posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 05:21 AM
On TVs MSNBC, a remark was made (5:30 AM eastern time USA) on this date that Hillary our Secretary of State has made claims that Pakistan has been
hiding O. bin Laden.
heres a 'Dallas' newspaper article:
Title & date:
Clinton says Pakistan should have intelligence on al-Qaeda leaders
Dallas Sun
Friday 30th October, 2009
....During her press conference she was asked why Pakistan was being seen as the centre of al-Qaeda terrorism.
She said as far as she knew the masterminds of the al-Qaeda terrorist syndicate had been living in Pakistan safe havens since 2002
SoS Clinton, is actually just letting 'the cat out of the bag'... because there were indications that AQ leadership was in Pakistan all along
(including during the Clinton Regime), & just visited training camps in Afghanistan for a fortnight of 'roughing it' with the volunteer jihadists in
those spartan camps.... so HRC is not Quitting nor Dumping on the Obama regime, She's just deflating future criticisims against her husband &
now, what other indications that OBL was actually in Pakistan?
~a guy called
viktor ~ as he said to friends & acquaintences back in 1975~ish, that a leader of the zealot Arabs [turned out to be AQ] ...
a man with the name sounding like
'Landis', would be somehow linked with Pakistan,
-either as a resident or as a citizen even though he was an Arab.
Also, that this
'Landis' person/leader would be blamed for the terrorist acts against the USA in DC & NYC.... which would not be true
"Landis" in contrast to 'Laden' least a decade before bin Laden came onto the CIA watch list, and having the slightly unnatural connection
between an Arab & Pakistan, where OBL & AQ leadership had safe-haven