posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:43 AM
Both these numbers hold huge spiritual meaning.
Seven is considered the God number (as opposed to six being the devil). Before Uranus and Pluto were discovered by man, only seven planets were known,
Saturn being the final, seventh planet, also known as 'the guardian at the threshold."
In the days of alchemy, each of the seven planets was believed to reign over our seven chakras, and the energy associated within. The goal of the
spiritual alchemist was the escape the celestial influence of each planet one-by-one through sacrifice, thus becoming free of the 'drag' of the
solar system in order to live entirely in spirit. In fact, the alchemists used essentially the same process that is used to open our seven chakras,
producing the same end result. Proof that it's not (entirely) what you believe, it's how you worship.
Most are only aware of these seven 'inner' chakras that reside in our physical body. Only the wisest of spirits are physically aware of the two
'outer' chakras - one connecting us to the Earth, the other to the heavens. That brings us to nine chakras total. Therefore, nine is seen as a
number of completion and wholeness.. the highest singular number that exists without duality.
1, 3, 7, and 9 are all considered extremely powerful numbers.