posted on May, 14 2004 @ 06:31 PM
If evolution happened as our own scientists tell us, man was spawned from primates as a result of walking upright and using tools with the free upper
limbs. This spurred intelligence.
If this is really how evolution takes place and is actually how intelligence forms on other planets, I suspect there are very few intelligent beings
that evolved as something more than just large brained creatures. Convergent evolution theory is a good way to think about how life may form on other
planets. It may not have evolved similarly to humans at all, but most likely has similar structures for environmental manipulation and information
gathering. Intelligence should go on a similar course.
That doesn't mean other intelligent life couldn't enhance themselves later down the line through artificial genetic manipuation. We will likely do
as such later ourselves.
Its my belief that most intelligent species that have evolved in this universe start out no more intelligent than we are, perhaps even far less
intelligent. Technological growth and perhaps thousands or even billions of years of such advancement probably leads intelligent life to enhance
itself far beyond what nature originally gave it to make it far superior to what it started out as.
I imagine most aliens that would be able to traverse the universe to get here have been ehanced from the bodies nature originally gave them. So yes,
they will be our superiors simply for having so much more technological advancement, but I suspect all of their origins are as humble as ours.
[Edited on 14-5-2004 by heelstone]