posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 01:47 AM
I Believe that if we do not exercise our freedom through the next series of elections we are going to be in a situation where physical or dis-obedient
methods (law breaking) will become our only methods of maintaining freedoms
I am disturbed by much of what i read lately, from invasions of our privacy, street cams, computer prying, permanent database, destruction of many
aspects of our constitution from The right to bear arms, freedom of speech, protection from search and seizure just to get started and most of all a
constant invasion of our beliefs and thoughts and the manner as individuals we choose to live, think and pray.
I say in every election we start a movement to vote independent. We throw out both the Republicans and the Democrats at every level from local to
state to federal
I don't want to see a revolution, I don't want to see America torn apart
It's not about who's the best candidate, It's not about experience
It's about freedom, it's about electing US the American people back into office without the system being destroyed, legally, as a UNITED STATES of
AMERICA we USE the powers granted to us by the Law NOW before it is too late and dismiss both parties
I suggest we start a real conversation here about how to go about the process...
My initial at a glance thoughts
1: we vote ONLY Libertarian, Green or Constitutional or Independent parties as a method of removal of this infestation of bought and sold
2: We examine any and all candidates and if they take CORPORATE or FOREIGN money for campaigns they get taken off our roster
3: They MUST support a removal of the lobbyist or some such system for controlling the capacity to BUY office and law
4: The must pledge to completely restore the constitution
It would be better to elect a person who runs a supermarket in NY than a Bloomberg
It would be better to elect as Governor a Man who has no political ties at all than what we mostly have now. It would be better to elect a complete
AMERICAN that has never run for office than any bought in Senator with an agenda any day of the week... or anyone connected to political families or
the Legal system or bureaucrat
5: They candidate must support our platform of Complete Transparency and disclosure with full knowledge failure to keep that promise will be called on
There need not be any terrible scenario as a people, We must end both parties reign, We have all the power, we still do. This needs to become a
National discussion, this needs to be the real peaceful and legal Revolution
We end them, we knock them, Congress, Senate, State Govt Local Govt we knock them all out of office anyone with any affiliation to them we send
packing over the next 4 years.
It's time to stop being Democrats and Republicans and time to be Americans
We can not be divided by pathetic issues by them anymore
Vote them all out
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