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Smoke free...Day two.

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posted on May, 15 2004 @ 07:25 AM

I recently quit. I ate the crap out of that mexican Lucas candy. It messes up all your tastes and it gave me something to do with my mouth and hands.

posted on May, 15 2004 @ 02:58 PM
Now, the longer you stay off, the more your lungs can heal--and they do heal...
look here:

symptoms of withdrawl for niccotine:

Nicotine is a colorless, odorless, poisonous, organic-based alkaloid in the same family as coc aine, morphine, quinine and strychnine. Although coc aine and heroin both produce powerfully intoxicating illegal highs, governments, experts and studies are now telling us that neither is as "addictive" as nicotine. The one year success rate for those who go through heroin withdrawal is about 20%, whereas with nicotine it�s only 5 to 10%. Except for the type of high experienced and that fact that our stimulant is legal, we truly are drug addicts, just as much as the addicts that fill jails and prisons across the land. Remember this, in 1998 tobacco killed 25 times more Americans than all illegal drugs combined (418,690 to 16,926 - CDC).

Don�t Talk Yourself Into Having Symptoms: is covered
The Effects of Physical Withdrawal: Anxiety, Anger, Irritability, Impatience and Restlessness, Inability to Concentrate or a Foggy Mind, Feeling Tired or Fatigued,Trouble Sleeping or Insomnia, Chest Tightness, Slight Sore Throat , Coughing, Mucus or Nasal Drip, Bad breath or a nasty taste in your mouth, Stomach Pain, Nausea, Constipation or Gas,
Symptoms of Psychological Withdrawal: Cravings, Urges, Yearnings, Desires and Thoughts, Depression & Sadness, Loneliness or Feeling Cooped Up, Increased Appetite or Hunger

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 10:23 AM
Still smoke free and loving it. I'm back in the gym and my mtb is out. Can't wait until I can ride hard without getting winded. I appreciate the help and those horrible pictures of what my lungs may look like. Thanks for scaring the # ot of me. lol To those who think it's too hard.. just stick with it for a week and it gets much easier after that. Whats really nice is that I convinced a friend of mine to quit also. We are competative and now he must also cause I told him he hasn't got the strength to do it and now he's proving me wrong. I love using reverse psychology on

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 10:42 AM
Congratulations. June 5th (the day before D-Day_ this year will mark 4 Years(!) since I quit. I had smoked the previous nine. One of the best decisions I've ever made for my health. I used the Patch for 3 weeks and then just body wanted nicotine out of its system.
The best advice I heard about quitting was to, "put the smokes down, and then don't pick em up." Quaint but effective.

On the down side...I did put 50 pounds of weight on. Its come down recently this last year so I suggest staying active and watching what you eat.
Ive also found myself getting sicker than I used to but that also appears to be improving. Make sure and get you lungs x-ray'd within the first 6 months after you quit. Take herbal supliments to help rebuild your immune system.
Ive heard that your lungs really hit that "healing" stretch between 4 and 7 years. I'm looking forward to it.

In my opinion, its a great decision to quit. I found the woman I wanted to marry, and choose to have a LONG HEALTHY life for her, myself, my kids to come and their kids to come.



posted on May, 23 2004 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by I See You
Still smoke free and loving it.

Kudos ISY.
Food tastes like food. Flowers smell like flowers. I gave up 14yrs ago.

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 06:59 PM
I keep quitting, then know the drill.
I am VERY determined this time.........its a COLD TURKEY event, and I am ok....VERY ok, so far.
I do have that SMOKE AWAY system, so if I get feeling NOT so ok, I will break that out and use it. I guess there are some all natural pills, and some aroma therapy scent.......I dunno, Ive never even LOOKED at the stuff. (shows ya HOW determined Ive been to KEEP on smoking) Its differant THIS time though.......
'THINGS' have happened to me that make me WANT to raise my viberatory frequency very VERY much. And I believe that smoking keeps my rate DOWN, very from now on? no more smoking! I am cleaning up my body so the higher vibration can resonate within me. I CAN do this, for I am personally WAY WAY stronger than the tobacco company add campaignes. I am WAY stringer than nicotine......I will NOT give in again.

day 6 now.......I am fine. I wont give in again. I have finally taken my power back.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 12:22 AM
Congratulations on your progress!!!!! I quit December 31, 2002 and haven't had a cigarette since. I started smoking in 1970. Although the first few weeks were pretty rough, I began to feel better physically. I had to approch my nicotine habit just as you would approach any day at a time ....blah blah blah. I still drink my coffee and can be around smokers without an immense craving. In fact, I've now gotten to the point...finally...where the smell of smoke is repulsive rather than alluring.
However, I know that I have to still take it a day at a time. The only time I've truly been tempted, after the first few months, was when I was in a huge fight with my husband. It was one of those yelling things where I slammed out of the house and drove off. The thought hit me: hmmmmm....I need a cigarette now. Didn't do it. Why hurt myself just because I was p***** at DH. So, I drove home, we made up and I was really glad I didn't smoke.
Hang in there. It DOES get easier.
Good luck and congratulations.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 05:15 PM
I quit Nov 26 03 and not one since. I smoked for 14 years. Im exercising as well mainly to lose the 30 pounds I gained heh. It was worth it though. One sensation that I do not hear others talk about is I now seem to have an over all warmth to my skin as in I can feel it especially when I get hot exercising. I do not remeber what my skin felt like before but it is a somewhat pleasant sensation that I did not have during my 14 years of smoking.

Sadly though my mother quit smoking 11 years ago and just last month found out she has terminal lung cancer. All I can say is it is never to early to quit. In fact I may have allready done the damage that may catch up to me 10-20 years from now. I can only hope I quit in time..

I still occasionally think about grabing a smoke out of thin air, but at least the starving for a smoke feeling does not happen. I tried quiting several times Id say 10 or 20 times and each time I found I lasted longer going cold turkey. After 3 days of cold turkey I found that the hard cravings deminished quickly after that so if you can push your self for 3-4 days you can probably make it.

I highly recommend just throwing them out and think to yourself never again. I have control and nothing or no one is more powerfull than me. I will let nothing control my life.

Good luck to all you quiters.

[Edited on 24-5-2004 by Xeven]

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 05:52 PM
It's easy to quit - I've done it dozens of times.

I gave up a lifetime (since age 16) drinking and smoking (two packs per day) habit cold turkey over a year ago. It has to come from within. Lozenges, patches work for some people..whatever works for you.

I remember on every one of my failed attempts, I couldn't wait to tell my work chums that I had conquered one more day. Looking back on it, I realize that I wasn't ready to give them up yet - the fact that I had to tell someone just showed that it was still heavy on my mind. But that was just me.

I still enjoy a contact buzz from second hand smoke. Doesn't bother me at all.

When you finally do quit for good, you'll be amazed at the cost savings. I would throw the money I saved into a bean pot - it filled up nicely. Now I use the savings from one half a day to finance my retirement - playing the weekly lottery.

Good luck to ya!

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