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O'reilly: Charlie Sheen "pinhead" for demanding new 9/11 investigation in Alex Jones interview.

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posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 03:24 PM
Bill's steps to interview guests on his show.

Step 1) Make claims that have some truth but he adds his bits and parts
2) Make more of these claims to back himself up while cutting them off in a middle of a sentence
3) Get louder than the guest he is speaking to
4) Call them a pinhead and other names
5) Cut their mic

The man is a raging moron.

[edit on 10-9-2009 by LeTan]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
Can someone refresh my memory ...

Is Bill O'Reilly being the voice of reason in this county the second or third horseman?

I'd like to plan accordingly.

In fact he is the white horse's ass, not the rider.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 03:51 PM
Didn't he host "inside edition" for quite awhile back in the 80's 90's?

Wasn't inside edition a gossip and sensationalized news show like hard copy and a current affair?

This sounds more or less the same type of commentary he did back then. For the record I do not get FOX where I am, so I have never seen his show.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by end of
here it is

[edit on 10-9-2009 by end of]

Thanks for putting up the video end of! I would add it to the OP but for some reason I cannot edit the post now.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:01 PM
It's actually refreshing to see someone in the media speaking out against the 9/11 Truther nuts.

To be fair and balanced, O'Reilly has never had anything nice to say about "birthers" either.

As a Conservative, O'Reilly bugs me some times with his moderate views, but he is definately worth watching.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

Thruther nuts indeed. I challenge you do discredidt the work and not tha author. I will be eagerly awaiting your response, which will undoubtedly yeild no scientific evidence.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by jprophet420

It's "discredit" "the" and "yield".

I agree with O'Reilly on the truthers and disagree with him on the birthers, and I liked Charlie Sheen in Major League.

That's about all I have to say about that.

[edit on 10-9-2009 by RRconservative]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:50 PM
I personally believe Bill O'Reilly is the biggest biggot, ignorant and stupid MSM host there may be. This man is so harshly one-sided and refuses to admit to saying anything wrong, doing anything wrong and etc. but will criticize everyone and anyone he can. This man is a pedantic fool. Funny how he always has time to say "C'mon in and stop by the Reilly store- we got new items."

Bill O'reilly is the face of idiocracy. Regarding the Charlie Sheen sheet...I disagree completely. Who wouldn't want another and this time THOROUGH investigation of 9-11? How anti-American can you be?

What American wouldn't want another investigation on the day that thousands of innocent Americans lost their lives. I call b.s.
Charlie Sheen is actually a respectable activist. He's doing something beneficial for us all and theres plenty of ignorant sheeple against him. So be it. I don't know anyone besides the senile elderly (sorry for any out there) that even watch this man.

This man is another man behind cameras than he is in front I assure you. Go to youtube. Type in Bill O'Reilly. See what comes up. Old and new clips will shock you. This man has neither a soul or a brain.

[edit on 9/10/2009 by AceOfAces]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
It's actually refreshing to see someone in the media speaking out against the 9/11 Truther nuts.

To be fair and balanced, O'Reilly has never had anything nice to say about "birthers" either.

As a Conservative, O'Reilly bugs me some times with his moderate views, but he is definately worth watching.

Dick, you have a heart condition. Don't get yourself all riled up. You know Fox won't even try and uncover the truth. So why don't you grab a six pack and go quail hunting--it'll make you feel better.

I kid, I kid.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 06:39 PM
and guys

what about youtube

since 5 minutes this video was annouced ... it stopped counting the views ...

is this a BUG? or is this a conspiracy? man ... so many people saw this video

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 06:55 PM
Here's Billy boys site
I sugest that we leave him comment .
Like I have said before the media is one of Americas biggest enemys/let downs.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Grayelf2009
Here's Billy boys site
I sugest that we leave him comment .
Like I have said before the media is one of Americas biggest enemys/let downs.

Very good!

We should leave a comment and make it respectful and tell him that he ought to put Alex Jones on his show to defend himself over the pinhead comment as he does other folks he has disparaged or called "pinheads"

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

friend no more

conspiracy nuts!!!!

thank you,proud to be one

take your o'reilly sunglasses off


posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by huntergatherer

It is difficult for Republicans that really love "America" to separate America from the government officials they elected. George Bush and Cheney said all of the "I love America" stuff they wanted to hear, and they had all of the red, white, and blue images beside images of soldiers and it made people feel "proud". It is hard to divorce from that.

I love my country and want it to be that same nation that wrote the Declaration of Independent and the Constitution. I want it to be a nation that even in a civil war could eloquently call upon its "better angels".

Democrat, your neighborhood, they may in fact be different. I mean, they must be. They've been brainwashed by the same people that can make you buy restless leg medicine and Big City Sliders. You want what they're selling.

Unfortunately, they are selling discord.

On a brighter note! Did you see the YouTube hits????

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:36 PM

I find your post highly offensive. Advocating the killing of anyone, let alone those mean mean men you so dislike is quite disturbing.

The problem with your movement is the fact you do not have nearly enough "followers" to invoke this change or in your case the killing of your perceived opposition. Sure you've got a couple of crack-pot celebs, Alex Jones, and these CIT folks leading the crusade. I'd say you may want to look at your leadership structure first.

So then you should be outright pissed at this war.

I guess the warmmongers had enough followers to do it.

How did they get that support again?

Ahh yes, thousands of deaths. You may also want to look at your leader ship structure, and also your personal belief system. With over a million people dead and counting, you must be super pissed.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420

I find your post highly offensive. Advocating the killing of anyone, let alone those mean mean men you so dislike is quite disturbing.

The problem with your movement is the fact you do not have nearly enough "followers" to invoke this change or in your case the killing of your perceived opposition. Sure you've got a couple of crack-pot celebs, Alex Jones, and these CIT folks leading the crusade. I'd say you may want to look at your leadership structure first.

So then you should be outright pissed at this war.

I guess the warmmongers had enough followers to do it.

How did they get that support again?

Ahh yes, thousands of deaths. You may also want to look at your leader ship structure, and also your personal belief system. With over a million people dead and counting, you must be super pissed.

Okay, before I get all serious I gotsta say "DAYUM"!

That was one of the best retorts ever! My feelings exactly. The last fifteen years have destroyed our economy, our sense of togetherness, our will...these "leaders" we keep electing have done nothing but drive us into ruin, meanwhile as we bicker down here in peonville over "left" and "right" they are up there having cocktail parties with each other and sipping martinis on Martha's Vineyard. If Bill Clinton was such a reprobate and man of bad character (according to Bush Sr) then why does he hang out with them at Kennebunkport? If our dear Speaker hated Bush then why did she go to his birthday party?

It is a ruse!

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Grayelf2009
Here's Billy boys site
I sugest that we leave him comment .
Like I have said before the media is one of Americas biggest enemys/let downs.

That's actually a good idea, star!
Tho I'm not sure how much good it would do. I doubt he would interview AJ but it would be good entertainment!

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420

I guess the warmmongers had enough followers to do it.

How did they get that support again?

Ahh yes, thousands of deaths. You may also want to look at your leader ship structure, and also your personal belief system. With over a million people dead and counting, you must be super pissed.

The support for the war on terrorism was approved and funded by the house and then the senate. Both houses were democratic majorities. This is usually a little tid-bit the left likes to omit.

War is a terrible and ugly thing. I must remind you though, the only reason you're typing away on your comp is a direct result of war. I'm assuming you are American when I state that your independence and freedom to regurcitate bullet points comes to you by way of wars.

The U.S. broke free from England by taking up arms. Not talking about it. Remember? The liberation and freedom brought to 50 million fellow humans seems to be a moot point to a person with your thought process.

And finally, all the europeans with short term memory should also realize their freedoms and liberties have also been brought about by the ugliness of wars.

So thanks for tossing up the softball it was easy to hit.


[edit on 11-9-2009 by Becker44]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by Becker44

Originally posted by jprophet420

I guess the warmmongers had enough followers to do it.

How did they get that support again?

Ahh yes, thousands of deaths. You may also want to look at your leader ship structure, and also your personal belief system. With over a million people dead and counting, you must be super pissed.

The support for the war on terrorism was approved and funded by the house and then the senate. Both houses were democratic majorities. This is usually a little tid-bit the left likes to omit.

War is a terrible and ugly thing. I must remind you though, the only reason you're typing away on your comp is a direct result of war.

Actually, what you just said is what is called in debate tactics a "logical fallacy". Where the individual lives, how his family got here, or even what would have happened if the colonials had not gone to war would need to all be factored in to make that statement true.

Did Australia rise up against England and fight them off their soil? And yet, they all have Internet access, too.

We don't know that we're all alive because of war because we never got the chance to see what would have happened any other way.

It's all supposition.

I'm assuming you are American when I state that your independence and freedom to regurcitate bullet points comes to you by way of wars.

Perhaps you shouldn't?

The U.S. broke free from England by taking up arms. Not talking about it. Remember?

Again, we don't know what would have happened had we gone Canada's route with England. We also don't know what would happen if we used diplomacy correctly throughout history because we always use it too little, too late to be effective. We're passive aggressive warmongers.

The liberation and freedom brought to 50 million fellow humans seems to be a moot point to a person with your thought process.

I don't think the colonies had 50 million people in them. If you are speaking of Iraq we tore down a dictator who used brutality to keep all the various factions in check. How many have died since we took over? Actually, I won't ask you that because we play with the numbers.

And finally, all the europeans with short term memory should also realize their freedoms and liberties have also been brought about by the ugliness of wars.
What? They almost lost their freedom because of war, some did lose it, and it was regained because of war, and that is the point. War begats war.

If you want to talk WWII then let's be fair and also talk the Treaty of Versailles. It is no surprise given what happened during WWI and then what Europe imposed on Germany rather than use Wilson's 14 points.

So thanks for tossing up the softball it was easy to hit.

You may have hit it back, but I think your ball went foul.


[edit on 11-9-2009 by Becker44]

[edit on 11-9-2009 by A Fortiori]

[edit on 11-9-2009 by A Fortiori]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 10:09 AM
Alex Jones answer to O'reilly's pinhead comment


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