posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 05:21 AM
While this is still fresh in my memory I thought i'd post what I dreamt of.
I was watching TV about some Air Display, it seemed to be in Australia as the commentator had a strong Aussie accent, For some reason there seemed to
be a long wide river or canal with hundreds of spectators lining the embankment.
The "craft" I saw can be best described as something like a U2a at the front with a huge tank on the back for fuel and it was either some sort of
drag-racing thing Ive never seen or a water-bourne craft with a Afterburner.
Anyway this thing shot off as it was supposed to, then it veered to the left onto the bank, all within seconds and just ploughed through the
spectators. In my dream everyone just hit the deck as this thing was rolling over people until I woke up.
The weird thing that happened when I woke was that the clothes I has piled onto my shelf suddenly looked like a Skull, which after what I dreamt of,
quickly got me out of bed and trying not to freak out using the rational explanation that it was just light and shadow. Either way last night was
Ive also had Blue flashes come to me before Im even close to sleeping, just lying in bed.