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Israel's Peres collapses, recovers in hospital

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posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:56 PM
you make up some doozies IDK88, where do u get this crap?

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by UmbraSumus

Yeah...I saw it. 2 November 2005, my computer was hacked, probably had been for a while. During this event I saw the document...entitled TREATY AND LEADER EXCHANGE. Its all real, I don't have to make up anything, such documents exist.

After seeing this document, I realized that some people have built worlds and empires using such documents and lesser agreements as the foundation.

Before the United States was what it is was just a bunch of words on paper; ideas and agreements between men. But you don't believe documents like the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence exist and you don't believe I've seen these documents; you're such a good little skeptic.

I assure you that if the parties to a document such as the Declaration of Independence no longer exist or cease to be relevent...expect an Earthquake to shake Washington D.C.

[edit on 13-9-2009 by IDK88]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by Dnevnoi

Yeah...that's pretty much the view of the whole world...Georgia was the belligerent party; the aggressor against the peaceful and optimistic enclave of South Ossetia. Their President is useless. He single handedly pushed Georgia's NATO application to the bottom of the pile.

I remember seeing him on T.V. in Tblisi ducking and running when told that Russian bombers were seen near the Capital. Saakashvili is a real fag and anyone that would give that guy advice and hang out with him is a person of low moral quality as well. Yes, this is what I believe.

After hearing John McCain take on that whole thing...I knew I could never vote for the man...he's a relic of the cold war. These people need to be put in the basement for a few hundred years; perhaps then they'll have some value.

Shimon Peres was politically weakened yesterday...I wouldn't be surprised if he announces in the next couple of weeks that he will step down as President to spend more time with his family in these his last days on Earth. He will die soon.

Chavez...I expect his rhetoric against America to gradually tone down...until it sounds as if Venezuela and the US are good friends and have been for a long time.

Want to know what else is funny...Israel and Iran secretly working together to manufacture all of this conflict in the world and the guilty parties from each being busted cold while in a loving embrace. That's funny.

[edit on 13-9-2009 by IDK88]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

I think.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by IDK88

Well you always seem to find yourself at the epicentre of World Power plays , whether it be the illuminati hacking your computer & in the process revealing magic manu. the Shah of Iran directly involved in killing your family members, or his henchmen following you 24/7.
Your obsession with the name Khan ........ect ect ect.

The information you were going to reveal on May 2009 that would convince everyone that you were right , if i recall it involved placing something into a shoebox...... got you banned/found out .

Why do you do it ?

Can you not help it ?

One of the most common delusions experienced in schizophrenia is paranoid delusions. This is where you believe that something, or someone, is deliberately trying to mislead, manipulate, hurt or, in some cases, even kill you. Paranoid delusions can range from believing in everyday 'normal' delusions, such as being convinced that your partner is being unfaithful, to more unusual delusions, such as believing that the CIA is plotting to assassinate you.

Another relatively common type of delusion is a delusion of grandeur. This is thebelief that you have some imaginary power or authority, such as thinking you are the King of England or that you have the power to cure cancer.

Another common delusion in schizophrenia is to start attaching undue and misguided significance to everyday events belief that you have some imaginary power or authority. For example, you may start to think that songs being played on the radio are actually about you or that newspaper headlines are being used to send you secret messages.


Can you at least acknowledge that you have engaged in some of the thoughts described above.

This thread is a perfect example of " attaching undue and misguided significance to everyday events."

A moderate Earthquake in South America / a 86 year old man fainting in the Israeli heat.

I think that websites such as ATS are not good for your mental state IDK88. Please forgive my directness .

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by UmbraSumus
reply to post by IDK88

One of the most common delusions experienced in schizophrenia is paranoid delusions. This is where you believe that something, or someone, is deliberately trying to mislead, manipulate, hurt or even kill you.

Paranoid delusions can range from believing in everyday 'normal' delusions, such as being convinced that your partner is being unfaithful, to more unusual delusions, such as believing that the CIA is plotting to assassinate you.

Another relatively common type of delusion is a delusion of grandeur. This is the belief that you have some imaginary power or authority, such as thinking you are the King of England or that you have the power to cure cancer.

Another common delusion in schizophrenia is to start attaching undue and misguided significance to everyday events belief that you have some imaginary power or authority. For example, you may start to think that songs being played on the radio are actually about you or that newspaper headlines are being used to send you secret messages.

Can you at least acknowledge that you have engaged in some of the thoughts described above?

This thread is a perfect example of "attaching undue and misguided significance to everyday events."

A moderate Earthquake in South America / a 86 year old man fainting in the Israeli heat.

I think that websites such as ATS are not good for your mental state IDK88. Please forgive my directness.

I don't know what the first part was about...however, I just said that the expiration of an agreement (postulation) caused the earthquake in Venezuela and Peres to collapse. Then I went on to explain the nature of the agreement.

Let's say I have all of those issue you described...the mental people who have those types of problems bother you?

Do you sometimes feel that while on the computer surfing the web it is your personal responsibility to diagnose the possible medical conditions of complete strangers; can you help yourself? Do you believe yourself to on the level of Dr. Jonas Salk for example?

Do you think that this thread is an attempt to mislead, manipulate, hurt or, even kill you?

If you can provide me with your medical credentials, perhaps I will consider your medical opinions be honest though, I think you may be suffering from the same condition. Good thing you keep that information handy.

It would seem to me, a non-medical professional, that this type of message board would be an excellent way for a potential schizophrenic to write out what's in their mind, so that they don't do it in a more inappropriate setting...Like the guy in Mexico who hijacked an airliner earlier this week, as per the instructions of God. I think you services are needed in Mexico City, not here.

If you are a student of medicine, as you have put yourself forward to be, perhaps you should consider expanding your understanding of treating such medical conditions in a more sensible place. This thread is about the possibility of hidden, relationship between political leaders.

Also are following me around. Please forgive my directness.

[edit on 13-9-2009 by IDK88]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by IDK88


It would seem to me, a non-medical professional, that this type of message board would be an excellent way for a potential schizophrenic to write out what's in their mind, so that they don't do it in a more inappropriate setting...

Also are following me around. Please forgive my directness.

[edit on 13-9-2009 by IDK88]

The appropriate forum would be skunk works or the writers forum not the Middle East political issues board.

You believe that i am " following you around " .

You do not need to be a medical professional to spot your persecution complex / or delusions of grandeur.
I welcome your directness , it is refreshingly novel .You should employ it more often , as your last post was perhaps the most lucid collection of sentences you have posted so far in this thread.

I have nothing against you personally, i do however take issue with your fictitious, rambling streams of conscious on the politics board .
No more ~no less.

Sincerely wishing you well .

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by IDK88

What agreement? A pact sworn in blood? Care to enlighten us?

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by UmbraSumus

This thread began on Breaking Alternative a suggestion of a connection between the collapse of the President of Israel and the earthquake in Venezuela...I presented my theory.

You think it was the Israeli heat and continental drift or some other half baked theory...I say it was the expiration of a secret agreement between the two countries which necessitated B. Netanyahu's secret trip to Moscow last week to renew with Hugo Chavez; the terms of which pissed off Georgia and the Livni/Peres kabbalah clique in Israel, as it makes an Israeli war with Iran less likely.

The Mods moved my thread to Middle East your problem is with them and not me...please direct them to the appropriate place.

So...If you have nothing to add, I can go on and on with coherent sentences that clearly illustrate that you are totally out of line, not me.

But remember always....the is a conspiracy forum...remembering this TRUTH will help you in the future.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by seagull

I figure it like don't achieve power for necessarily noble reasons or based on heroic effort, but because of the connections and agreements they make. Along the vein of..."its not what you know, but who you know"

I've theorize that the world is full of secret pacts made between political factions in all the different countries (apparently they were all the rage in the early 20th century, until WW I and II), for example...when we vote for a President of the United States it's not just that person who we are voting for but also every ally and friend that he made on his way to the top; we vote for and elect a system; a system that is both domestic and foreign.

Chavez's background is important, but he became President of Venezuela for Life, not just because of himself, but because of the system he is a part of and I suspect the system that brought him to power is breaking down, but its being replaced by new agreements and leaving the old beneficiary's out in the cold. Not just in Venezuela but all over the world. I suspect the various earthquakes occuring quite frequently are related to these expiring agreements and fainting world leaders as well.

The nature of the Agreement...something like the agreement made between those fallen ones atop Mt. Hermon...the one with mutual imprecations. With regards to the Law, not easily broken and sometimes they are perpetual. Powerfully bound together in order to do this thing.

But of course all that has ever been written or talked about throughout history is just fiction and people don't really join together in such seriousness...everything is just a big joke and shouldn't be taken literally.

And even though we all know that the founders of America were bound together with such an Agreement...some fail to realize that was secret at the time.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by IDK88
reply to post by TheCoffinman

I think.

That makes me laugh.

You spout nonsense and ramble on about things that aren't true. You troll around and incite the reactions of perfectly rational people.

By the way, Georgia was reclaiming Russian influenced land. A speck of a country that is attacked by a gigantic country like Russia is never the belligerent party. I suppose you were cheering for Russia when they flattened Grozny, Chechnya in a "counter terror" operation. For shame IDK88.

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