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Why wasn't Hitler stopped!?

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:14 AM
Coming from Europe, i have always had a huge interest in WW2 and the massive impact it has had on Global geopolitics. From the ashes of the great war, the US became top dog, the Cold War dominated global politics and the EU was born through the coal and steel agreements that would succeed in curbing further European "Civil wars".

The main problem with the history that surrounds WW2 and Hitler is that it was created by the winners and very little is known about the emotional reasoning behind the initial invasions and mindsets of the German people who supported their Fuhrer so adamantly.

While the whole thing is still a stinging topic for the German people, The Spiegel has an exceptionally good article about the war, as told from an unbiased but German perspective.

Definitely worth the read if you want to gain a wider perspective on the last big big global mess.

Check it out..

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:31 AM
This section about the French, I find particularly interesting..

It seems bad intelligence, communication and unpreparedness left the French open for the German army to occupy the region where German arms were made.. with barely a shot fired.

If the French had intervened at that point with a single division, the war would never have kicked off.

On March 7, 1936, Germany was ready to change the status quo. Before dawn, the first freight trains, loaded with field artillery and draft horses, began rolling toward the eastern bank of the Rhine. But Hitler was taking a decidedly cautious approach, sending only about 30,000 soldiers into the demilitarized zone and allowing only 3,000 men to cross the river and advance to the border. The soldiers were under orders to avoid combat with the French at all costs, and to remain ready at all times to retreat within an hour.

The French, for their part, did nothing in response. While residents of the Rhineland and Saarland regions cheered on the troops, the French cabinet met in Paris. Prime Minister Albert Sarraut was determined not to allow the Germans to take control of the zone "unilaterally." As he would later report, he was one of very few people in France to hold this view. The people, the parties and his fellow politicians were all still traumatized by World War I, which was waged largely on French soil.

'I Have Never Really Endured Such Fear'

When French Chief of Staff Maurice Gamelin, choosing his words carefully, told the cabinet that a French advance would likely encounter the greatest German resistance, probably leading to war, and that France was not prepared for an offensive campaign, the cabinet members nodded approvingly and decided to leave the next move up to the British. Only if they joined in would the French take an active role, they concluded.

But London wasn't about to play along. If the French were unwilling to make a move, why should Britain send its sons to risk their lives?

At the time, French intelligence arrived at an absurd estimate of 295,000 German troops in the Rhineland. The specialists had included members of the SS, SA and other Nazi organizations in their count. Today, we know that a single division would have been sufficient to drive out Hitler's soldiers.

"I have never really endured such fear … If the French had been truly serious, it would have been the greatest possible political defeat for me," Hitler later told a confidant.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:25 AM
because he was one really Lucky SOB... numerous attempts at taking him out all failed. even, he escaped the Russians.
and was rumored to have died in the 70's a old broken man, in Brazil and another report said Belieze. maybe they are all wrong and his burned beyond recognition body was in deed hitler, the Illuminati words "Beyond Recognizition points to him surviving the Russians.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:29 AM
He wasn't stopped for the very reasons so many people critisize the United States/NATO today... Intervening in the affairs of another country. That, and Europe in general had just been bled nearly dry by the first world war, and was in no hurry to have another...

It's easy to look back in hindsite and say they should have known...less easy when you're living the events. IMHO.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:31 AM
Another perspective on the build up..
Part 2

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
because he was one really Lucky SOB... numerous attempts at taking him out all failed. even, he escaped the Russians.
and was rumored to have died in the 70's a old broken man, in Brazil and another report said Belieze. maybe they are all wrong and his burned beyond recognition body was in deed hitler, the Illuminati words "Beyond Recognizition points to him surviving the Russians.

If you read through the articles, it shows that he was both Lucky and a downright bluffer.. taking over countries like Austria and regions of Czechoslovakia without even firing a shot.

Allied propaganda would have had to have said that they found the body, even if he had escaped. Even though there is no substantial evidence to show he was living in South America, anything is possible.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by seagull
It's easy to look back in hindsite and say they should have known...less easy when you're living the events. IMHO.

The name of the article is "Why wasn't Hitler stopped". I'm not actually asking the question.

But yea, of course, noone wanted a war and intelligence/communications were very different back then, noone could really have predicted what was coming.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:46 AM
Wasn't Hitler good buddies with some of the wealthy secret society guys in the US and other countries?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:58 AM
Maybe he wasn't stopped because that's the way it was planned to be. Since both WW1 and WW2 were caused because of coincidences (basically) and the only reason the US got involved was because of Pearl Harbor (which looks and feels the same as 9/11)

Everything fits together too well is all I'm saying

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by seagull

I agree, but..

the world had just been through a most horrifying experience with WW1.
England and Europe especially.
The US really wasn’t involved with Hitler in the early years, it was Europe.

The reason the UK appeased him, and the reason the UK reluctantly declared war on him, was because they really didn’t want to get involved in another ground war with the Germans.

So much lost for so little before, who were they to believe it would be different this time ?

Hitler appeared to strong, and to mobile for the British and Europeans to stop originally anyway.

Hitler create a new type of warfare with his tanks and half tracks. But he over estimated the advantages..

The reason the people followed?

They had been through, 20-30yrs of absolute hardships. Brocken economy, war'torn and weary populace. They were considered the criminals of the earth by the other nations.

All of a sudden they had a man standing up and telling them they were worth a damn. He was building the nation and the economy and within a matter of years turned Germany around from a destroyed and bewildered nation into a powerhouse again.

They followed him because he recreated Germany.
They followed him until it was obvious his desires were to great and horrible.
By then it was too late.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:26 AM
Try war profiteering. War is great war is good feeds the economy on our blood.


posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Dermo

The real title should read

"Why didnt the German people do something to stop Hitler"

Blaming the french and poles and czecks for being invaded?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:54 AM
Czechoslovakia was taken over because we were betrayed by the French (see Munich Treaty)

we had an army and border fortresses ready to hold off the nazi long enough for reinforcements from France, Britain and Russia to arrive and help push them back... but instead France and Britain decided to sacrifice us in hopes of not starting another world war... and international agreements didn't allow Russia to send troops unless France sent theirs. So our president gave an order to stand down...

who knows what would have happened if we defended ourselves against the invasion...

in short, Hitler wasn't stopped because the world powers didn't want to start a war, and they realized what Hitler was up to too late.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:58 AM
I understand why Hitler wasnt stopped after living in our current time and seeing why Bush and Cheney wasnt stopped.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by punkinworks
reply to post by Dermo

The real title should read

"Why didnt the German people do something to stop Hitler"

Blaming the french and poles and czecks for being invaded?

Again, if you clicked the link, you would see that the name of the article is "Why wasn't hitler stopped?". Im not actually asking the question.. Im telling people to check out the article because its interesting.

Czechoslovakia was taken over because we were betrayed by the French

In the article, it also blames the Brits for giving Hitler the green light to take over certain areas of Czechoslovakia that were disputed. Although they also warned him not to use violence.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:27 PM
Well i've just started reading the article which is very interesting.

I just finished reading the World at War, the oral history and it was very interesting and well worth a read.

When the Germans entered the Rhineland it was all touch and go.

Hitler was very worried the French would attack and if they encountred any resistance the Germans had orders to pull out.

Anyway i am still reading the article, but good thread.

I'd like to point out that in the article it mentions that six million people died in the holocaust alone. Actually it is closer to 11 million, that is including the six million Jews. Sorry but it is something that annoys me as the other people who died in the holocaust other than the Jews often seem to be forgotten or overlooked.

[edit on 14/9/09 by Kram09]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:36 PM
I dare say it..

Look at todays current POTUS in the US..With the blind love for him comes blind faith of his actions..

We are now living the days of Berlin circa 1930's or so..

Actions that divide the country in two,and a willingness to lable only the other half ______ you fill in the blank..

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:46 PM
Good article, with lot of history details. However it does not mention that Western democracies needed someone to ensure that Communism would not expend in their direction - and who was better then (at least from appearence) Hitler at it?
Communists needed another major European war to destabilize completely Western democracies, and who was better then Hitler?
This is why he succeeded. This is why France,Britain and Soviet Union allowed (Soviet Union was even German's ally for a while. Until 1941 tragedy.) National Socialists to take over Germany and then to make it strong enough for a war.
Both sides miscalculated ,heavily. Well, Hitler miscalculated too. In reality US is the only country with more gains then losses from WW2, and ironically it was less involved in all the intrigues to start it then the others.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Dermo
In the article, it also blames the Brits for giving Hitler the green light to take over certain areas of Czechoslovakia that were disputed. Although they also warned him not to use violence.

true, but the alliance with France was the key one, because it was the condition for military help from the Soviet Union.

but yes, British too, i stated that further in my post i think

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by punkinworks

Do you know what you're saying? The German people were all for Hitler as he made it look as though he would restore national pride following hyperinflation brought on by the harsh reparations insisted upon by the French in the treaty of Versailles followed by the great depression.

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