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The Super-Lucky Pentagon RETROFIT Right Before 9/11: Oh come on!

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posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 09:54 PM
The fact that Flight 77 did a remarkable turn and also miraculously hit the Pentagon exactly where they just finished blast proofing is not a coincidence. It cant be unless your stupid.

n September 2001, the Pentagon was in the process of being retrofitted to mitigate the dangers presented by (external) bomb blasts. Structurally, the Pentagon was reinforced concrete floors, supported by a reinforced concrete beam and column frame. To form the walls, the spaces between the concrete beams and columns were filled with ordinary bricks and mortar. The outer wall was decorated with a thin limestone facade. Thus the Pentagon was a typically constructed low rise office building. As such, it was dangerous in the event of external bomb blast.

You can find an article on the retrofit here.

There is alot more. Coincidence or planning? You decide

Here is an image

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 11:14 PM
I swore i would not respond to these threads anymore but i lived in Arlington about 12 years leading up to the attacks and still work there in close proximity to the Pentagon now, a huge deal was made of the construction and the unprecedented drills happening on 911, leaving it not to chance, has there been serious investigations into the fact that someone inside the U.S. would have had to be somewhat privy of the operational aspects of Norad, WTC the law enforcement and the Pentagon on 911 and also the status of the jets that normally protect the airspace around DC, I mean looking back on it now its easy to discount all of that stuff happening and planning all the opportunities to make it go off without a hitch and 1 fail by virtue of a possible shoot down, I mean mostly everything was put onto the so called mastermind, but he had to have people over here helping him if that was the case and they are the ones to be hunted down, I dunno it is just too much perfection and coincidence for me, all the way down to all of the 911 references, and the things like the call sign to airforce one being used by someone....oh well

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 11:24 PM
Yeah I really hate to say it but if you think 9/11 will ever get a fair investigation then you better get with the times man!

Fool me once shame on you...

[edit on 10-9-2009 by 12.21.12]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Yeah I really hate to say it but if you think 9/11 will ever get a fair investigation then you better get with the times man!

Fool me once shame on you...

[edit on 10-9-2009 by 12.21.12]

Wishful thinking but this isn't the same Kansas we came from Toto.

So I guess you know the truth that 911 was not caused by bin laden and someone in the Pentagon knew very well what was going to happen that morning. I bet they felt guilty enough to actually help some victims.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 11:33 PM
The Pentagon was so poorly built, it is always being retrofitted/improved.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by CaptainAmerica2012

Yeah but everybody knows it was a set up. Everybody who is going to catch on anyways. They are not hiding, they are re-writing and that takes decades to come to fruition. But by the time you and I are dead, they will be telling a fantastic story about it that contains hardly any truth.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by stevegmu

The Pentagon was so poorly built, it is always being retrofitted/improved.

I am sure you will back up your allegations with internet sources or are you spewing your opinions.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by stevegmu

The Pentagon was so poorly built, it is always being retrofitted/improved.

I am sure you will back up your allegations with internet sources or are you spewing your opinions.

I actually read books, have been there numerous times, and know people who work there. I believe the title was something like Pentagon the Untold Story.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by phinubian
he had to have people over here helping him if that was the case and they are the ones to be hunted down

They were hunted down, busted with some pretty damned incriminating evidence... traces of explosives, even a van full of explosives, box cutters, large sums of cash... they were arrested, held for some time and questioned, then amazingly given a free ride home by Dual Citizen Chertoff to find out later they were Israeli Spies and explosives experts who had been following the 'real' terrorists around here for years, posing as Israeli art students and getting into military installations and the like. There was even going to be a expose with Britt Hume on Fox news about it that was pulled off the air in the middle of the series. I am beginning to think Mossad was the culprit, if so then it goes a long way to explaining why we won't ever get the media behind it.
The company was called AMEC that was renovating the wall on the Pentagon also ended up working on the WTC debris, seems I remember reading somewhere that they supposedly had ties to British Intelligence but don't quote me on that. We discussed that on another thread a while back here.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by twitchy]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by stevegmu

The Pentagon was so poorly built, it is always being retrofitted/improved.

I am sure you will back up your allegations with internet sources or are you spewing your opinions.

I actually read books, have been there numerous times, and know people who work there. I believe the title was something like Pentagon the Untold Story.

So, you are only given your opinion nothing more, thanks.
On ATS we like to post facts and sources to prove our allegations, hearsay, and opinions are not facts, they have little value here.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by impressme

They only blast resisted one wedge and it so happens the plane hit that one wedge. Wow. Coincidence, not likely.

2 intelligence agencies knew exactly what was going to happen but the information was not passed on to the people that could of stopped it. Either way the people that could of stopped were to busy looking at 15+ simulated hijacked aircraft blips on their screens during their training exercises taking place on 911.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by stevegmu

The Pentagon was so poorly built, it is always being retrofitted/improved.

I am sure you will back up your allegations with internet sources or are you spewing your opinions.

I actually read books, have been there numerous times, and know people who work there. I believe the title was something like Pentagon the Untold Story.

So, you are only given your opinion nothing more, thanks.
On ATS we like to post facts and sources to prove our allegations, hearsay, and opinions are not facts, they have little value here.

I take it 90% of the posts here should be deleted, then? I guess every professor I have ever had who has said primary sources are far more valuable than, say, Wikipedia, were wrong. I guess you know better.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by CaptainAmerica2012
The fact that Flight 77 did a remarkable turn and also miraculously hit the Pentagon exactly where they just finished blast proofing is not a coincidence. It cant be unless your stupid.

n September 2001, the Pentagon was in the process of being retrofitted to mitigate the dangers presented by (external) bomb blasts. Structurally, the Pentagon was reinforced concrete floors, supported by a reinforced concrete beam and column frame. To form the walls, the spaces between the concrete beams and columns were filled with ordinary bricks and mortar. The outer wall was decorated with a thin limestone facade. Thus the Pentagon was a typically constructed low rise office building. As such, it was dangerous in the event of external bomb blast.

You can find an article on the retrofit here.

There is alot more. Coincidence or planning? You decide

Here is an image

The truth is no matter where the plane hit, or even if it missed all together, you can conjur up some "coincident" that you find hard to believe.

Let's say, just for the hell of it, that the plane missed the Pentagon all together and crashed on the lawn. Then the "coincident" would be that all the other terrorist manage to hit much smaller targets, however, they couldn't hit one of the largest buildings in the world, the conspiracy reasoning would tell you the miss was purposeful to save the headquarters of the "perps" but still evoke popular sympathy.

Coincedence can all be discovered in hindsight. Also, if coincedents never happened there wouldn't be a word for it.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 03:54 PM
The plane hit a couple of weeks old blast/bomb reinforcement wedge. The only wedge to receive such a job. The plane also struck a very empty part of the pentagon.

Why not just nail a bunch of wedges? why crash it in a landing type scenario hitting one wall? Why not just crash it into the white house which was one pull on the yoke away?

Love to hear all the lying drivel. Will right down names and ask questions later.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by twitchy

I do not know why your post does not have a million stars. I gave you one though.

Why do the Israelis get a free pass in everything?

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by stevegmu

I take it 90% of the posts here should be deleted, then? I guess every professor I have ever had who has said primary sources are far more valuable than, say, Wikipedia, were wrong. I guess you know better.

Why would you say 90% of the post? Many posters do post facts with sources to support them. Where do you come up with a number 90% is there a poll on ATS of opinions, verse facts with sources?

ATS is a debate forum not a chat room or here’s my opinions that I call facts because I read some books and that makes me right but, I do not have to post any sources to you so just take my word for it I am right and you are wrong.

People in search of the truth to anything want sources that support the facts. We do not trust hearsay information unless it is an eyewitness to an event that has some creditability to back his or her allegations and in some case that not enough.

As far as Wikipedia, I do NOT depend on it for its truthfulness or it accuracy because anyone can make changes and edit Wikipedia to fit any agenda, it happens all the time.

You talk about your Professor given you valuable sources, that is fine but to us it is hearsay information coming from you, nothing more. I can make up any story and tell you that I know the vice president and he told me it was true, but because I cannot show you, any proof whose to say I am not lying to you.

We just want to see some sources to back up your claims, that all.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by CaptainAmerica2012

If you want to you can create a coincidence about any of the wedges, coincidences are not facts, they are fabrications.

Here is a little coincidence - the father of two brothers, one a cop and one a fireman was a retired cop himself. Both his sons at one time were cops, and they both wore his retired badge # 3436. Both his sons died on 9/11 at the WTC. When they died they were age 34 and 36. Coincidence or conspiracy?

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by hooper
Here is a little coincidence - the father of two brothers, one a cop and one a fireman was a retired cop himself. Both his sons at one time were cops, and they both wore his retired badge # 3436. Both his sons died on 9/11 at the WTC. When they died they were age 34 and 36. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Or completely unrelated and off topic drivel. How many coincidences have to take take place before people like you begin to realize the fallacy of passing everything nefarious off as cooincidence? Was is just a coincidence that Condiliar Rice told Willie brown not to fly commercial aircraft? Was is just coincidence that the bomb sniffing dogs in the WTC were pulled off the job during an unprecedented power down that included security systems? Coincidence that 9-11 took place on the same day of a terrorism exorcise that revolved around fying commercial airliners into landmarks? Coincidence that some guy just suddenly decided to run around cutting up taped conversations between ATC and Pilots? Just coincidence that Mossad and IDF explosive experts were dancing and high fiving each other while they video taped the event? Coincidence that Larry Silverstien said 'pull it', even though there were no fire fighting operations on WTC 7 to pull off the job? Coincidence that Uncle Sam decided to hire a controlled demolition company to clean up the mess, which coincidentally happened to be the same company that was contracted to clean up the Murrah Federal Building? Coincidence that some Odigo employees were told not to go to work that day? Coincidences are the white wash used to cover false flag operations and hide lies as well.
I could type for hours about all the coincidences of that day and it wouldn't make a bit of difference because it's just coincidence that about a hundred and something million other americans just don't buy it either.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by twitchy]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by twitchy

Good post and your right.

Too many coincidences. It is obvious that someone knew something was going to happen at the pentagon or planned it.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by twitchy

Was is just a coincidence that Condiliar Rice told Willie brown not to fly commercial aircraft? Was is just coincidence that the bomb sniffing dogs in the WTC were pulled off the job during an unprecedented power down that included security systems? Coincidence that 9-11 took place on the same day of a terrorism exorcise that revolved around fying commercial airliners into landmarks? Coincidence that some guy just suddenly decided to run around cutting up taped conversations between ATC and Pilots? Just coincidence that Mossad and IDF explosive experts were dancing and high fiving each other while they video taped the event? Coincidence that Larry Silverstien said 'pull it', even though there were no fire fighting operations on WTC 7 to pull off the job? Coincidence that Uncle Sam decided to hire a controlled demolition company to clean up the mess, which coincidentally happened to be the same company that was contracted to clean up the Murrah Federal Building? Coincidence that some Odigo employees were told not to go to work that day?

Is it a coincidence that the majority of the above paragraph is full of falsehoods?? Nope. Thats normally how someone becomes convinced that 9/11 was an "inside job" they read a paragraph like that and believe it.

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