... and now were insulted , with out ever being heard !

glenn beck , rush limbaugh , micheal savage , ronald reagan , george bush... understood , understand ... you can prove any thing you like with the right "edit , sort , splice and fraim " but conservitives are slow thinkers . they dont talk fast , they ask ... does this fit with the rest of my core... and then add it to their bag...

what you saw on the you-tube was that , ' conservitives are not good at bumper sticker politics ' ... these people are not like proffessionals "

so ....

as for me....

I am proud they looked like fools , toads , and brainless goof's

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
I would hope that you care enough about something to hit the streets
and tell the PTB that you don't like it when and if that time comes.

I take no issue with protest but these people do not even know what they are protesting. What, that Obama is a nazi muslim terrorist hell bent on aborting children? I mean seriously! c'mon! lol

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by reasonable

I am one of these people, and I am pro-choice....mostly. I don't think it should be used for birth control, but I don't think it should be outlawed! And, I think it should be covered in a Healthcare plan. Also, the MSM and Press are the ones that got the protest wrong!! The core of the 9/12 movement was how the world changed the day after 9/11. Many of the people there were protesting different things! Healthcare, Big Government, Patriot Act, Excessive Taxing, Illegal Immigration, Non-representation, Congressional Pork, Pay Raises for Politicians, Audit the Fed, Bring Home the Troops, etc., etc.!!

This was a conglomeration of events!! It is no wonder they didn't know what they were protesting, each person had a little different view, but we all knew that Big Government and Corruption was the problem!!

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