posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:43 AM
as a previous member and lurker for years, I enjoy all kind of discussions here on ATS. There are some hardcore posters, I beleive deserve all the
stars and flags they can get. But for some it seems the only reason to post and somehow discourage others to even just reply or start a new thread.
Yes, some topics are difficult to grasp and complety made for the 160 I.Q. and the above. But don't let this discourage you from replying, even if it
is a 2 liner to acknowledge the thread for later reference. I also do miss a number of visitors for each thread, because that would at least show how
many read or at least clicked a thread and ignored it, comparable with replies made. I'm just saying this because I beleive ignorance is growing.
Even here on ATS. For me ATS is the only source to wake up people around me. But when I refer to ATS and because it hasn't been shown on MSM, people
around me consider me even a bigger nut and not the smartest. I don't care. You can see already that my style of writing is like a bowl of spaghetti,
but I still do get the message across somehow. I am not here to show how smart I am and how good I can write. I am here to get info and spread it to
the likes of me. I am aware of that not everything is always the complete truth, that's why I let a new thread grow and see what others have to say
about it before I dare to speak out to people around me. Mixed with my own beleives I go out and spread my truth. It hurts sometimes. The battle with
words for truth is my mission. I don't want to be right. I just want people to start thinking for themselfs. It's an impossible task. Everybody is
just too busy with their comfy lifes. Chasing girls and money is much more fun than getting to the core that will destroy this boys wet dreams. But
his ignorance will do it by itself soon. The minute I wake up I think about the world. My mind is full of thoughts. The whole time. I can't stop
thinking. The problem is I can't structure my thoughts. I write what comes into my mind. Survival is what live is all about. I live in the now, but I
always think about tomorrow. Trying to change the past is suicide. 9/11 truth is impossible. Stop the virus is now. Everything is important ind
intertwined. But be a part of it. Even when you think it doesn't help. Chaos theory makes my 2 liner create a better world. My 2 cents are worth 2
millions one day. Hyperinflation of the worried mind. Thanks for all the great posts you create and I can reply to. I doubt it to ever start one.
Unless you force me to bring out my depest messed up thoughts. I like to answer questions. I know everything. Never try to be correct. Only show what
my thoughts are and who I am. To know is not truth. To know is to show what your thoughts are. Communication is to order each others thoughts. Order
out of chaos.