posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 04:16 AM
Hi, As a former sailor, I find no good reason for the 'apparent suicide' of Adm. Mike Boorda. He was thoroughly vetted before becoming CNO, and
although I'm sure many things about his job troubled him, he was above the trivial nonsense they tried to drum up.
My take is this: he 'committed suicide' just 1 month aftewr the Ron Brown event. The Pentagon totally blew the 'reason' for Ron Brown's demise,
at 1st blaming it on historically bad weather when a Cessna 172 landed just before them. ADM. Mike Boorda's assignment was the Balkans, just before
being CNO. Since he would have had access to any intellegence(and operatives) in this area, he probably put two and two together and realized it was a
big setup. Also, the bullet hole in the back of Ron Brown's head was enough to put suspicion on his boss-Bill Clinton.
The Ron Brown assasination was handled by an off the grid team-but the telltale marks were there. Being a man of some integrity, ADM. Boorda was
compelled to make his own inquiries. To muzzle him, it took a quick response, and the best they could come up with was the medals, which was only to
keep the media dogs busy. The rest....ask Loretta Fuddy. Dead men tells no tales!