I disagree with you here. Doesn't jesus himself say: "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise
pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” Doesn't that count for all the laws?
He is talking about prophecy there, the entire written scripture back then was referred to as "the law" even the Psalms.
Yes I take the bible literally. The thing is, to really understand it you have to read if straight through from beginning to end.
As I said, I was brought up with the idea that the bible is the actual, literal will of god, and that every word in it is the truth. As a child I
already wondered why my gay uncle that shared an apartment with his boyfriend, wasn't stoned to death, then. Apparently I was being a little bit too
literal on that one!
All that changed when Jesus came. Before He came there was only one way to be "saved" and that was by obeying ALL the laws. Impossible! It couldn't
be done. Hence animal sacrifices. Jesus' death and resurrection eliminated that.
If you take a look at the old laws, many of them, in fact most of them were for health reasons. People of that time had no understanding of science or
medicine. They were to protect their health and promote reproduction.
Take a look at the one that says when a woman starts her period she is to be shut out for 7 days and then bathe for 3 days following. It helped with
hygienic practices, and when a woman would come back to her husband it would be on her most fertile day.
As far as homosexuality goes, I think the same applied and that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was more about the fact that they tried to rape
the angels not so much because of the homosexual practices.
Look, I understand where you are coming from. I was very much the same until 7 months ago. I had been to alot of churches and it was all B.S. once I
was old enough to make up my own mind. I finally realized it wasn't because of what the bible said, but because of what people TOLD me the bible
After 4 years of a friend begging me to go to church with her, I finally gave in. It was different than any church I had ever been to. Not only was
the pastor talking about government conspiracies, which got me listening, he said, "If you ever hear me taking what I want out of this book and
leaving out what I don't like, or manipulate the word for my own personal agenda I expect you to call me out on it." I was floored.
A lot of people will take this as sacrilegious but there is a reason people are drawn to magic. That's because people don't recognize the power
given to us by the Holy Ghost. In a way it is "magic". Raising people from the dead, healing, parting bodies of water, ect. If thats not "magic"
then I don't know what is. Jesus said with the power of the Holy Ghost we would be able to do all that he did and more, the main requirement is
faith. We doubt.
OK, sorry I went off topic. Yes, I take it literal, but as I said you have to read it straight through. Don't take mans word for it, find out for
your self.