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UK GPs to be paid £5.25/vaccine jab! That's a £73.5 million pay-off for not voicing concerns!

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:21 PM
Wait a minute, so a doctor on £100,000 a year, is expected to earn extra for sticking us with the vaccine!!!

From the BBC.

A deal has been reached between the government and GPs over the swine flu vaccination programme.

Ministers have agreed to pay doctors £5.25 per jab after weeks of talks.

It means GPs will be ready to start immunising as soon as the vaccines are licensed, which could be as early as the beginning of next month.

About 14m people in the UK, including those with health problems and pregnant women, are earmarked for the first wave of the vaccination programme.

The government has yet to decide whether the whole population will get the jab.

14m * 5.25 = £73.5 million, JUST FOR DOING THEIR JOB!

Or I put it to you like this, £73 million for being good and not declaring to the sheeople that the vaccine is unsafe!

This is a pay-off, is what it is.

Never have I been more sure of anything in my life.

Time to write another letter to my MP!

[edit on 14-9-2009 by kiwifoot]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:25 PM
yeah i saw this today. very weird stuff, why are they paying G.P's to do something usually administered by the nurses at the GP surgery. Why is a financial incentive being given to GP's how can we expect our GP's to give us an honest opinion, whether we need the shot or not. Absolutely bizarre policy.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Never mind the blatant bribes to the GPs, what interested me is the last line of the quote.

How arrogant these people are.

"The government has yet to decide whether the whole population will get the jab."

Yeah..right. They are paying through the the middle of a economic nightmare...even though infections have dropped through the floor, WHY?!

What they mean is that they haven't decided yet, whether to tell us now or later, that the jab will be compulsory. I'm betting later, so there'll be less time to organise a mass resistance (sorry, pun) to the jabs.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 03:12 PM
I know of 4 people who have had swine flu, they were told by their doctor to stay in for 5 days and after that it was no longer infectious.

I was in direct contact of 3 of those people after the 5 day period and although they still had flu like symptoms, me nor my girlfriend and her immediate family caught it.

Needless to say they are all fine now, from what I can gather people with respiratory problems are more at risk from the illness.

I wont be taking the vaccine regardless of what the government says. But that is my choice and I do so at my own risk.

Maybe the MP's and their children could go on live tv and take the vaccine, just to show us how safe it is?

[edit on 14-9-2009 by Horus12]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Horus12

Maybe the MP's and their children could go on live tv and take the vaccine, just to show us how safe it is?

I'm sure they'd just take a water shot anyway! I wonder if any politicians will try that stunt?

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