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911 truth movement 2009. w/ video

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posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 05:04 AM
thank you so much for these videos and the pictures.
I have to admit I didn't realize just how big the movement was.

I was without internet for quite awhile so I've been unable to post on these fine forums.

I will be trying my hardest next year to goto NY and join my fellow people in their fight for the truth.

**And my prayers go out to those that died during the horrible actions taken in what seems so long ago, I promise you that we will not let you die in vain**

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by DJGomchizzle
thank you so much for these videos and the pictures.
I have to admit I didn't realize just how big the movement was.

I was without internet for quite awhile so I've been unable to post on these fine forums.

I will be trying my hardest next year to goto NY and join my fellow people in their fight for the truth.

**And my prayers go out to those that died during the horrible actions taken in what seems so long ago, I promise you that we will not let you die in vain**

No problem, just rate em, and forward it to anyone you know. let people know these guys are out there.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by peponastick
We need to merge the 9/11 truth movement and the current tea-party movement.


You DO realize that many of the people in the Liberty movement are Bush/Republican supporters and Glenn Beck fans, Right?

I would be willing to bet 99.9% despise truthers and what they stand for.

After all at it's roots it's what is really fueling the tea-party movemnet is distrust in the government.

True, but why would a LEGIT movement want to LOWER itself to even so much as acknowledge the sophmoric worldview held by "Truthers?"

Answer : It WOULDN'T.

It is this distrust that binds us together and even if you don't believe the Gov directly caused 9/11 you could certainly agree we don't trust them enough to tell us the truth. That is the kernel that could grow into a powerful message with the tea party in regards to 9/11 truth. Eyes are being opened every day!

Look, 9/11 truth is a nice, backward-looking diversion for the naive. A good little passtime for the uneducated and easily deceived. (keep buying those DVD's, Hats, and T-shirts Kiddos!)

The Liberty/ Tea Party movement is a Big-boy/ Big-girl push by informed people in the know, TODAY ( not a decade ago) REAL PEOPLE-REAL ISSUES.. TODAY!

Want to see what a true "movement" looks like?

1.5million+ in D.C. alone. With hundreds of thousands MORE in cities across America.

When I speak of the Truth movement meeting dehabilitating opposition if it ever got a foothold-- These "Conservative Patriots' are the people I speak of.

Join them? YOU WISH.

If you decide to truly wake-up and forget the 9/11 truth nonsense-- you would most definately be welcome

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Taxi-Driver]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 05:20 PM

posted by peponastick
We need to merge the 9/11 truth movement and the current tea-party movement.

posted by Taxi-Driver


You DO realize that many of the people in the Liberty movement are Bush/Republican supporters and Glenn Beck fans, Right?

I would be willing to bet 99.9% despise truthers and what they stand for.

I am a right wing Conservative Republican / tea party supporter and Ron Paul / Rand Paul supporter.

Do you think I despise 9-11 Truthers and what they stand for? I could name at least a dozen others among the Truthers or supporters of a real investigation into 9-11 whom I know of, who are just as Conservative as I am.

So your knowledge of the politics of the 9-11 Truth Movement seeking justice for the victims of the 9-11 perps is not very realistic is it?

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:21 PM

posted by ugie1028

Hilarious. This highly educated fellow with all the expressive eye movements called the most corrupt President in the History of the United States the greatest President in the History of the United States.

Look at the condition of our national economy, our military which cannot defeat technologically inferior desert freedom fighters, our Air Force which is helpless against commercial aircraft, our torture camps in Gitmo and Eastern Europe, our totally corrupt justice system, our Mainstream News Media which can never suck up to its government masters enough, our joke of an election system, and realize that Dubya did it to us in only 8 years.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by SPreston
I am a right wing Conservative Republican / tea party supporter and Ron Paul / Rand Paul supporter.

Do you think I despise 9-11 Truthers and what they stand for? I could name at least a dozen others among the Truthers or supporters of a real investigation into 9-11 whom I know of, who are just as Conservative as I am.

So your knowledge of the politics of the 9-11 Truth Movement seeking justice for the victims of the 9-11 perps is not very realistic is it?

Tell ya what, Hot Shot.. Why don't you jump into one of these Tea Party marches with one of those "9/11 was an inside job" banners..and see what happens.

It is just as hated as one of those Baptist nutjob "God hates Homosexuals" or"God hates our Troops" banners.

REALLY! It is.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

Tell ya what, Hot Shot.. Why don't you jump into one of these Tea Party marches with one of those "9/11 was an inside job" banners..and see what happens.

I did and nothing happened to me in fact I got a lot of support for my 911 banner, HotShot! Oh, I wasn’t alone either, there was hundreds of us waving banners and signs.
We all had a good ol time.

It is just as hated as one of those Baptist nutjob "God hates Homosexuals" or"God hates our Troops" banners.

REALLY! It is.

No, it is not! It is YOU who has a problem.

These brave men and women who showed up at ground zero to have a peaceful protest are real patriots. I respect them; it is these Americans that believe in our freedom and our great country. These people have every right to be out at ground zero, and I hope they will continue to show up ever year until our government has given us the truth to what really happened on 911. These people are not ignorant and they do not believe in the government fairytales that you desperately support. They are not brainwashed from depending on television for their information. Some of us are educated and some of us hold high ranks in our military and in our government and we are demanding a new investigation. We do not believe the entire government was involved in 911 we only believe a very small group in the Bush administration and a very small devoted loyal group only loyal to Dick Cheney. We have no doubt this was a military operation and all the evidences so far proves it. All we want is the truth and to put away those treasonous murdering traitors and to let this government know that when you decide you want to murder innocent Americans for personal gain and other reasons, you WILL be held accountable.

I can imagine why so many people believe in the OS because, it is easy to believe a bunch of cave dwellers pulled off the most unimaginable feat ever then, to believe that our government pulled off 911.

You see Taxi-Driver it is safer to believe this fairytale the OS, than to look at the real terrorist in Washington. That YOU and I voted in office that we felt where trusted enough to run our country but, not to kill our AMERICAN CITIZENS and blow up our buildings and fly planes into them and then BLAIME a foreign country, just so they can have their precious war . Do not think for one minute that this is not possible because, if you do then you are a fool. There are no safe guards to prevent our government to turn on it own people, it happens all the time but, this time it happened right here in America on 911.

It is important that the truth comes out a little at a time to the mass population. If all of it comes out to fast, you will have millions of people probably ready to beat the doors down in congress and at the Whitehouse, demanding Cheney’s head on a platter. So go ahead, feel safe and believe in a story that has already been proven false, it is easier that way. You won’t have to do anything you can pretend your government is busy protecting you and cares about you and you can think YOU are part of their club.

[edit on 16-9-2009 by impressme]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by impressme

some people are just infected with the oriely virus, the beck virus and the hanity virus....

some people cant form their own opinion so they look to the tv in hopes to look intelligent and copy someone else's rhetoric.

Free your minds, read and research yourselves, the TV doesn't hold all the answers!

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